
Chapter 201 Before the Royal Palace


Prince Bilad pointed to Ruta and wanted to rush forward to strangle him, and then tore his meat and his blood.

It turned out that everything just now was to delay time so that people can inform their second brother, the man who is most likely to become king,


Ruta glanced at him, and his eyes were extremely contemptuous:

"Please pay attention to your words, Your Highness, or your majesty will punish your mother's confinement again."

After saying that, without looking at Pila's angry white face, he bowed to the young prince who came by and said:

"Your Highness Ale, please allow me to introduce this..."

"No, no, no, don't rush to introduce,"

After the initial shock (in fact, Ruta secretly hit him with courage), he stepped forward enthusiastically and excitedly:

"Let me guess that such a beautiful woman must be the famous Miss Alan in Ulanto overnight."

According to Ulanto's rules, a woman can be called Mrs. XX after the engagement, but whether it is Pilad, Ruta or the latest Prince Ale, no one calls this woman Mrs. Schumacher. It seems that there is no such person in the world.

Alan looked at these people performing palace dramas in front of him that had never changed for thousands of years, but there was a decision in his heart.

At the beginning, I only knew a little memory that belonged to me in a hurry with Count Schumacher, but that memory obviously seemed to be fabricated. Although many details were very real, it was the clear truth that made Ellan suspicious.

Because many people can't remember many details in life. The ability to cover the rain has nothing to do with it. It is purely a human instinct. If it can't be done, even if it is capable.

However, in Schumacher's memory, those memories are too clear, just like what just happened, which is really abnormal.

A person will have errors in their own memory, not to mention their memory?

Although Alan has lost his memory, intelligence is a power that belongs to the brain itself and is not affected by memory.

It's like the words in a book have been erased, but the quality of the book is still there, and the sheepskin is still paper. This will not change.

And what puzzles Elan most is that the sealed memory in Schumacher's memory has an intuition that that memory is a secret involving her real identity, but looking at the power spent on that seal, those people must not want to know it.

There is even a way to completely erase that fast memory in order to hide yourself. So in the past year, Alan didn't do anything at all.

is just constantly feeling your own power and digging out those powerful things to make yourself more dynamic.

As a strong man, she has a very direct feeling that Schumacher and his two powerful men have been sitting beside her for the past year.

The most critical point is to do it on yourself in these two days, putting yourself in a situation that you absolutely don't want to face.

So after agreeing to Schumacher's proposal, Elan suddenly "goes" out again. Although he hasn't changed any decision, as long as he is not there, it must make many things and designs difficult to proceed.

As for how long such behavior can last, she doesn't care much, because the familiar taste is getting closer and closer.

But in order to avoid Schumacher's obstruction, Ellen decided to go to the palace that seemed to be feared by Schumacher (Ellen is not very clear about Schumacher's usurpation conspiracy.).

Looking at the two princes in front of him, Ellen has a clear decision in his heart. Anyway, he won't see them soon. Why bother him? Maybe he won't like the familiar taste?

Thinking of this, Alan smiled at Prince Alai, nodded in return, and also admitted Alain's speculation, although that speculation was very boring.

A beautiful woman has a charming smile, no, she has a beautiful woman.

Alle and Pelade were demented at this time, and even Ruta's power was moved.

Suddenly, there is an idea of killing everyone and monopolizing this woman. As soon as this idea comes out, there is an irrepressible impulse. If it weren't for the extremely strong self-control power, I'm afraid it's really hard to say.

Everyone at the scene was looking at Prince Alai with envy and hatred, hoping to kill him immediately and replace him. As for Pila, his eyes were red, and his blood vessels bulged from his forehead and beat violently.

Early in the morning, I finally found the woman who had an impact on the fate of my country. Then, at the palace gate, the close carriageman and bodyguard were killed, and my carriage was cut into pieces. The key figure I worked hard to find became the credit of others. That person still often bullied me and his mother and his concubine. The second prince Ale.

Life has never been as awkward as this moment, but at this time, except for this, I suddenly found that I couldn't do anything.

There is not only one behind the second prince Alai. The other pseudo-power appeared beside Pila, making his body unable to move except for his eyes, and his voice and movements did not belong to him.

On the other side, Prince Alai was simply sitting at home and was smashed by the pie falling from the sky.

Allan's kind words were really more than he expected. Although he was vaguely worried about whether it would be a conspiracy of the earldom, judging from the jumping reaction of the earldom, it should not be.

Moreover, looking at the woman who is no more than five meters away from her own power shield Ruta, without the power mage, she can be arrogant to the power warrior.

Obviously, he didn't know that this woman was capable.

So, did you sincerely invite this woman to go to her place? However, before he could speak, Alley thought of the lustful king in the palace and immediately decided to take this woman to his house.

He quickly made a decision in his heart, and then Alai winped at Ruta, who nodded to show his understanding.

"Then respect Miss Venerable Magic, oh, I don't know if I can call you Miss Elan. In my opinion, your charm comes from your beautiful and graceful name rather than the long and noble name."

The prince dug his mind and constructed gorgeous words. Although this was his course, he had almost forgotten how to please women after accepting the self-recommendation of those women for a long time.

Alan nodded, I don't know if it's possible.

Alle immediately thought that this was the meaning of recognition:

"Oh, beautiful Miss Ellen, I think you haven't had breakfast yet. My house has prepared the most delicious meal. Although they are not as beautiful as you, I think you may think they are also very distinctive."

"You are the second person to invite me to breakfast. I hope there will be no third one, otherwise I will be very embarrassed." Alan smiled and seemed to think of something interesting.

The cold woman who had always been frosty suddenly became so cheerful and bright. Even Ruta felt that his heartbeat began to be uncontrollable, and there was even an impulse to snatch the woman and then see the sun.

Unfortunately, even if there are no other concerns, the woman's own strength will make him spit blood.

"The third?"

Prince Alai was stunned for a moment, and then said arrogantly:

"You can rest assured that there will be no prince who has more power to invite you than me in Urantor."


Alan smiled,

"Is the prince..."

Alai was suddenly speechless. In addition to the prince, there was also a king.

Even a few particularly powerful princes and ministers are not what they can face now, and if a father comes after a while, he may not be able to save such an opportunity.

But things are often just right. Just as Alain was about to ask Alan to board the car to his house, more than a dozen king horses rushed out of the palace explained the situation.

It is not surprising that there will be a king around every prince, but fortunately, Mali, the first pioneers who came this time, did not have special abilities, so Prince Alai still has a little time.

Of course, that's when Alan doesn't object.

Ruta pretended to arrange a huge illusion, which was originally the ability of the mage, but it was not too difficult for the most capable heroes at the level of law. After all, the goal is just a group of heroes.

Looking at the group of people rushing to Prince Alai's house without squint, Alai laughed at himself helplessly at Alan:

"It seems that your charm is unstoppable in Ulanto."

"Is that right? So where should I get my breakfast? I still have a wedding to attend?

Ailan lightly mentioned the issue that the whole Uranto people were most concerned about. If it weren't for the informed person, others would probably think that she was going to attend a friend's wedding.


Alai, who was not sure what she meant for a moment, did not answer the second half of Alan's words, but said in a blink of an eye:

"Then go to the Alai Tavern in Wangdu, which is my industry. Although breakfast is generally not provided there, you are a special exception."

"It's okay."

After Elan said the words that shocked these people, there was no other amazing move.

"I haven't been out for a long time. If it's not far, I hope I can walk there."

Alan said flatly. However, listening to other people's ears, there is a feeling that she has the intention to make Ulanto uncomfortable.

But who would refuse?

In addition to the status of an extremely capable mage, even the unparalleled face is enough to make the lame willing to walk on Huajie with her.

........................Alan, what are you going to do? I have smelled the smell of arrogance............ Maybe it's because there are too few red tickets........................