
Chapter 202 Amazing all the way

Fortunately, the prince is not without a solution. Ruta and several other pseudo-powers are his people. These people vaguely circled Alai and Elaner, and then twisted the light and shadow between them, so that outsiders can't see the woman's figure, just thinking that the prince is going out today.

Naturally, such a move can't be concealed by Alan, but she didn't say anything about it, as if these people were doing it normally.

Along the way, Prince Ale kept introducing everything about Ulanto to Elan. As for the peripheral pseudo-power and the mighty warrior Ruta, he rudely pushed away any passer-by who dared to block the way.

I thought that such a domineering behavior would cause the woman's dissatisfaction, but after careful observation, Alai found that the woman had nothing to say to the people who were rudely pushed away.

Even saw several of them dodging and bumping into other people, and fighting with each other without doing anything to stop them, which made him more and more suspicious of the origin of this peerless woman.

"Bright, I don't know if an amazing mage like Alan is taught by that famous teacher. If there is a chance, I also hope to become a magical mage like Miss Alan."


"How long has Miss Ellan become a great mage? I don't know if she can have her own title? I heard that every capable mage is a person with unparalleled achievements in their respective fields. Miss Alan's achievements are related to ice and snow.


"How is Miss Alan's family? Have you considered our plan to stay in Ulan for a period of time?






Along the way, Prince Alai kept testing Ailan, but Ailan was two words from beginning to end - "he".

This attitude made him extremely crazy, and even in the end, Prince Alai asked gaffe:

"I don't know what kind of person Count Schumacher is in Miss Elan's eyes?"

After asking this sentence, Prince Alai regretted it. If this sentence reminded her that she was the person who was going to get married today, wouldn't it be very bad?

Even his power and pseudo-power who followed him were quietly alerted at this time, for fear that this woman would fight if she didn't agree.

Sure enough, Alan turned his face and looked carefully at Prince Ale. Knowing that this was the woman's unhappy gaze, Prince Alai was still attracted by the charming look and his heart beat extremely.

"Ha ha."

has one more word.


When I finally arrived at the Alley pub, Alley still didn't get any valuable news from this woman.

However, the only fortunate thing is that it seems that this woman is not as much as everyone thinks about Count Schumacher. Ale even speculated that perhaps Schumacher's hasty announcement of this wedding was also related to this matter.

Prince Ale is very interested in adding a little block to Count Schumacher, relying on these power men to distort the sound, light and shadow all the way.

So, until Alai came to his own pub, no passer-by saw Ellen.

As for the place of the palace gate, because part of the palace guard formation had been spontaneously opened when the dispute was first started, the spies outside would only think that the woman had entered the palace, instead of following Prince Alai to his place.

Although at this deadly moment, such news can't stop people.

But after all, the royal palace is not the earl's palace. It may not be difficult for the spies in those palaces to get the news, but it is difficult to spread them out without exposure, especially at this ** moment.

Besides, even if the count or his father knew that Alan had followed him, how did he think that he followed him to the Alle Tavern, not the house?

There are many industries of Alai and other princes and nobles in Wangdu, which are generally habitually named "xx Prince Tavern", "xx Prince Hotel" and "xx Prince Blacksmith Shop". As for those who do not bring the word "Prince", they are basically opened by other people, such as those who are also called "xx". .

However, this Alai pub is an exception.

In order to better prevent those people from finding him, Alai has sent people to prepare countless backhands. In short, even if everything goes well, it will definitely be too late when Count Schumacher can see his "fiancee".

In Ulanto, the wedding must start before noon, otherwise it will be regarded as ominous. Ale believed that since the count had the intention to seize that seat, he would naturally be extremely afraid of those things.

Especially in this world, people believe in that thing.

After asking those great people to set up a vision on the top floor of the tavern, Alai began a wonderful breakfast with Schumacher's fiancee.

All his behaviors were not hidden from the woman, but what puzzled him in particular was that the woman neither agreed nor objected.

If it hadn't been for the horrible scene of the broken carriage he saw at the gate of the palace at first, he would have almost doubted whether his men had fooled him. Is this woman really the person who holds that strange power?

God gave her such a powerful power and invincible appearance. Prince Alai suddenly thought of this and looked at this woman uncertainly. Could her existence be more horrible than everyone thought?

How can God allow such a unique person to exist in the world? Too many good things are blessed on a person, often not a blessing, but a curse.

Even if the man's arms are strong and strong, if the greed caused by the treasure in his hand exceeds deterrence, there will inevitably be countless conspiracies and looting on the warrior.

A woman has such a face and a peerless face. If God didn't deliberately create a tragedy, then there must be some fate waiting for this woman. Obviously, this fate is not what she can bear as a prince of the Ulanto kingdom.

From this point of view, in fact, this Alai and the Prince of Pilates are the same people. They have desires in their hearts, but they can see their own traces from it. They can see clearly what should not be contaminated by themselves.

And this is an inevitable condition for people who achieve great things - they have desire, but they can distinguish the essence and scale of desire, and are not threatened by desire. This is not a talent, but it is better than talent.

Since Prince Alai thought of this in his heart, he did not look at Alan's charming face. He adjusted his actions, turned his sideways to Alan and looked at the street downstairs.

It's better not to meet each other directly than to leave a deep impression and sadness in your heart. Just like that unknown ballad:

"If you don't want to see each other, you can not fall in love."

Unfortunately, there are always some exceptions. Prince Alai is a person who has the intention to control the kingdom artifact. Although the woman in front of him may have incredible help to him, since he is sure that it is not his own thing, the prince's will is not in this matter.

However, a smile at the corners of his mouth exposed his real situation. How can such a woman be forgotten?

Looking at the lively eyes of the crowd downstairs, they always lean uncontrollably to one side. The elegance, gracefulness and innocence revealed in each move are extremely harmoniously fused with the two contradictions of simplicity and depth, like twins.

Maybe he put down the burden in his heart, or maybe the little wine he drank exerted full strength in front of the beauty, so Prince Alai's words suddenly became a little drunk and presumptuous:

"Miss Elan, your appearance is really harmful to the world. If you hadn't had such a strong power, I would have been thinking about what kind of tragedy a weak you would be in the world.

This time, Alan seemed to have no more "hehe" like before. After a slight silence, Alan said calmly and firmly:

"I think there will be a man who will be my everything, and he will cover everything for me."

This sentence brought a great shock to all the men present. No one would have thought that this woman had such an idea in her heart.

But then Ellan's words surprised these people so that they almost dug out their ears to see if there were any accidents inside.

"That man is about to appear today, and I can already smell his breath, so magnanimous and great. I will be his most loyal servant and assist him with the little things in his life.

Alai almost lost his temper and shouted:

"That man must not be Schumacher's bastard!"

Alan looked at him strangely, but Prince Alai sat down a little embarrassedly.

"I'm sorry, I'm out of position. In fact, I just think Schumacher is too hypocritical and pretentious. Don't go with him. It's really more sad than inserting flowers into cow dung."


Ellen listened to his words and immediately laughed. Allyton felt very interesting. The woman was not angry at all when she belittled Schumacher so much. It seemed that Schumacher was not at all said in the eyes of this woman.

However, before he had said anything more, Alan suddenly choked Prince Ale's voice almost choked.

"What about that flower on your head?"

"That's my cow..." Alai opened his mouth without thinking,

"Ah! "Cough, cough!"

Ruta, the powerhouse, reacted at the first time, coughed violently, and then Alai reacted and said to Alan with an embarrassed face:

"Hey! Beautiful lady, although you are very powerful, if you are burying me like this, I will fight with you!"

Alan rolled his eyes, and this charming action took away a man's soul again. Qianyu pointed to the downstairs:

"Duel, okay, the person who is going to duel with you is coming!"

.................................... Fight if you don't give the red ticket. You can watch it halfway. Tonight, it's in the first district of Jiangsu. Who will do it? ............Oh, there is another update............