
Chapter 268 Continue to play black

However, from the current situation, it seems that there is no need to care about this at all, because once it occupies the legacy of the ancient Erun, the upper upper grid of the low-level god is all scum, even if the main god comes.

It's like a beggar once he gets a nuclear bomb button in his hand, even if the president comes, he can speak up straight. Otherwise, according to the normal development trend, I'm afraid he will be just a small village head until he dies.

However, some things have been accompanied for tens of thousands of years and cannot be changed in a while. For a long time, before he met this elf world, this dark demon king thought that he would continue to cultivate his low-level deity, and wait until he has the strength of the middle god before going to that place to seek opportunities.

It's just that he completely changed his plan in this year in the elf world, but the unclear anger when he was hurt by Mora made him immediately kill him desperately!

There was no fist and kicking these human movements at all. The dark energy of his whole body turned into pieces of malignant corrosive energy and devouring energy and rushed towards Mora. Under the influence of his angry will, these forces all turned into horrible and ferocious beasts. If each strange beast falls into the world, it can be given a A calm town brings devastating suffering.

Deep darkness, endless sinking, the murderous spirit of strangling the soul, the fraud of the heart, countless foreign beasts and monsters rushed to kill on the armor of the middle god outside Mora.

No matter how horrible the anger of the lower god was, it could not affect the middle god. These forces impacted Mora's body and soon turned into a faint gray fog and melted into the air without causing much impact on Mora.

However, the divine power without a divine character and the divine power with a divine character are different, just like the effect of aircraft gasoline installed in a tractor is different from that installed in an airplane.

After Mora's body shook, his face was also much whiter. Although his eyes were not golden, there was a lot of delay in controlling his body, which was the result of the violent shock of the nerve reflex arc. If he was an ordinary person, he was afraid that his whole body would lie down on the ground and twitch.

After the outbreak of a circle of angry dark forces, the dark god's mood suddenly calmed down, and then he remembered the main purpose of his elf world and suddenly became dumb.

When he was about to attack and kill the white tiger, a roaring sound instantly made his eyes extremely gloomy, as if dripping water.

The dark energy around the strong man who attacked him spread away as if it had been blown away by a gust of wind, and the energy with his dark will turned into a meaningless gray fog, drifting away from the human strong man.

"Middle divine power!"

The dark demon king's eyes seemed to eat people and stared at Mora. At that moment, he felt that his ruthless and cold dark heart was as desperate, angry and humiliated as if he had been set up by angels with some seasonings to the sacred flame for barbecue.

After working hard for most of the day and even taking advantage of my dark energy savings of nearly ten thousand years, is it just such an ending? Make wedding clothes for others?! The Dark Demon King couldn't wait to eat his eyes, because what he saw made his soul tremble, but before that, he had to bite this bastard with a bite of meat!!!

Mora stared nervously at the dark demon king. Compared with the demon split in the abyss he met in those years, at that time, he was completely dependent on the protection of the supreme to cove the demon split at that moment when he was not capable. Now In the face of a low-level god, and even using the power of the superior god, he actually couldn't cause a devastating blow to him. In those years, I really didn't know how to survive.

If God also has breathing organs, we can describe this dark demon king, who looks at Mora with hatred and hatred like a cow, as if he can't rest assured without biting his flesh.

The dark resurrection altar is indeed a very strange treasure. Just when the dark demon king gasped and hesitated and was at a loss, the dark resurrection altar gave him the greatest faith!


"Hahaha, it turns out that you are just a lucky boy who has obtained the middle divine power. You have neither the protection of a god nor a believer in a god, and it's just that human beings are not gods, and they dare to stop me!!!"

"Miscellaneous! I want you to live forever! Sink into my dark world forever! I want to..."

Without finishing his words, the dark resurrection altar suddenly tightened, and a certain idea belonging to the altar was conveyed to this dark god who was a little bearish because of the power and violence. Instead of talking nonsense with Mora, he directly stretched out his hand to draw a circle of strong dark power, trying to stop Mora there.

For the current dark demon king, everything is a floating cloud, and only the body of the ancient Elune is the king. If he finds that the white tiger has awakened after destroying Mora, he will commit suicide.

With the reminder of the dark altar, the Dark Demon King was not talking with Mora. After coldly giving Mora a disdainful look, he immediately decided to trap him first.

Morah did not expect that the dark demon king, who had fallen into so much violence that his mind was confused, could wake up and his eyes passed by the dark resurrection altar. Although Mora did not know that it was the dark altar, the strange power did not hide his prophetic touch.

Hmm? Can't the power of the prophet find this?

Strangely, it seems that this armor is the master of this dark demon king. Even after unconsciously influencing him, the dark demon king himself did not find that everything had actually gone out of shape.

After the dark demon king trapped Mora with the divine power and divine control, Mora just silently remembered the strangeness of the dark armor, but there was no time to think about the strangeness of the dark armor.

Now we must stop the dark god. The rest are secondary, and isn't this a long-awaited opportunity?

An idea is conceived in Mora's will, and then sprouts and grows quickly like a seed on the ground, and even grows into a towering tree.

This process happened in my heart, so in just a moment, an extremely bright and white mysterious existence appeared above Mora's head.

"Ah no!——-kill!————"

Extreme resentment and murderous spirit burst out of the dark demon king. Looking at that, there is no way to eliminate his anger without chewing Mora in his mouth for a million years. Ao——

....................29 days, 300,000 words, I never thought I would have such madness, and maybe it will be difficult to have it again in the future. However, I wrote it and insisted. It's really tiring to get to this point! In the future, when I see those aunts writing more slowly, I won't talk about them. It's really sad to write books. Fortunately, I have few readers, but the writing is a little poor, and few people come to scold me, hehehe. Next month, in the recommended days, there will be no five update, change it to three update, and then stick to 5,000 words a day, 10,000 words, people are too tired, and the book can't maintain the quality. By the saying, there is no quality, hey hey hey. Finally, everyone had a good time in January. If you have a vote, cast a vote (if you don't think it's good, you can vote for it, but don't curse). If the bookshelf is still empty, just give it a collection, just take it back for contraception, and the effect is great! ( Of course, do you still use a condom for safety, hahahaha). As for the rest, it's up to you. Bye, see you tomorrow............................................