
Chapter 269 Three Fights Black

....................I just remembered today that there are 29 days in February that are only once in four years. I have always thought that twenty-eight days are once in four years. Tragedy. Yesterday, I should have been madly asking for collection and tickets. Is it too late today? ..............................

Seeing that the white tiger is in front of you, as long as you take a step closer, you can crazily burst your power and hit the white tiger with no resistance in awakening to get this body with great opportunity, but now it has to stop because of another thing.

What kind of anger is this?

It's like a person who was hungry and was about to faint after waiting for a long time. Someone brought a plate of roast chicken, and there was a plate of chopped green onion and spicy sauce next to it (I have to say, I was really hungry when I wrote it here). When I picked up the knife and fork and put down my hand, and was about to send this delicious meal into my stomach. Someone came over again and said, "It's wrong, it's not yours."

Is there anything more popular than this?

I don't believe you will go to the canteen next time and bring other people's prepared food to eat by yourself. Look at his face, which is more wonderful than the change of Peking Opera (of course, how wonderful your face will be after that is not my consideration).

The dark monarch's teeth are about to break out, if he has teeth. There is really a firelight in his eyes, a huge body that breathes fire out of his eyes, smokes in his mouth and ears, and mysterious material like magma in his mouth rotating endlessly. If any time and space traveler passes by here, he may think that he has met a flaming demon from the abyss fire lake.

The dark monarch was really angry. After a blink of silence, the thunderous reaction and sound almost spread to the whole elf world:

"Little bastard! I'm going to eat you alive--!!!"

If the dark monarch who roared and rushed over had lungs, he must be angry at this time. However, in the face of the anger of the demon king, Mora's face showed a succeeding expression.

Unfortunately, all this is hidden in the extremely holy and bright light, and even the dark altar that secretly dominates everything has not found this. Otherwise, the deceitful dark existence may immediately turn around and attack the white tiger.

If that's the case, it's not that this dark god can instantly penetrate Mora's conspiracy, but belongs to the rational behavior mode of the dark demon king. Since it is found that stopping you from being part of the conspiracy, it will naturally not continue to choose to do so. Other choices may also be wrong, but the benefits are for yourself. It's bigger than this.

And, for the enemy, it is also a failure to destroy his plan. Unfortunately, I didn't see it.

The holy light in the sky is simply the greatest provocation and insult in the eyes of the dark demon king. With the assistance of the dark resurrection altar, he came to a conclusion at the first time.

The divine power of this human in front of us comes from a god who is relatively loose for his followers, and this human lurks in this elf world, I'm afraid it is also to get the body of the ancient Elune.

I just found that there was no way to get that opportunity before myself, so I decided to break through the blockade of the elf world (since the space was transmitted, the Dark Demon King has summoned a large amount of dark attribute energy in the universe to block the elf world). The light in the sky was regarded by the dark demon king as the energy release phenomenon of Mora impact to break through the blockade.

As for becoming a god, this idea was immediately excluded by the dark demon king. Because if there is this certainty of becoming a god, it is absolutely possible to secretly achieve the throne and then seize the body of the supreme with the qualification of God.

Moreover, compared with his identity as a dark demon god, if this bright human can become a god, even if he has settled in Elune's divine body, I'm afraid these elves are barely acceptable.

He absolutely didn't expect that the owner of the divine power in front of him was actually himself. As long as the throne rises, he will definitely reach an uncontrol level in an instant.

Moreover, such majesty and glory and many powers will spread throughout the universe in an instant, because it is the breath of the supreme and cannot be hidden at all.

The appearance of the god in the middle grid is impossible to hide in the universe, not to mention the special situation of Mora.

Unfortunately, this dark magic brain is running 10,000 times. If you don't think of the right number of roads, you will never get the answer.

Although Mora can really exert the existence of supreme power after rising to the throne, the process is too long, with dozens of breathing time. For human beings, this time is just a splashing time, but for gods, even the upper god , which is enough for him to walk from the center of the universe to the edge of the universe (if he dares to go). As for the Lord God, it is enough to walk back from one end of the universe to the other.

And during that period of time, as long as the three world-class gods take full action against Mora, the appendix finale will immediately appear ⊙_⊙b sweat.

However, the timing of Mora's choice is very delicate.

He began his preparations to rise to the throne. First of all, he launched his information into the universe, communicated with the laws of the universe, and let some laws in the universe identify his real situation. It can still be hidden at this time, but it won't work next.

Then the law in the universe was identified, believing that this person had the power and wisdom to become a god and a corresponding sense of responsibility and a deified way of thinking, and then opened a door to this person.

There are many magical substances flowing out of the portal, which are used by a person who is about to become a god to make his throne. This is also the most dangerous time, because it is likely that all the gods who have just become gods but have no divinities come to grab these gods used to shape the throne. Secret precious material is used to strengthen one's throne.

As for those gods with deity, they disdain to grab these things, because the throne has no meaning for them, and they are pursuing the materials and materials of the deity.

But the good thing is that those gods will not kill those who are ready to rise to the throne, because once they die, the materials of those thrones will instantly turn into bitter substances, bringing eternal future trouble to those gods.

Some reserve gods who were weak and could not protect most of the throne materials committed suicide angrily at this moment and cursed those who came to rob their throne materials with their own lives. The worst time, a weak reserve god and dozens of gods without divinities Ming almost died together.

After those gods returned, they soon destroyed the foundation of becoming gods because of the throne attached to the body that turned into bitter substances, and quickly disappeared into the world of gods.