
Chapter 278 The Ending is in sight

In this case, there is no need to worry about them. In Elune's heart, the existence of the white tiger is much higher than that of elves.

Since the awakening of the memory and ability belonging to the white tiger and the acceptance of the supreme surface of the ancient Elune, the white tiger has not cared much about them as much as those elves thought.

This human, who is also the supreme inheritor, gave her an incomparable favor.

Seeing this human suddenly step into the air, a violent energy law suddenly flashed on the white tiger's body, and the endless world was clearly destroyed. In a moment, 3,000 sublimated, seeking only one result.

In the end, the White Tiger did not take action.

There is no other breath of gods in space and void, that is to say, Mora's encounter is not a plot. In this case, it is his own business. The white tiger, who is also the supreme, has no right to participate in the world of another supreme, even out of good intentions.

One foot hangs in the air and sinks in all kinds of ways.

Countless images flashed by my ears, and all kinds of people and things from memory appeared and disappeared in Mora's eyes in an instant. Even if you close your eyes, you can see them clearly.

The sound heard from the day I was born to this moment is echoing in my heart, and even if the five senses are closed, it can be clearly heard.

If Mora had not had 40% and half of the divine power from the supreme, the soaring voice at this time was enough to make his soul and mind completely lost in the shadow of the void and never find himself. Even the protection of the supreme divine power is just a chaotic consciousness protected by the supreme divine power, no Any memory of existence is just a memorial.

Three stages, the last stage, which one is the divine ladder in the blink of an eye?

Mora clearly felt that although he was facing such a void decline and decline, time has been staying in the blink of an eye without any change.

This kind of change is not that the passage of time is slowed down, but that it really stops.

To stop time is the power of the real supreme will. Since such a thing will happen, it means that I am not bad or failed at this time, but facing a test.

The ladder of the third stage is not that kind of substantial ladder.

With this understanding in Mora's heart, he suddenly grasped the light that would be lost at any time. Slowly opening my eyes, countless images and sounds are still constantly recalling in my heart and mind. There are scenes of receiving my tutor's teachings as a child, mothers coming to visit me in the temple with gifts, and so many memories, stories on the road, and everything seems to be not complicated.

A bright light in the heart full of chaotic sounds lit up and dispelled all the darkness. Mora's bent legs stood hard and immediately stopped steadily on a ladder.

The thirteenth blink, the thirteenth ladder.

A foot is down-to-earth and empty. This is a very common ability for many human strong men, but it is another situation that appears at Mora's feet at this time. Whether it is a strong man or a god of heaven, the former is based on the rebound of energy and the borrowing of the law, and the latter is the law of service.

However, Mora's situation at this time is that the law of the universe in the void actively appears at his feet, like ministers democratically serving their respected monarchs, like children taking the initiative to create their parents... instead of those other gods to use the law. Be slaves, even if some of those laws are created by them.

In the view of those existence, the law is the law. Whether it is created by them or not, it is their tool, their power. As for whether the law has feelings and whether there is any self-in meaning of existence, they never think about those "boring" things.

The wisdom of the gods is used to make themselves stronger and stronger. They are like domineering imperial monarchs, serving their armies and hitting all places that may stand in their way.

The thirteenth ladder is the beginning of the inheritance ceremony that truly belongs to the supreme inheritance. From this moment on, there is nothing to hide.

The light is in the sky and can be seen without looking up. Because he is bright and cannot be covered. The powerful supreme will never dodge. Even if there is a huge danger waiting for him, he will clearly impact all the conspiracy, because the heart of the strong does not need any cover and conspiracy, but only needs to hit everything straight.

Who would dodge like a thief in his own home? That's what the thief in his home should do. Now that the owner is back, the thief is sensive, you'd better get out of here immediately, otherwise, the owner will be rude to wash the thief a little kale!!!

The white tiger felt something and suddenly opened his mouth and roared:


The supreme power and blockade that emanated from her body and will have all been recovered. There is no cover in this void. As long as the will of any Lord God is still monitoring this universe, you must feel the great terror in a certain direction like the power of the abyss. In recovery, it is like an ancient war beast waking up from a deep sleep to crush the fragile bones of all enemies.

Those main gods will never understand how the Supreme People treat the laws they created, so they will never understand why the majesty and glory of the Supreme can easily fill the whole universe and reach the heavens, even if it is an abys.

When Mora stepped on the thirteenth ladder, his heart was firm, his will was stabilized, and the shackles that restricted his emotions in his heart turned into pieces when he stepped on the thirteenth ladder. From this moment on, he was the consciousness and consciousness of the person who really had the power of the supreme. Consciousness.

The laws of the whole universe feel the existence and his will of the supreme at the same time, just like his will when heaven and earth were founded, magnanimous, great, vast, far-reaching and eternal.

The universe is trembling and trembling at this time. There are strange visions in countless worlds. The sun appears at night, a sacred flame is lit in the water, and mysterious objects like colorful clouds appear in the birds in the sky. Suddenly, there are unprecedented strange beasts in the sea, but they do not hurt the ships.

The changes in the universe have spread to the will world of all gods for the first time, or, when some changes have not yet occurred, the main gods have sensed the power of the supreme, because it has been constantly affecting their existence, precisely because That supreme existence will not turn the universe into a chaotic battlefield of gods.