
Chapter 279 Coming to End

Even in the years when the supreme disappeared, the supreme existence in the eyes of these world creatures does not dare to mess up, because they are not sure whether these supremes will return one day, especially the supreme who created the main world. In case his will comes back from an unknown place and continues to control his divine body, then All the ones who take the lead in fighting for the supreme god king will definitely be beaten as scum.

In order to find out what is going on with this supreme existence, these main gods have taken ten thousand years to prepare. In this ten thousand years, there has not even been the birth of a middle god in the whole universe, and almost all the high-level energy and opportunities have been used to cultivate those who target the supreme and their inheritors. .

At this moment, countless complex feelings rise in the hearts of the Lord Gods, as if something that has been planned for a lifetime has finally been achieved at the last moment.

However, although countless thoughts arise in their hearts, none of these main gods have stopped their steps. They all hit the source of breath at the speed across space and time, and the speed of light can only be beyond the reach of dust (this, with the long-term and infiniteness of the universe, light The speed is really nothing.

However, as soon as they started, the faces of these gods changed. If their faces were still human, they would die red, black and purple at this time.

The law that used to be like the most obedient slave is now wrapped around them like chains, pulling their footsteps and pulling their bodies to keep them in place.


"Roar ________"



Naturally, this small trouble will not bring confusing trouble to these main gods. They used their tricks one by one, and these laws that entangled them were suddenly broken like silk, but as soon as this wave of law chains were broken, and when they entered the place of space again, they immediately There are countless laws entangled like moths fighting the fire, and a blink of an eye passes by.

In the long life of the main gods, there has never been a time as long as this blink, which almost made them explode their world to gain power and rush directly to the corner of the universe.

The endless starry universe, the void universe, the laws of the material universe have all emerged. The highest existence of these hundreds of gods is struggling like a dead dog that has fallen into the water. Although their invincible divine power has broken those laws and even made them hungry and unable to recover again, it is very It's almost time for another moment. Every moment's passing means that a successor is going further and further on the ladder that belongs to him.

And this long-term power is more and more horrible, affecting the main gods in the universe, making them cross space more and more slowly.

Unfortunately, these main gods do not know that the heir they are going to kill has not just stepped on the divine ladder, but has embarked on the last path. Once completed, no matter how much they go, the Lord God will send him food.

The time of the twenty-eighth blink of an eye.

Finally, a group of the nearest god came to this universe.

The huge and incomparable figure compared with the main gods shocked these main gods. Is this really the existence of stepping on the four-step ladder?

The will of a main god suddenly noticed a lower god who was about to collapse because he could not bear the majesty of the three main gods. This idea instantly swept over everything of the lower god, and the rough means immediately turned the lower god and his world into powder, but the instantary information almost made the main god My heart is shocked!

He rushed back countless times faster than when he came, and the other two who came with him just came to attack the successor who was inheriting the energy of the supreme were shocked by the action of the main god. Their thoughts beyond the speed of light swept through everything that the lower god seen by the main god, although However, it has already turned into powder, but it doesn't seem to be difficult for the gods of the world.

The faces of the two gods turned white in an instant!

It happened that the heir who was stepping in the void step by step looked this way. The two gods were almost frozen cold. Even at that moment, their own world became an ice age without the law. Countless creatures were turned into death statues by this sudden ice disaster. .

But then the greater death came again.

The two main gods did not hesitate at all and directly detonated the world they had created for millions of years. The huge world source energy exploded at this moment, almost equivalent to a casual blow of a supreme existence.

What kind of power is that?

It can definitely be transmitted from this end to the other side of the universe in an instant in the lawless void.

Almost all the power of blowing up the void has been turned into a reaction force and channel power. The law of the whole universe has been hit a space channel at this time, and there is even a faint breath of time return, which seems to have returned to the past.

Mora withdrew his eyes from the direction the three main gods left, and then stepped on another ladder - the 30th ladder.

Every law in the universe seems to have its own life and will, and even those gods who are still working hard seem to feel that these laws are praising that great existence like human beings.

With every blink of an eye, the hearts of these gods sank like falling into an ice cave.

The thirty-sixth ladder, the last ladder.

Finally, several main gods could not stand this kind of torture. They still thought that the successor started from the first ladder, so at this time, there was absolutely no way to stay. The thoughts of several main gods were combined in an instant and then decided.

They each took out part of the world and then blew themselves up.

The huge energy instantly hit the law of everything and came to the empty universe.

What kind of power is it that hundreds of main gods appear in one place at the same time? The lower god and his world, which were first discovered by the three main gods, have long dissipated into dust. Hundreds of gods looked at the huge figure staying in the void and were surprised why he did not continue to step on the ladder but stood there waiting for something.

The power of that figure seems to have reached a certain extreme and has not grown, so it doesn't matter when to take action. All the main gods freely let go of their divine consciousness and communicate freely in this universe.

However, no one took the initiative to pay attention to the huge figure, as if he was an object with no signs of life.

.................................... If you are interested, guess when it will end.................................