
Chapter 281 Little Girl Playing with Mud

Of course, we have to run away! If you can't run away, you have to run away. For tens of millions of years, you have been in the position of the Lord God. These are the most respected beings who are not the supreme. They have forgotten what it means to begging for mercy and bending their knees. Nearly half of the main gods left this elf world with endless flames - that was they detonated their own world. Then with the help of that huge force, he left the area at a speed of almost time.

Time has produced a certain degree of return -- that's why the supreme consumes the source to have the ability. From this, we can see how huge the power of the world detonated by these main gods is.

The life and civilization of the Ganges sand have turned into flying ashes in this short period of time. The world created by these main gods has a history of hundreds of thousands of years, and each civilization has reached the level of advanced law of high-end people.

There are gods in the huge power and country of every civilization, and countless incredible existences and civilizations are enough to make the heads of some creatures in the world explode.

But everything disappeared in this instant.

More than 50 main gods disappeared, and the remaining half of the main gods saw that the horrible supreme successor did not stop them in half an instant. What else is there to hesitate to fly out one by one!

However, compared with the main gods who exploded their own world, although this half of the main gods also detonated their own world to escape from here, they did not completely detonate, but only used a small part, and the remaining world allows them to continue to interpret their legends and magic in this universe.

However, is Mora really in such a good mood to let these gods go?

A water god suddenly found that other gods were getting farther and farther away from him, but it seemed that the "fireworks" behind them had not been enhanced. Why did they slow down?

The main god of the water system controlled by some force has even become much less intelligent or slower. But the other main gods felt for the first time that the power of their souls was acting on a certain main god, just like a flock of sheep attacked by wolves. Immediately, all the main gods who were still glad that the world had not exploded were all without scruples and unreserved to protect the origin of the world. Come and use the power gained to accelerate to the return of time.

When crossing the universe, time flowed back. The figures of the main gods who had just rushed in that direction from these places and their own future figures were so wonderful, so embarrassing and so frightened.

But all this has nothing to do with the main god of the water system. When her consciousness finally understood that she was retained by the inheritor of the supreme, the water main god was also bold enough. After realizing that he could not please him today, he immediately exploded his own world, and the endless laws were strengthened by her. The servant attacked the one who stood above the elf world like an abyss.

With a stretch of the hand, all the fragments of the world that exploded returned to their original state as if they were going back in time.

I also have this ability, in that dream world.

The consciousness of the water god came up with such an idea, and then disappeared.

As soon as Mora grabbed her hand, a white light wrapped around the image of a woman appeared in front of her. It was Shesina.

As if the eyes of the universe make this woman who is still human power unable to see anything, the sixth sense of woman's nature and soul touch, including everything else, are invalid at this time.

Is the existence in front of him that is more advanced than the gods? Is he still the original one who has experienced the stories in the world?

It is said that people who have become gods seem to look different. Shesina looked at this image uneasily and a little like the existence of a human being. Her hands are intertwined in front of her chest. She doesn't know which one she is praying for, or even what she is asking for.

The eyes of the Supreme Mora left Shesna's body. At this moment, in his eyes, everything about this human woman was thoroughly seen, and there was no mystery at all. Even the feelings in the woman's heart that she didn't understand became so ordinary in his eyes. At this time, the human feelings that he thought would have a very high value existential meaning also became so indifferent. Everything that those people can't understand by themselves now looks so shallow from the realm of God, even beyond the realm of God.

The promise once made seems to be ridiculous at this time, but it seems extremely strange.

It's like two children in crotch pants making promises together. The next moment, one of the children traveled through time and space and came back. Then, he saw the little girl still playing with mud in crotch pants and tears waiting for her to fulfill the promise of his childhood- - Marry her home to cook.


is also a good choice.

Mora smiled. Although it was childish and messy, it was not a burden. That's it.

.................Before dinner, I was still thinking about whether to destroy the role of Xuesina (it can be seen that it is a very resentful thing for a single man to write a book), but when I was full, I felt much better, so I remembered the little girl who I dared not go to go to school. There was a faint nostalgia in my heart. Therefore, Shesina can continue to perform, but change to the role of soy sauce..................