
Chapter 282 Hardness

Human feelings are really fragile.

Mora sighed in his heart, but didn't say anything. Looking into the eyes of the human woman, all the mysteries in her heart appeared in her own world, infatuation, dependence, panic, worry, hope and despair, but this kind of feelings and worries had no effect on Mora, as if she were reading the story of another stranger, no matter how touching, At this time, there will be no more misses.

However, although his promise is the words of human beings, after achieving the supreme, they still remind him of that human history in his heart.

At this moment, he is already a god, but there is no way to change the things and memories that used to be human, even if he makes time back to June. That is the real and indestructible trace depicted in the soul.

However, it doesn't matter.

Mora smiled indifferently, and the vast holy and glorious face made no one present see clearly except the white tiger.

Sina looked at the face hidden under the glory. Even if tears had flowed from her eyes, and even if the nerves connecting her eyes and brain were about to burn to ashes, she still insisted on watching, looking at the once human existence, and thinking about the promise he had made to herself in the world over and over again.

But Mora is unmoved. The feelings in the world seem to be precious, but for the short life of human beings less than 100 years, these feelings are still not deep enough for the lives that often count tens of thousands of years and thousands of years. God is not without feelings, but his feelings have experienced too long to precipitate in the world, which is no longer the understandable hardness of human beings in the short world.

To put it simply, a person's feelings for a person he knows for a minute and a friend he has known for decades are naturally different.

Many times, the long night in a person's life, or a lifetime, is actually just a passer-by who has a fate.

Even if the choice made by that friend for decades is wrong in that minute, a good friend for decades, a stranger at a glance, and that mistake is really nothing to care about for friends and themselves. So what will happen? Do you still need to guess?

God and man should not intersect, even if one of them is created by the other.

Humans own historical facts have proved this. When children grow up, they always have to live with their parents and wives.

Sena's eyes were completely blinded by the supreme light, but the supreme light still shone the boundless glory into her sea of knowledge through her eyes, but she could not find the familiar feeling.

The boundless light surrounded her, but there was a sad cold in her heart, as if she suddenly entered the severe winter from Sanfu. The piercing temperature reached the depths of the soul and could not find a reason for warmth.

But Xuesina still maintained the action of looking up. The red blood flowed from her eyes and was evaporated by the divine light. The snow-white skin on her face was yellow and charred like a fire, but the weak bones were frozen like hard iron stones.

But none of Mora and White Tiger were moved, including the remnant soul of the water system sealed in the palm of Mora's hand did not show any surprise.

In a long time, they have seen too many such stories, and even a hundred and ten thousand times more tragic than her. Nothing in human beings will shock their hearts, because the dragonfly can never understand the realm of turtle life.

Even if wisdom allows, the length of his life is not allowed. By the time she can understand that feeling, life has dissipated in the void.

However, some things are okay.

The supreme wisdom is not completely ruthless. After seeing the changes of civilization for thousands of years, it is not that I don't understand the glory of life and death at that moment, but I just don't want to compare.

From the perspective of a human woman, she has done a good job, so that's it.

Mora pinched with his left hand, and the body of the water main god captured by him and the remnants of her soul were all pinched into the most thorough dust and power law, turning into a swirl-shaped object and constantly clutching.

The supreme divine power constantly passes through the body of this group of gods, refining the essence of it, making it suitable for a certain soul.

Mora's right hand tightened, and Hisna's body and soul also turned into a mass of dust and subtle laws. These laws are relatively fragile. Compared with the majesty of the supreme, they seem to be able to blow away in one breath, but there is always a line of connection to support her.

It's really persistent.

Mora pulled out his own supreme source from his body, turned into the god-level divine power of the god, and poured into the flesh and soul of Xuesina.

Infinite images come from it.

As a human being, if you become a god rashly, even if you withstand the power, you will be supported by the infinite knowledge of the god, which is a huge information that words are not enough to record.