
Chapter 283 White Tiger is not coquettish

Mora raised his hands and slowly closed them.

The two storms rubbed against each other and shined dazzlingly, illuminating the universe. The white tiger narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Mora's movements, but an idea came out:

"Is this good?"

Mora didn't look at her, and an idea spread:

"You have separated your body. What's wrong with me doing this?"

"After all, it's a little flawed," White Tiger's deep thoughts communicated with Mora in this universe: "You are the most unique one among us, so there are some things you must pay attention to."

"I understand this, but have you seen the fragments of the altar?"

The white tiger stared at the remnants of the dark altar and pondered for a moment:

"I swept away the memory of the dark bug before he died, and there must be something in it that you will be interested in."

A large group of information was revealed outside Mora's body, and a film blocked it.

That is the spontaneous reaction of the supreme power. Even the supreme does not allow anyone to invade his will and sea of knowledge at will.

Mora's eyes passed by the light in the heart, and the information in it suddenly appeared in his divine sea.


This universe is quiet. When the two supremes are doing the same thing in the same universe, even the nearby law gate calm down happily, thinking silently together, thinking about how to progress, and thinking about their own future.

The laws also have their own decline, but those main gods will never understand this. The most powerful thing is not domination, but negotiation and cooperation, and there is a leader's cooperation.

The laws are close to the two supremes and feel the motherly breath and the vast and great artistic conception from them.

As for those elves, they have long been wrapped by the white tiger with a group of white tigers, inherited from the divine power of Elune, made a bag, and thrown into another secluded place in the universe.

Those are annoying guys. They are so annoying that they are not allowed to eat meat!

The white tiger thought of resentment.

Time flies quickly and slowly. The two groups of Mora's whirlpool will come together and gradually merge into a ball, but Mora did not let go and controlled everything in his hand.

"It should be the site left by the existence of the previous generation, or the older generation. I didn't expect to miss such an interesting place at the beginning."

White tiger stared at a huge sudden, and the stars in his eyes rotated rapidly, which also showed that his brain was also very active thinking about some problems.

"Their existence is always a problem. Although this outermost altar may make them deliberately throw it out, judging from the level of the altar and the consciousness above it, it is another big trouble."

"Maybe it's another beginning and end?" Mora suddenly sneered, and her eyes were full of disdain.

White Tiger shivered and seemed to think of something extremely terrible.

If those main gods are still here, they will definitely be scared to death by the action of the white tiger. At this time, there is actually something that can scare the supreme like the white tiger. What kind of existence is that?

Most of them must be able to confirm that the rumors of the end of the universe may be true at the first time.

"How many times has this been? Every time is different, and every time it feels so bad. I really hope that all this is actually a dream. When I wake up, nothing has happened.

"What if the dream wakes up and everything you have now disappears?" Mora asked.

The white tiger smiled a huge smile:

"You used to be puzzled about this question, but now, you should know it, right?"

Mora put his hands together, the light completely disappeared, and everything was conceived in his hands.

"No, I still don't understand."

Mora said lightly.

The white tiger's eyes widened, and the beard at the corners of his mouth were up:

"This is impossible! How can there be no reaction after such a big price?

Mora shakes his head:

"Maybe the method is wrong, just as those human beings can't understand us, maybe in that existence, there are also things that we can't understand, or, it's not our way of understanding. If the wrong method is taken, then no matter how hard it is, the result will be wrong.

The white tiger circled around Mora: "However, we paid such a great price that we even made those little bugs come here to show their prestige! What a bad!"

Mora laughed;

"Don't be too sad. I haven't gained anything this time."

Bai Hu said curiously, "Oh, what is it?"

Mora replied:

"It's hard to say. You should understand this. Some things can't be described by words or consciousness."

White tiger asked, "But isn't that a human restriction? Is there such a restriction on the existence of those of us who are called supremes?

Mora asked with a smile, "What do you think?"

A bright star aura burst out in the white tiger's eyes, and then suddenly sprayed out: "Is it!? You!"

"Hahaha!" Mora laughed, and her voice was extremely happy and free, reaching the depths of the universe, even those in the abyss could hear it.

"C Close the door of hell immediately!"

"Add nine abyss soul demon locks!"

"No! - Lock all the locks for me!"

"Bastard! Go and close the window of the abyss for me! How can these two beings suddenly think of us?!

The abyss and hellfire lake is in chaos.


But the originator has no idea of these little bugs.

"So, congratulations!?"

The white tiger still couldn't believe it. Mora neither shook his head nor nodded. His hand naturally fell, revealing what was wrapped inside.

The image of a woman emerged from the palm of his hand, with white clothes like snow, long hair up to waist, eyes like stars, and body like a galaxy.

The familiar face also surprised the White Tiger,

"You actually gave her the power of the supreme god directly?"

The white tiger kept spinning around the woman who was still in a daze and sniffed from time to time, which seemed to be very surprised.

"You really did it! I thought you were just going to raise her to the top god. I didn't expect it.

The white tiger tilted his head and looked at Mora: "Hey, don't forget your sister then!"

Mora kicked her, "Didn't you call yourself your sister before?"

White Tiger shyly bit the void and rubbed Mora with his body.