
Chapter 285 Lord God's Crisis


It's like a bubble broken, and all the beautiful and colorful illusions turn into nothing. The previous moment was still full of blood and great feelings, and the next moment was a silent body. If that person was still alive, he would be very sad.

Perhaps out of the memory of those years, Hesna did not eliminate everything about the dark monarch, leaving him a broken divine body for future generations, or spell materials?

Only the person concerned knows this in his heart. After becoming the Lord God, if Mora does not use his divine power, he will not know what is thinking in the heart of the Lord God. This is also the reason why the Lord Gods dare to plan to make trouble while the Supreme One still exists, because the Supreme People do not take the initiative to explore their thinking and will not know their thinking actions. In this way, although they know it is dangerous, they still do it.

Many of human actions are actually the projection of the thoughts of gods on human behavior, which shows that human beings are not so despicable and how noble the gods are. After all, they are the relationship between the creator and the created.

A person's children don't learn well. No matter what excuse they make, their adults always have to pay some responsibility. Human beings themselves are also clear. If the son does not teach, the father's story is very popular in the East.

Susina withdrew her finger and looked in that direction for the last time. Now she is also a god-level existence. From this point of view, she is not a human.

One by one, they are separated from human meaning. Their stories often have little to do with human beings, just a little memory and thoughts.

Really expects a god to treat human beings as in human thought, either that god has a problem or that human brain has a problem. Everyone is not at the same level. It's good to be able to talk to each other. Don't expect more and more in-depth communication at all.

Does a person discuss anything equally with a dog?

What's more, from the level of life, dogs and humans are still in the same world. They are all biological beings, with flesh and feelings. However, the level of intelligence of one of them is really low.

But the gap between God and man is countless times larger than this. The origin of life is different. How can we expect them to understand each other?

Even if you have been a human being, after becoming a god, those human memories will become as meaningless as watching other people's dramas. It's just know that the people in it are themselves, so they have a little interest.

This seems strange, but just think about why so many adults don't understand children's ideas and you will understand. They used to be children, but once they grow up, they will no longer act according to the children's world, but have another set of rules and guidelines.

So, even those gods who used to be human beings are not human friends. The final result of those who place their hopes on those gods must be a huge tragedy.

Withdraw her finger, Susina silently leaned at Mora's feet and closed her eyes.

Mora didn't say anything. The concern of the world has completely turned into nothingness and thoughts for his former maid, and there is no reason to go back. However, are you the same?

A heavy rain fell on the mountains of Ephraim.

There are cheerful streams flowing on the green grass, active like naughty children.

It's perfect to have such a rain on this slightly hot day.

But not long after the rain began to fall, the person who wrote that he could not dodge found the unusualness of the rain - the body that had been crushed by several gods was being quickly repaired at this time, and even his courage was greatly improved.

When several injured warriors gathered together found this at the same time, they immediately shouted and spread the news all over Ephraim and the nearby Canaan.

Mora's hand has another ring, which is made of the remnants of the dark altar. Even the main god can't understand the pattern depicted on it. Even the supreme, Mora needs to carefully analyze it to derive the correct information and meaning from it.

This is an amazing text.

It itself has supreme power, which has never appeared in this universe, but Mora, who has seen the indescribable power, knows that this power, even the supreme, needs to be faced very seriously.

very serious.

Because the original name of the supreme is not the supreme, but another name. There are 183 people who call that name. Now there are only 49 people who still remember the existence of that name in this universe.

49 supreme beings, the highest among the gods.

Mora's figure also disappeared from this lonely and silent universe, and Shesna also turned into a phantom with his departure, which is her remaining image and the last memory of her in this universe.

From now on, she will be a host in Mora's world and part of the law in the host's world.

In this way, it can be regarded as one with him, right?

The universe finally quieted down, and all the main gods hid in their own world (unbroken) and nests (most of the choices of the main gods). In one day, countless worlds were broken and a large number of gods died. Even the universe, I can't accept such a blow, but those gods The body is something that is not under the control of the universe, especially the main gods, and it is even more lawless.

In the face of such a group of bastards in their own family, the only way for the universe is not to give them good luck.

Unfortunately, these beings are all guys who ignore fate at all. If the universe does not bless them, they will grab them by themselves.

They are very proficient in this kind of thing.

However, that's the old calendar. In today's universe, all the main gods are greatly damaged. In the past, they didn't care about the cosmic car, but now they are absolutely desperate.

It's not that they are afraid of the universe, but that once the universe blesses its adversary in advance, it means that it will recover much slower than that adversary. Nowadays, the main gods are seriously injured, and there is still the ability to ensure that they will not have an accident in the competition and looting?

In fact, no god is a fool. After these main gods returned seriously injured, those surviving upper gods know the state of these main gods by their body's feelings for the main god - 300 upper gods can work together to destroy a main god and seize his divine dignity!!!

That's the main god!

This is a great opportunity to reach the sky in one step!

If it weren't for the fact that the divine status was really not enough for 300 upper gods, and 300 supreme thoughts were too difficult to reconcile, I'm afraid that the main god would have been killed long ago.

But is the crisis over?

Of course not, even human wisdom can understand that at this time, as long as there is a lord god who secretly supports part of the upper god to give his own opposition, the result must be perfect.

Those who know more about struggle than human beings will soon know what to do is the best choice.

The law that was ruthlessly trampled by them and the universe became the biggest bun at this time. Almost all the main gods expressed their respect for the original consciousness of the universe at the first time, and used their divine name to ensure that they would not do anything that would damage the universe, such as trampling the law; for example, detonation The plane world; for example, it suddenly comes to a certain world regardless of the plane's endurance, bringing irreparable losses to that world.