
Chapter 286 Selling Private Goods

The boundless darkness of the universe is not beautiful at some times. After seeing the darkness and cold enough to extinguish the soul, even if you look up at the starry sky, you will taste the loneliness from the arrangement of stars.

If it is still human thinking, then in the face of such a vast universe, even with many companions, you will feel extremely lonely and miserable. Because in the face of this existence, the insimity of human beings can almost be seen with their own eyes.

Those astronomers and stars have experienced this the most deeply. When others are still on the ground to work hard for all kinds of livelihoods and hang their lives on the line for all kinds of rights and forces, they put their eyes on the sky and then tasted the loneliness of the high places.

Why are human beings so small?

Why are human beings in this universe so humble?

However, it is so humble that countless heroes and warriors have been born in human beings, and their actions are even shocked by the gods. Many people who are favored by heaven and earth and favored by fate have separated from the human body and become immortal gods.

Why is our world so bright?

But why is there always darkness behind the light? They are so close together, like a pair of close lovers, but pigs know that it is impossible.

But why is this so?

Good people will also have evil thoughts, but if there is a defect in Meiyu, can it be called Meiyu?

Why is the world so contradictory but safe and sound, and it has been running in this corner of the universe for tens of millions of years and has attracted the attention of so many gods and spirits from other worlds.

This is a beautiful and fearless era, and all questions and confusions will be answered the most perfectly in this era, because the departed one returns, the lost, the once light becomes darkness, and the mystery hidden in the deepest part of the darkness is excavated from the deepest part of the earth.

Everything is inevitable, is it fate? Or is it a coincidence?

It's really a sad and sad question, but his answer must be very beautiful, because as long as it is the answer, it is beautiful.

Even if it is a wrong answer.

Because he gave the story an ending instead of an infinite loop.

The purpose of the

cycle is to find an end. Even those hovering and rising cycles are also to find an answer. Without that end, everything is meaningless.

Nowa, Mora is on such a road to find the end and answers. As for the main gods, the reason why they forgive them is not that Mora is broad enough, but that those people are also a group of people looking for answers after all, although their purpose is for themselves. However, for the supreme, as long as there is an answer.

It's just a little unhappy that those gods are obviously on the road to verifying a wrong answer. Regarding the origin of the world and the essence of the universe, the supremes are well aware of this mystery, and there is nothing difficult to understand. Children in human beings can understand that way of the universe.

However, the main gods do not know whether this existence is correct, but those supremes understand.

It's not a dream world, nor is it another creation, and it's not even far beyond the ability of life's understanding [this is because in that case, I can't write it], but it's just like a question, even if you guess the answer, but no one comes out to tell you that it's right, I'm afraid I will say it anxiously, and then I will continue to deduce and guess other answers, including some absurd answers, which may be brought out, but there will still be countless people to argue for it. In short, no one has the confidence to say that their own is correct before seeing the real verification, and no one will give up looking for other answers because their answers look reasonable. That's stupid.

As for whether there is such a so-called strong man, brave and confident people will think that they must be right. Of course, there will not be.

Because as a god, which one has never seen some strange and incredible things? Even their own existence is incredible for human beings and low-level creatures. But doesn't it really exist?

And so on, there is the supreme one, at least it is an incomprehensible existence. For this reason, the gods have a lot to verify, even if those things are not in line with the gods' logic.

For those things that look abnormal, the acceptance ability of the gods is really strong, but unfortunately, this strong acceptance ability can sometimes become a matter to their hearts, because the more they see, the more fearful they are, the more they know the mysteries of the universe, and the more they know about their smallness. There are so many things in this world that even gods can't grasp.

So, that kind of horrible self-confidence is right, and it is really not in the gods. Unless that god doesn't care about his life at all.

There are no gods who don't care about life, but they are basically dead. There is no one who can survive without cherishing life. Many of the gods exist for the eternal life. Even the detachment they seek at this time is because the universe will come to an end and they are unwilling to end up with the universe.

The true answer is that the supremes already know i, but they have no interest in telling those gods at all, because once they know the answer, their energy must be focused on finding a way out of detachment according to the answer, but for the supremes, what they need is not the way, but ideas.

Because the supremes themselves are already detached, although the main gods are powerful and useful. Unfortunately, how they grow up to that level, they are all white-eyed wolves who are not familiar with them. If they achieve the supreme, the fun will be great.

The Supremes do not need these gods to leave the universe, but they are still very interested in their thinking about problems. Although many of the answers are incredible, those thinking about problems are very interesting and are also of great help to the Supremes at some point.

The place where the dark altar is in is very interesting. No matter what kind of space channel and law transmission, including the simplest use of spells such as shrinking into inches, make the user miss this place. The reason why the dark demon king can get to that place is also It's because when he was a human, he happened to chase and kill. He didn't have any power beyond a little to launch the power of law and magic to escape. He could only rely on his transformed body and keep running in the void

The result was very lucky. His enemy thought that he had used the void spell to run away, so he used spells to detect and speculate many directions and chased across the space. As a result, he naturally missed the lucky dark mage because of the magical cosmic area.

As for this dark demon king, he finally entered the area when his power was about to run out, got the dark altar, and killed a certain existence in it. He occupied the altar, and then the story was like this.

Later, sadly, the dark demon king did not know how he entered that area. When he achieved the throne with the dark altar, he had no chance to enter that area again.

It took a lot of methods to get in.

The dark demon king always thought that his strength was not enough, so after mastering the dark altar, he became stronger. But I don't know, because after he became a god, every journey carries divine power, so almost every action involves the law, but on that ruins, no one who uses the law can enter the edge of his existence.

The reason why Mora was able to know such a dark demon king and did not know the news was that his strength penetrated the mystery of the dark altar in an instant. In addition, the one who existed in that area was already an "old friend".

The universe has been destroyed for more than a dozen times. Even the enemy should get to know each other.

Infinite time, endless space, can accompany each other for a long time, even if it is an enemy, it should almost become a supporting and dependent existence.

What's more, for that old friend, Mora and other supremes are very clear about what each other's future will be like.

The only thing they can't grasp is the way, because each way is completely different