
Chapter 289 Through a film

Life is so cruel that it makes my heart wander so far.

May you incarnate the stars, still live in the sky, look down on the earth, love and hate, lonely and eternal.


Walk through the galaxy blocking the road, and then walk to that magical place.

Although the lich mage did that after crossing the galaxy, Mora was very sure that if he had crossed the method of the galaxy, he would not see that place until the universe completely disappeared.

It's not because of the result of his high strength that he needs to go a long way, but that the guys who set up that place arranged for themselves and added these troubles to himself out of thin air.

In the days when you can't come out, finding trouble for others is the only pleasure of those supremes who are not sleeping.

The casually flowing altar has such a powerful power. In addition to the joint production of those supremes, which existence can have such a ability?

These supremes who do not appear in the universe often unite to forge something that looks different from the supreme, but in the end they just deceive those creatures in the universe.

The supremes have never been deceived.

Familiarity with each other is like familiarity with your own hands.

Since it is called the Supreme, how can there be so many? In fact, they are all one.

It's still in this place, and I can smell the smell of those guys, the smell of nonsense and conspiracy.

Unfortunately, they are so familiar with each other that the conspiracy is almost ordinary to negotiate with the target.

The only real trouble should come from the creatures in this sea of stars.

There are 7 892 million stars in this sea of stars, including planets and other stars, as well as mysterious celestial bodies. There are also hundreds of thousands of planets with life. Mora did not sweep this area with his supreme consciousness, otherwise it would have violated the rules set for him by those guys.

However, it is strange that he clearly found many creatures traveling between the stars in this sea of stars, but he did not find any breath of gods.

Well, it doesn't mean that there are no strong people like gods. There are also those powerful gods in this star sea, but there seems to be no divine atmosphere.

The divine grid is almost the most important thing for gods elsewhere. He carries the laws and life of the gods, and is responsible for building the divine power sequence of the gods and maintaining the divine fire and other complex functions.

The reason why the gods can be immortal is because of the existence of this god.

However, this sea of stars is an exception. Although there are also such god-level strongmen, none of them has a divine form. That is to say, their lives are limited, and they will die when they reach a certain time limit. The lifespan of some upper gods is not even as good as those ordinary low-level people who have no divinity but only the constellation. God (the throne can also play a part of the role of the divine, that is, that is, it is placed outside, unsafe and inconvenient. And the divine grid is placed inside).

is a strange universe. It seems that those supremes who do not appear deliberately listed a magical star domain separately at the beginning of the birth of the universe, which is interesting.

Although there is no eternal life of the divine, it is also because of this that the number of god-level strong men born in this star domain far exceeds that of other star domains, because in other star domains, since gods are immortal, they will become the largest moths in the universe if they reach a certain extent. Therefore, the origin of the universe is extremely strict in controlling the number of gods.

But in such a star domain, the universe does not have so many restrictions.

The god-level strong man here can live a thousand years, the lower god level can live 5,000 years, the middle god is 50,000 years, and the upper god is one million years. The span of the period is very large, and it is completely irregular. From this, we can also see how huge the strength gap between these three levels of gods is.

Therefore, the lower gods are basically in this sea of stars. On every living planet and plane, huge families and national dynasties have lower gods, but the number is not two.

As for those middle gods, they are those who can unify the whole plane world. As for the upper gods, there are only hundreds of gods in this universe, but that's why hundreds of upper gods rule hundreds of thousands of planes and planets, which is also a terrible number and right.

The power of faith alone is enough to give birth to several lower gods.

It's just strange that there is no divine existence in it.

What on earth are those people thinking? With such doubts, Mora stepped into the sea of stars.

Even if you don't use any divine power to achieve the existence of the supreme position, there is a vision that follows the law independently, so. Mora stepped in, as if walking on a flat ground. There was nothing in the cosmic void that made him sink or rise.

There is no cold, hot light and darkness that can cause him trouble, because those things are actually the function of the law. If the law does not work at all, then all normal imaginations will disappear.

It's like it's normal for people to float in the air when gravity disappears.

It is not that human beings have overcome gravity, but that gravity does not bind human beings.

Gravity is just a manifestation of a certain law of gravity in the law of the universe. It can be seen that once the law does not work, the things that are usually accustomed will change.

The so-called detachment of human beings is to break the bondage of the law on themselves and become the existence above the law - gods. The more laws are broken, the higher the realm. The higher the law you master after breaking, the higher your strength will be.

From this point of view, strength and realm have no inevitable relationship, but strength will not exceed the realm.

As soon as Mora's footsteps moved, he felt as if he had passed through something, like a film, and like a line.

When the laws of the universe are invalid for him, what can still leave him with such a feeling must be the handwriting of old friends who have not fallen asleep and have not appeared in the universe.

What is this membrane used for?

Before Mora had time to take a closer look, huge light flashed on his body, instantly illuminating a hundred miles of this area. A few blinks have passed, and the other three light spots came. At first, they were like fireflies, but they soon became a flame, and then they became three light balls, which were also huge light bulbs illuminating a hundred miles.

Mora looked closely and found that they were three god-level masters, a woman and two men. Judging from the clothes they were wearing, they seemed to be the same person.

However, Mora clearly felt their divine strength, but Mora had a strange feeling, as if these three people were not gods, but just three human beings with divine strength.

This kind of existence exists elsewhere, but it is different from this place.

Elsewhere, human beings with divine strength are all supported by gods, such as those believers. And these three people seem to have completely made them emit such power, but since they can exert divine power, why are they not gods? Without the divine throne and divine fire, how on earth did these people do this?

For the last time of this universe, Mora was very interested in playing exactly as a strong god rather than the supreme, so he began to be curious and doubtful, and suddenly became very interested.