
Chapter 288 Choose a comfortable posture

As for the supremes themselves, in fact, they are often ruthless. After all, the opportunity for those main gods to destroy the world at will is still for their own lives, but the supremes will be countless times more ruthless than this.

The so-called one thought gives birth to the world, which means that one thought destroys the world. Between the birth and death of an idea, countless lives are born and erased.

In terms of the deduction of gods, the "real" deduction of those ordinary gods - to create an illusory world to simulate reality, accelerate the time countless times according to the set conditions, and get the future you may encounter in advance. This is the most perfect deduction and speculation, which is more accurate than any prophecy.

However, there are still some defects, that is, these predictions are actually an illusory world. Although the results are relatively accurate, if the interference of fate in the real world is too great, there will still be some mistakes and omissions.

And the supremes also use the same means, but if the world born in their mind is put into the real world, it is the real world, and the only difference is that it is a little smaller.

A plane may be as big as only one city.

But that's true after all.

Those main gods abandoned most of the world in order to survive. After all, it was for their own lives, but the supremes were purely for a future deduction, and the infinite world and thousands of creatures were destroyed in an instant after the deduction.

Those gods have always thought that their actions may anger those supremes, but as long as they do not overdo it, these supremes will not do anything to themselves for the peace of the universe.

Even many of the most powerful group of main gods realize that they have actually touched the threshold of the supreme. As long as there is a suitable opportunity, they can go further. No one has ever thought that the reason for retaining these main gods is not because the supremes are afraid of killing them and what trouble they will bring to the universe, but to The high man is not interested in doing this at all.

Otherwise, any supreme person can easily replace the main god and even create a main god out of thin air. The reason why I don't do so is that I don't want to be too bored.

In such a universe, if everything is peaceful, I'm afraid that those supremes will still feel uncomfortable?

Poor these main gods still thought how important they were and had been constantly provoking those supremes. As a result, this time Mora rudely grabbed several main gods to shape their bodies for Shesna like killing chickens. Although this was not seen, these main gods finally realized a thing clearly. The supreme one they think is only one step away, but in fact, it is far away.

is farther than from one end of the universe to the other.

It's too far.

Thousands of worlds are destroyed, and countless creatures die, that is the existence of the supreme. All the creatures in the world are like human beings for dust in the air. They are interested in looking at it with a magnifying glass, but they are not interested in directly making trouble with a handful of water.

Humans and non-human beings cannot intersect.

The number of the highest is the number of days, which is unchangeable and has never changed. However, some are sleeping, some are sober, some do nothing but play onlookers, and some deliberately tease those poor big bugs - the main gods, making them think that they are actually only one step away from the invincible realm, so they tried their best to exhaust their divine power and finally got nothing.

Wangshan can run a dead horse, but as long as the horse is healthy enough, it is still possible to run to that mountain. But if it is a five-inch radish hanging in front of the donkey's door, there is no hope to go to death, even if the radish is countless times closer to the mountain.

This is the universe. Since the initial creation and division of labor, these supremes have gone to do their own things.

Then several idle people, such as the supreme Mora, his choice is to tease these main gods, give them a big painting cake, and even leave their bodies in the kingdom of God. Only the spirit comes to the world, so that the poor main gods think that as long as they can get their own spirit, and then If you live in your own body, you can become the supreme of the next generation.

In order to give more faith to these main gods, the Supreme Mora even united some of the Supremes not long ago and created an apocalyptic story with them.

This is much more serious than the story of those gods. Because the end of the world of those gods is just a plane to the end of life, but the end of the world created by the supremes is the end of the universe, and all existences living in the universe will lose everything because of this.

These main gods finally did not calm down. In order to detach from the universe, these main gods made all kinds of guesses and then verified it. They even created the miracle dream world, where many things in it can be said to be another universe!

Although many things look extremely strange and fallacious using the laws and views of this universe, all the beings in that world feel natural and normal.

Many supreme consciousnesses have secretly penetrated into that world.

Of course, unlike ordinary gods who must sleep, the consciousness of the supreme can enter that world even if they remain awake.

This is actually very simple.

If a human is awake, he must feel extremely incredible about the absurdity in his dream, but if he is asleep, his consciousness will feel that everything is normal in his dream.

Even the main gods can't maintain a normal state in that world when they are conscious, because the laws of the two universes that are not right from each other make those things very complicated, and their wisdom can't withstand the previous moment, and there are only three directions in the next moment - that. In short, it's a terrible thing.

However, the supremes have no such concern at all, because they have experienced countless times of the birth and destruction of the universe, and each universe is different, so they can easily accept the conflict between the two worlds.

This is also one of the reasons why the main gods who have achieved the "supreme" in that dream world began to become arrogant. In that world, they could not feel the majesty of the ubiquitous supreme in another universe, so they thought that in the dream world, the supreme could no longer intervene and thus there The idea of replacing the supreme of the outer universe was born.

Unfortunately, it is like a group of monkeys under the camera. They think that human clothes are about to be worn on their bodies. They really don't know that after those humans laughed half to death, they have prepared a lot of clown costumes for them.

Looking at the ideas and creations of those main gods, if they had not experienced countless cosmic births and destructions, these supremes also doubted whether they would regard these main gods as real.

Especially in the dream world, which even corresponds to the birth of the supremes belonging to the dream world. Such a thing is also the main reason why Mora and other supremes did not immediately destroy them after being provoked by those main gods. They want to see this group of "supreme" to the end. To what extent can you do it?

In particular, the behavior, actions and thoughts of these people have given countless enlightenments to the supremes, giving them a lot of fun before this new extinction may soon come.

Yes, it's just fun.

For others, including the invincible Lord God, the terrible destruction of the universe is just a dream-awakening game for these supremes.

What can be said about in life, that's all.

Maybe this is not even ruthless. It's just a higher-level living style. If someone is angry, it's like a group of monkeys who are jealous and roaring about human eating and drinking, and their own group of fur can only lie in the cage and bite the railing.

Is it ruthless? Is it bad?

For monkeys, yes.

For people, it is not.

If the monkey is beyond all this, then there will naturally be a bright future.

Unfortunately, the kind of ant in the novel got some opportunity and then stepped up to the highest altar step by step. Everything is invincible. It's just a fantasy.

Under the supreme, everything is a dream.

above the supreme, no.

This is fate.

This is the story.

There is no change, no negotiation, and it can only be accepted.

[It seems that today is Women's Day. Well, do you want to wish my readers a happy holiday? Well, I hesitate to say............