
Chapter 312 The Story Before the Finale

However, since it's not, that's really great. Although such a strong man seemed to be very unfavorable to the prince's warship fleet in the original incident, it was obvious that it was because the people he met first belonged to the local patrol guards of the Green Doma planet. Now, among other words, this time, he will see the prince's fleet. These people have made such progress in a strange way, and everyone is sure that the person in front of them must have come with good intentions.

Of course, if it were the three armored warriors, they might think that they were particularly powerful and incredible perverts who were ready to give some benefits and benefits to gain the recognition and closeness of these people, and then send everyone to the depths of hell at the top of heaven at some point. Poor those three people with unfounded diseases, although However, it seems safe to live like that. But in fact, when it's time to die, it's bound to avoid the end of 40,000. It's better to live in a simple and ordinary way and in a friendly state. At least, you will always be in a good mood.

And one more, the most important point, it is said that people who are in a good mood are always much more lucky than those bitter faces. Although there is no reason to explain this, there is no evidence to deny this fact. In short, light is more pleasing, and bitter faces can only make themselves and themselves and themselves People around me are depressed together.

Even if you pretend to laugh, you can at least make one person laugh, not two people sad together. There is a saying that two people laugh together, that is, two people laugh together, and two people grieve together, which is half of the sadness. Unfortunately, those are all people's natural thoughts. More often, the tragedy is that two people laugh, and the result is half of the smile; when two people cry, they cry.

If you don't believe it, you can try to complain about your hard life with your parents, so that you can get four or five worries; and if you tell your happiness to a sw-and-death pair, you will definitely reap his pain and jealousy. This is the real life.

Believe it or not.

Although he has increasingly strengthened his inhuman heart and spirit, it is only for human beings. In the face of the mysterious strong man in front of him, the prince believes that it is absolutely worthy of his noble head, although he still knows nothing about everything about the other party.

Other middle gods also think so. Therefore, they stood in a very serious and respectful queue behind the prince to meet the ordinary person who looked like an ordinary person accidentally met on the street. As for the rest of the warship, they knew what their duties and work should look like in the generals' instructions of "upper god specifications".

When they saw this mysterious man with their own eyes, these generals and princes still had a strange and unreal feeling. Even if they had just finished reading it and experienced that strange feeling, they still felt extremely suspicious when they saw this person with their eyes.

It's like a person who has eaten a huge meat pig. After a while, he looks at the plate and touches his stomach or still doubts whether he hasn't eaten anything.

Is this person really the maker of those horrible and invincible miracles just now? Why,

Why does it seem to lack a strong sense of vision and impact than our bodyguard? From any point of view, this is like an ordinary ground human who is about to fall off, but that place makes him so different?

The generals looked at it doubtfully over and over again, but their attitude was not relaxed at all. They were all respectful and salutes. The existence of a middle god can affect. Whether he is the upper god or not, or something else, it is absolutely worth putting his head on his waist and taken seriously, unless he doesn't want to live.

And for Mora, such an attitude will never produce any feeling of flattery. During the years that could not be carried for a long time, the various glory and praise in the memory have already paralyzed the soul. Whether it is abuse or praise, it has turned into a meaningless meaning as early as the first birth and death of the universe. .

However, such a calm and calm appearance naturally has another meaning in the eyes of these lower gods and middle god generals. Even if he is a superior god, in the face of such a big gift from the middle god's subordinates led by a prince of Wangxing, he must have expressed something, at least with a little tolerance on his face, but when he came over, he did not change at all. His expression was calm, as if he was drinking water and eating food.

If other superior gods dared to do so, the existence of these gods would have turned against them long ago. Even if a superior god is equivalent to hundreds of middle gods, it is only from the level of power, but in this universe, power is not the only supreme dependence.

Many powers, forces and organizations can be led by side by side with power in the universe. If the upper god is alone, he can't live. The restrictions on the life expectancy of gods in this universe make them completely unable to give full play to their honor as they want.

Without those forces and organizations below and people to serve him, find all kinds of suitable resources and genius treasures, as well as appropriate materials and research technologies for him, such a superior god has no hope to go further on his own road.

Although it is almost impossible to achieve the Lord God, there are still many things that can progress between the upper god and the Lord God. One of the biggest effects and benefits that this progress will bring is to prolong life. However, there must be progress.

However, this progress cannot be completely dependent on the improvement of oneself and your own mood. The end result is that a superior god and his people form a symbiosis, one provides resources and opportunities, and the other provides them with protection and cultivation.

However, in my heart, I clearly feel that this person's attitude is rude, but no one really feels angry in his heart, because he really can't feel anger, just like ordinary primary school students don't stand in the crowd and salute the leader with others, but the leader doesn't come down to pull Your own hands greet yourself the same way.

Everyone who can reach this level must be wise and knows how to choose. There is no doubt about the firm truth in their hearts, otherwise they would have fallen on the road to becoming gods because of various brain-damaged children.

So, since they have no disgust in their hearts, it means that this feeling must have a basis and a source. As for the specific reason, I believe that my divine body is clearer than my wisdom.

The prince did not show any unpleasant look, but was more respectful. He asked Mora to go to the core of the ring warship and invited him to talk to Green Doma. Mora was unavoidable, so he nodded and promised, but when he walked past the ring warship, he casually asked the prince a few words by pointing to something curiously. Although he knew the function of that thing at the first sight, he still asked.