
Chapter 313 Sadness and Joy to the Editor

It seems that since he came to this world, there has also been a human change in his body. Although the starting point of his body is human, since he awakened the memory belonging to the Supreme, the original human memory has become a completely dispensable thing.

What's more, even if it's not like that, his original memories are also some memories only that he has as the son of God in human beings. In fact, there are not many things that belong to human beings. God seems to be amazing, but for living beings, they don't have much significance. Even if they achieve gods, they are universal For common creatures, it is also a completely unnecessary thing.

Because many reasons for becoming gods can actually find substitutes in the human world, rather than having to become gods.

For example, the pursuit of power, such as the pursuit of power, such as revenge or proof, it is completely ridiculous and pathetic to achieve gods for those reasons. Because that wish belongs to human beings, but after becoming a god, it is completely different from human beings. How can we talk about those things of human beings?

It's like a person who is determined to build and change his hometown. As a result, after decades of busy life, he found that only by completely destroying the traces and trajectory of his original hometown can he succeed, so he did so, overcome all the difficulties, and made all the obstacles and enemies and all kinds of difficulties. It has been solved. In the end, his hometown did become as developed and beautiful as the big cities he had seen when he was a child. However, when he was about to arrive, his gray hair looked down, looked back on the past, and looked for his past memories, he was stunned to find that his former hometown had disappeared. Never see it again. Even in my memory, I can't find the place where I used to laugh and be sad. Above that hometown, there is only that cold big city, and there is nothing else. The laughter and tears were lost in the memory of when they disappeared, and only one kind of confusion was left.

Perhaps only when he is dying can his confused soul be relieved and know that everything he once liked and hated is a precious and inescapable part of his life. There is light, darkness, beauty and ugliness in the world. There is no complete simplicity and understanding. The world is so simple, so only after experiencing the spicy stimulation can you feel the feeling that the whole person is going to fly.

Both tears and laughter are actually an indispensable part of a perfect life. Only after tasting the sourness of tears can we truly understand how rare happiness sunshine and laughter are. It is worth paying any price for that happiness.

However, many people ignore that this snow-white paper is actually very precious because of the small black spot on a piece of white paper.

Once had happiness. Even if you lose those beautiful things for various reasons, as long as you have that deep memory in your memory, it is not a real tragedy. It's just a little sad. Common memories are always happy. Especially when I am alone, I think of the stories between two or three people. The beauty and warmth that fill my heart are truly complete. Even if they separated later, they will never be seen again.

The memories of those places where they suffered losses and were beaten as monkeys are embarrassing. However, when a person really grows up and returns to those places that carry memories again, a faint fragrance will surround him, which is unique after maturity. I realized that the original teenager is still growing up; the childish and delicate bird is now an eagle flying for nine days.


All that has a premise, that is, you must keep your original appearance and be the original self. Otherwise, no matter how many memories you have become floating clouds, what else is worth looking forward to? There is no reason for tears and sadness.

Even if the child who returns decades later has achieved nothing, when he sits under the old locust tree, his heart can still get the greatest comfort and peace; but if he becomes an unforgiving sinner and spit on the existence of thousands of people, what else can he pursue?

If human beings give up being human beings and become gods for those things that do not have to bet on human dignity at all, even if the level of life becomes higher, can those glory still fall on the original people?

Even if there are people's admiration, they still respect God, not people. Does that make sense?


Countless thoughts flashed through Mora's heart in an instant, like lightning, but brought a very strange feeling to his heart.

A faint smile suddenly appeared at the corners of his mouth: Is this the gift you prepared for me? It's very interesting.

Little guys, I'm coming.

pppppsssss: These are not counted as word counts. Today, when I accidentally clicked, I suddenly found that the click height was a little abnormal. I also said that my character exploded. As a result, it was also an explosion, but it was edited by Brother Hou who helped me explode. To be honest, in addition to being particularly grateful, there was a special kind of embarrassment, and the whole body seemed to be fever.

This book has almost used up all the embarrassment I can use at present, because he was born to cover up another embarrassing book. If there are those curious readers, you may find it from my author's resume that in fact, I still have a book "Tibet", which is still red-faced and shameful!!! It is also that book, and I know one thing: people who write novels, especially those who may have a harem tendency. Don't let your acquaintance know the name of the book you are writing. Unless he also does this, if you want to know how tragic I am, try it yourself. Because of the embarrassing book, I completely said goodbye to a certain era.

The prophet made a momentary work to hide the embarrassment, and there happened to be a Bible at hand, so many people who read my beginning were very upset. In fact, there is basically nothing that makes you collapse later, but maybe you will collapse more, because I don't know what I'm writing anymore. It has already confused my mind.

If you still read what I wrote now, you will definitely doubt whether it is science fiction here, because it is too messy. In fact, it is messy.

So, when I heard that the editor gave me a recommendation at noon today, I suddenly had an impulse to look up to the sky and laugh three times - "Editor, I feel that we are all bad. I don't know how many readers have been cheated when they think of a book and feel that their whole body is full. Uncomported...haha"

However, don't be too excited, because it's time to finish this book. Of course, it's not the end of today. Oh, of course not tomorrow. Yes, not the day after tomorrow. Specific time? This is really hard to say, but the plan is like this. If you suddenly find that the book has not been updated one day after a million words of this book, it is basically...

At present, the new book in my hand has begun to be prepared. Of course, this book is absolutely not embarrassing, but in order not to be affected by the old book, I plan to re-apply for an author number. As for what it is called,... Do you think I will say it?

About this recommendation, I won't open a separate chapter. I just said it here. I hope the editor can see it. Thank you for your support all the time. I will devote my energy to the new book and cheer up. If I fail, I will beat our family's prosperity!!!