
Chapter 315 Ancient Times

Such a public-level existence, if there is no pursuit, you can go to some slightly smaller galaxies or corners of the universe to find a living planet, and then live there. Anyway, the gods in this universe are essentially human beings, when they no longer care about divine lives. When it comes to the problem of progress, the desire for human beings to burst out is countless times stronger than ordinary human beings, and about one or two living planets are almost enough for them to spoil.

Generally speaking, such a planet that has been trampled on by gods is particularly easy to give birth to some gods with hatred. Their purpose is to eradicate those gods that have destroyed the normal world of human beings.

In terms of probability, if this is also a way to cultivate gods, then his probability of success is almost 100%, and the strength of the born gods is absolutely strong. Even if those fallen gods want to completely destroy the planet, there will always be people who escape from the past and grow up and return Come to revenge and kill that god.

The most famous story is the legend of Dark Star. Once upon a time, this blockbuster was very popular in the universe for a long time.

The upper god above the middle god is probably the only group of people in the universe who can live comfortably with their own strength.

The upper god corresponds to the star. One of the most depressed upper gods also has dozens of natural life planets. Hundreds or even more middle gods form a system around a higher god, who can often control one or even several huge galaxies. The highest upper god can even control a small galaxy. There must be at least ten galaxies in a galaxy.

The ultimate ownership of this prince's fleet is a superior god with four galaxies to rule the world. The king and two princes and several other ancestors in the royal family are also the upper gods, and they together form the foundation of the stable rule of the Kuilang Empire. Below are hundreds of princes fighting for the future inheritance of the empire.

Of course, there are only a few dozen princes with such strength.

Dozens of princes compete for the future of the empire, which sounds like a lot, but in fact, it is not much for an empire with a wide range of galaxies. The higher imperial dynasty has a great existence controlled by the main god. Every 10,000 years, hundreds or even thousands of princes participate in that kind of power struggle. .

Four galaxies, which are endless distances for many light years. Each star may breed a variety of civilizations, and a galaxy has at least hundreds or even thousands of living planets, some prosperous star domains, and a large number of artificial life planets, which have been built since the first generation of gods. Although the planet that finally succeeded for several generations of grandsons is not reasonable in the universe, it is always some living planets. Counting that, there are about tens of thousands of planets, and the population is already a huge number of Ganges that cannot be calculated.

From this point of view, there are only dozens of princes competing for the future of the empire, but in fact, there are really not many. Moreover, although the life expectancy of a god is really short compared with the outside universe, compared with human beings, from the bloodline of a beggar to the establishment of a family or even a country to the demise of a beggar, perhaps the existence sitting in the ruling seat is There has been no change.

Such a long time has also given those princes a lot of time and energy to prepare for the throne. In many cases, even if they don't do anything, some princes can raise their rankings from low to higher, because of the degree of competition by the princes in front. It is very tragic, but after a certain ranking, even if the princes themselves are reluctant, their men will urge them to fight for those honors and futures.

In order not to have too much negative impact on the struggle of the kingdom, because compared with the time of the gods and human beings, in the years of the prince's seizure, for many people in the human world, hundreds of years of war will really make their race nervous.

In order to limit the degree of this competition, the empire has stipulated that the princes' abilities should be controlled at the lower level of gods, but their men can be recruited to the level of middle gods.

This competition involves the future of the empire and the interests of the princes themselves, as well as the interests of the middle gods. If a prince can become the future heir of the empire, then the empire's huge resources will move for him alone and raise his energy core to the standard of the upper god, and his subordinates will also get a lot of resources. Although there is not much hope of achieving the upper god, at least they can get the sea. A large amount of resources to cultivate more gods or prolong their lives for their descendants, and finally get some results.

However, even if you don't become the heir of the empire, it doesn't matter. As long as you have enough ability, you can become the actual ruler of some areas of the empire, be a prince of peace in those areas, waiting for the next battle for the throne.

In this case, there is no need to worry that those princes will plot against each other, because the ancestors of the royal clan sit in the kingdom, and any person and affairs that deliberately bring bad influence and trouble to the kingdom will be completely destroyed.

But at the same time, in order to develop the future of the empire and appease the hearts of those princes who have become princes, in every imperial battle, not only the children of the supreme people of the empire participate in such competition, but also all the heirs of the princes or other people with royal blood can have this right, as long as they are The patriarch's mansion has been confirmed.

Many princes who have lost the stable galaxy tend to cultivate their descendants more unscrupulously than those successful princes. It is precisely because of this that almost every emperor in the Qui-Wolf Empire is not the blood descendant of the previous emperor.

For example, the prince who saw Mora in the universe is the biological son of an emperor, but his strength is only more than 20, and there are more than 20 princes to defeat him.

And the most tragic thing is that only two of the top ten princes are the emperor's children, and none of the top five princes!

It is said that the reason is that the last emperor's battle for direct succession was too fierce, and all the failed princes were particularly unwilling to devote everything to their carefully selected descendants.

In fact, even if this is not the case, the sons of each generation of emperors are the least dominant of all the battles, because their fathers are emperors. Although a little resource replenishment can make their descendants have extremely large resources, although those princes cannot participate in state affairs. However, there is the right to monitor and veto the emperor, and any selfish behavior will be picked out by them, and then it will never end.

Over time, it has become such a situation. The emperor simply doesn't care about his children, but only manages Xinghe wholeheartedly and improves his strength. In this way, no one comes forward to say anything, but it is almost doomed that the emperor's son will not have a chance to win the Xinghe again.

Such a "good" has been passed down for countless years, and it looks different in other empires and countries, but it has its own characteristics and perfection.

A country without good systems and surveillance and control has no way to be tested by time in the universe.

Above the king's galaxy is the imperial galaxy.

The existence of an imperial country has at least one main god. In this universe, the mystery of becoming a god is the most precious news, but even the technology of achieving the upper god can be bought at a sky-high price on the largest black market in the universe (just because the resources of becoming a god are also amazing, and it is impossible to achieve gods without resources like empire), but everything about the Lord God It is a mystery. No one knows the technology of the Lord God at all, and no one even knows that all aspects of the data after the achievement of the Lord God have been fired on the black market. That price is enough for people to become the upper god, but unfortunately there is still no news.

If it hadn't happened that the Lord God had urgently inherited his existence to an heir, people would have doubted whether there would have been no limit on life expectancy, but in any case, everything about the Lord God is a mystery at present. Countless men who have achieved the supremacy of gods are eager to have such an opportunity, but unfortunately, they don't seem to have any clue.

There is no progress in the laboratory about achieving the Lord God. It seems that it has reached the limit after reaching the upper God. Maybe the Lord God is another kind of existence? Just like the difference between humans and gods? Many upper gods guess so.

Later, there was finally a news that a god history research enthusiast accidentally discovered it. He found that the positions of the current five major god emperor countries in the universe once involved the most mysterious cosmic imaginary areas in the universe. Which areas were once suspected of having some mysterious things and relics, no Most of the gods' experiences are not exploration, so few people study them.

Then finally there was a superior god, who suddenly escaped from the main god for some unknown reason. Although it was immediately eliminated, there was still a news that the existence of the main gods was related to those relics.

At this time, many upper gods began to pay attention to something that had been ignored before. Unfortunately, since then, there seems to be no progress, but it is said that those ordinary middle gods accidentally found some small ancient relics, and then relied on those things to achieve the previous death. The superior god.

Finally, after a long time, all the upper gods finally understood that there seems to be a universe on their universe. There are many things in that universe that seem to have no life limit, and many of them are stronger than the so-called technology of their current universe. Big things, but I don't know why they disappeared.

But in any case, there is a little news about the main god, so any thing and news about the ruins in the whole universe has become extremely precious news.