
Chapter 316 Goodbye to the Kingdom of God

Unfortunately, it seems that those main gods have also found something. Before all the upper gods prepared to act together, a strange force from the five emperor-level main gods at the same time spread throughout the universe. Since then, no relics have been found in the whole universe.

Countless upper gods hate those existences, but unfortunately, the huge gap in strength makes no one dare to do it. The ability that was all over the universe at the beginning alone makes all the upper gods understand that even if the upper gods of the whole universe unite, they may not be able to do that.

So there is no such brain-damaged god to die rashly.

But there was good news later,

It seems that there is something wrong with the relics controlled by the main gods. There are often many strange things and creatures that are not controlled by the main gods to drift into the universe, and then be obtained by other beings, with which they have achieved great power.

However, at present, most of the middle gods have achieved the upper gods, but that is also an extremely exciting opportunity. All the middle gods are expecting to get such treasures one day. Otherwise, it is really unrealistic to expect a huge thing like an empire to serve themselves than to dream.

But later there was a news-level country that shocked the universe, the controller of the galaxy, and there was a mysterious existence above them. They were a god-level country.

However, although the god-level country has been circulating in the universe for many years, many people still doubt it, thinking that no one has seen such a country with their own eyes. Even the subjects of some so-called god-level countries, after verification, are all the deception of ignorant scoundrels and boring people. Those people probably think it's funny, but they probably don't even understand the concept of the Kingdom of God. Many people don't understand how they died. Because those who take action are all upper gods, which things the upper gods usually deal with are not a matter related to countless lives and tens of millions of planets. It is not easy to squeeze out a little time to investigate and study those things about the kingdom of God and the main god, but in the end, they find that death is a joke of a group of boring people. How can they resist anger! What does the anger of a superior god look like? The creatures in the outer universe know best that a living planet is shattered, and even a small galaxy will be powdered. A king among human beings took time to investigate the secrets related to his life and found that the group of boring scoundrels were pranks. So what would the emperor do? The lightest one has to be picked up by the governor of the area where the scoundrel is located. As for the heavy one, there is no upper limit.

It is said that every subject in the kingdom of God is a god from birth. Is it the kind of real god born with the core of divine power and divine power? In a sense, they are real gods and have nothing to do with human beings. There has been no change from childhood to large, and human beings, even if they have become gods, are human when they are human, and when they are gods, they are gods. There is a clear and unreletion between the two.

Then after they grow up, they are the real middle god, among which they are very talented and can become the upper god. It is said that there are many mysteries in their country, the mysteries of immortality, and there are even rumors that the main god in the god-level country still holds eternal secrets.

Although these statements are extremely attractive, as time goes by, more and more absurd statements have gradually been made public. In the end, those gods who were still interested have no way to seriously study those things about the kingdom of God, and in the end That's all I can do. Although the matter of the Kingdom of God has become a bubble of water, one thing is true and unmistakable, that is, the ancient ruins. At the beginning, the five imperial kingdoms took extreme measures to block the whole universe. Later, with the passage of time, the mystery was gradually discovered by those upper gods. The kingdoms of these main gods were not complete. Blocking the whole ruins, they don't have that ability at all, otherwise, those ruins would have been digested by them all over the years.

The real situation is that the main gods have strengthened the stability of space and eliminated most of the space turbulence and other places in the universe that are easy to cause space instability, making those places stable again, so it is not easy to cause some changes, thus preventing the ruins from suddenly from the void. Through the space slit of a god and demon, he revealed his breath and was discovered by those ordinary gods, relying on them to achieve a higher divine position, such as the main god.

If many things are obtained by the upper god, they may not be able to become the main god at once, but they can definitely approach that realm infinitely, and the upper god who is close to that realm can already bring great trouble to those main gods.

How can those main gods tolerate such things? There are already as five of them. If there are more, many things in the universe will be divided again, so the five highest beings in the universe have unanimously decided to completely block those other upper gods from achieving the way of the Lord God. Road.

Even the fall of the original main god is an illusion deliberately designed by them, in order to give the upper gods an illusion. Although these main gods are unparalleled and powerful, they are not beyond the limit of life expectancy. It is precisely because of this that they have not caused more things and chaos in this universe.

However, one thing is still not taken into account by these main gods, that is, although they have cleared most of the relics that may be caused by the universe, it is precisely because of their removal that the ruins will not appear, and they will basically immediately attract the attention of passing gods as soon as they appear. Even if there are ruins, no one wants to go there because that place is too dangerous or chaotic. But now, all parts of the universe have been cleared. As soon as those ruins appear, they are as bright as the golden mountains on the road. Even blind people can feel the content there. Contains ** and powerful possibilities.

As a result, in the years after the main god cleaned up the universe, although the number of relics appeared less, each appearance would basically be used for sure. If it weren't for those main gods who had many ears and eyes monitored in the universe and secretly after those gods obtained primary benefits, they would secretly He stole the inner layer. I'm afraid it won't be long before other gods found what they found.

The helpless gods can only endure this situation, but despite this, there are always some remote places in the universe that they can't monitor all the time. If that god inadvertently passes by that place and then finds something from that place, then this Some gods can only expect them not to find too developed relics, otherwise, things will be very serious.


These are all kinds of existences and levels in the whole universe. The prince's heart didn't think so much. His mind moved slightly and suddenly remembered those legends about the ruins. The person in front of him obviously has no strength at all, just like a human on the ground, but the species on his body All kinds of visions can definitely explain everything. Those who can become gods will naturally not be brain-damaged in those things. What you see may be real.

Even human beings are very clear about this. Among other things, take water as an example. If you look at the things in the water, you will feel that it is very close, but what about it? If you completely believe in the eyes, how lucky do those fishermen who put fish by the river have to ensure that they will not starve to death?

The middle gods quickly adjusted their mood, facing this mysterious existence as if they treated the upper god, but the prince's mind was another doubt. He strongly doubted whether this person came from those legendary relics? Unlike ordinary gods, it is not difficult for the children of the royal family to become gods, at least like princes, to become a middle god, which is a matter of a few days if he is willing to give up fighting for the throne.

The main energy of princes in general is to learn management and various knowledge, and to deal with various people to see the different scenery of people and different parts of the world. Only in this way can extraordinary talents and emperor experience be cultivated. Otherwise, a prince like Xiaobai has no hope of achieving the throne, even a prince can't get it.

Although there is also the kind of person who enters all kinds of information directly into his mind, that method is no different from having a library in the end, and there is no advantage when using it. I just think it's a current child. If you give him a test, his grades in this course may not be so good. Because he will feel that since this course has been opened, he just needs to take the book with him, but he doesn't know that even if the book is opened, he has to read the book conveniently. Otherwise, how can he know that the content is the content of the page of the book?

Directly inputting countless knowledge into the mind of the gods is equivalent to bringing him a Baidu search engine with him. It sounds extremely powerful, but without spiritual knowledge, it is just a pile of dead knowledge. With the so-called flexible application, there is absolutely no way to do this with the input knowledge.

As far as these middle gods present are concerned, each of them has a lot of knowledge reserves, but no one thinks about the ruins at this time, because most of their knowledge comes from direct input, and they rely on the keyword search method when they use it. To extract, you may not be able to find the knowledge you need completely and accurately, not to mention the sudden emergence of inspiration.

This time, they met a mysterious man. This mysterious man is very powerful and may be a special superior god. They need to be treated carefully. Maybe they can get some guidance and gifts from this mysterious man. After all, the god just now By triggering visions on the road of light, people actually let themselves and others get so many benefits in an instant. This is definitely not an ordinary means. Since they believe that this person is the existence of the upper god, they have no other thought about.

However, the prince is different. His uncles and his father are the upper god. Although they don't usually have much contact, they can still meet during the festival. The pressure and glory of the upper god is restrained, and there is still no way not to be felt. However, the mysterious person in front of him is actually It's simply impossible to detect the breath of a strong man.

The prince, who often received various advanced education in the royal family, instantly thought of those things about the ruins, and then his eyes kept secretly passing by the mysterious person and recalling all the deeds about this person. What I know, and then I am more and more sure that this person must be the mysterious existence of those relics.

What's more, it has something to do with those kingdoms. Otherwise, how to explain this completely different from the mainstream in the universe? Thinking of this, the prince was suddenly extremely excited and excited. After thinking about it, he immediately ordered to the communicator on his clothes: "The highest etiquette! Speed! Speed! Speed!" Three speeds in one breath instantly excluded all the doubts of the people on the ring warship, and even the middle god generals were shocked. They didn't know what the prince suddenly found and entertained the mysterious man with the highest etiquette. You know, even the prince's father, that is, the emperor, is just treated at the emperor level.

This is about the etiquette system on some ring warships, which is a very magical system. Generally speaking, his first program is the glory light outside the door. Judging the identity of the visitor and the corresponding glory light according to that. Of course, if the person does not want to be exposed, it is completely okay. Hide the magic levels that you don't want to be discovered,

However, in that case, you have to give up your original honor and become another specification.

However, this system is a very interesting setting. In addition to the highest emperor, there is also a system bug, that is, the highest etiquette, which is a etiquette deliberately added by designers. Even those generals who also control the ring battleship are not very clear. They just guess that it is for Ready to use it for the Lord God?

It's impossible to think about it, but since it's a design from Uranus, it may be some unspeakable secret inside Uranus.

The generals who originally thought so finally saw the start of this system today, but they were completely confused. Is this the time to start the highest etiquette system? What's special?

However, despite great doubts in their hearts, these generals still strictly followed the principles that they were taught when they first accepted the ring warship, and treated this mysterious man like the most ordinary servants in accordance with the highest etiquette.

Several middle-level generals were still a little unhappy at first. After all, they are not the peak figure on the star, but after all, they are also a big man. In addition to being scared when they fought on a small country planet on the edge of this inexplicable void. It's really uncomfortable to dance like a mysterious person who doesn't know where he came from at this time.

But then they saw the expression and movements of their real boss prince, and immediately put away all their disrespect and treated the mysterious man as condescentively, seriously and respectfully as their teachers and instructors.

The prince's expression at this time made them fanatical, excited and impulsive that they had never seen before. The expectation and respect almost from the depths of their souls could hardly believe their eyes. Even if the king came, they had never seen the prince so crazy, right? What's wrong with this? Does this person mean more to the prince than the emperor?

For good, the prince didn't confuse them for too long.

However, which mysterious person opened his mouth first: "Why did you suddenly become like this? Very familiar feeling, hehe"

The prince saluted the ground, and then bowed his head with great respect and asked, "Have you ever heard of the Kingdom of God?"

All the middle god generals were shocked. This news was like a superior god punching their brains fiercely, which made them confused in an instant!

God's Kingdom?!!!

What concept is that?!

That is a low existence that even if the upper god comes, he has to bend down. Even the most trivial news is worth a visit by the upper god himself, but what did the prince say?

It seems that he has seen something related to the kingdom of God from this mysterious man?! However, as soon as the prince said, the rich knowledge reserve of these middle gods immediately moved, and then they also found that the mysterious man in front of them was in line with the information of those gods. Is it because of their own luck finally ushered in an era of anti-sky?

All the middle gods crawled on the ground like the most humble slave, waiting for an answer like a prisoner waiting for sentencing...

Time ticks may be long or fast, but in these middle gods, it is as long as hundreds of thousands of years.

The mysterious man finally opened his mouth, and his voice seemed to be doubtful: "God's Kingdom? Why, you also have a kingdom of God here?"

This sentence was instantly calculated hundreds of millions of times by the core of their divine power among these middle gods, and then analyzed and came to a conclusion.

That conclusion made their brains explode.

The person in front of them is not what they think, but from the Kingdom of God. This news makes them extremely frustrated.

But the next words show that he really knows something about the kingdom of God! What could make them feel more brilliant than this news?

All the middle gods are so excited that they can't be themselves. Although it is strange that the person in front of him does not know anything about the kingdom of God in this universe, it seems that he can get something about another kingdom of God from his mouth.