
Chapter 332 Immortal Hope

They are countless times stronger than their own upper gods in terms of technology. No wonder these countries are so strong and domineering. Even the technology in their own countries that can be installed on the door is just something that stays in the stage of theoretical conjecture in other countries. How can they not be proud? Don't be arrogant and don't treat each other as monkeys and savages. Although this savage is a god-like existence in the eyes of another existence.

However, it seems that such powerful ancient relics have not found an eternal road, because they have become today's relics without any signs of life. Although they can still see everything in his city, they can see all the prosperity, greatness and sophistication in this city. Waiting for the place of infinite glory, but now the fact is that there is no one in this place. It is a dead city with beautiful charm, a relic, waiting for future people to dig and explore, without its own vitality and vitality.

So, even if one day your country completely masters such a city and becomes such a country, will it be able to master that eternal existence?

The prince's heart had countless thoughts in an instant, and even his footsteps stopped a little. Then his eyes suddenly saw a symbol engraved on a stone on the roadside of the city, which seemed to have been struck by lightning. It paused, and endless pictures, images and memories surged in. .

Several middle generals were shocked, but the prince could never have an accident. When he was about to pull him, he heard the mysterious venerable man say, "Don't touch him. This is his fate. You can also go. It may be a feeling, a treasure, or just a way to apply divine power. Remember, this is the city of heroes. If If you want to get anything here, you have to show the qualities and demeanor similar to those of ancient heroes. If someone is killed by the runes and magic arrays in the City of Heroes for making evil thoughts and things such as greed, evil and jealousy, I don't care about him.

After saying that, Mora walked to the center of the city in front of him. A middle-ranking god general boldly asked, "Your Excellency, how can we meet later?"

Morra replied, "You just do your things, and I will find you then." After saying that, Mora left. Those middle gods looked at the prince who seemed to be petrified and hesitated not to know what to do.

Suddenly, a middle-ranking general said, "Didn't you say that this is a city of heroes. Everything that does not conform to heroic behavior and minds will be punished here. We must be safe here. Even if those inspectors come in, they must not be able to do anything to us?! What are you afraid of? Let's hurry up and look for those opportunities now!"

"Even the Lord God will be limited in this place." Suddenly, a general said.

"What do you mean?" Others questioned, and then everyone was stunned.

The Lord God will be limited by divine power, but everything about that person seems to have no impact at all.

"He won't be above the Lord God, will he?" A middle-ranking god general swallowed his saliva and speculated in horror.

"This is impossible. Even if it is the main god, the power of that kind of god is enough for us to fight on the street. If it is still above the main god, then our ring armor and us will have been crushed long ago."

"However, none of us have seen it. Maybe there is another god above the Lord God?"

"No! We are all wrong!"

Suddenly, a middle god shouted, "He is not a god!"

"Not a god?!" Everyone else was shocked and then suspected, "Isn't it a god? How is that possible?! If it's not a god, can it still be a human..."

In the middle of speaking, they suddenly remembered that the group of human beings in ancient times, also known as heroes, were the supreme beings who lived in the city where they are now. They are not gods, but they are countless times more powerful than most gods. They can easily capture the sun and the moon and arrange them. Their favorite stars and stars, and even some of their heroes like to do business, they collect stars and planets, put them in their space world, and take them to other parts of the universe to sell those stars.

In such behavior, many gods can only look at their big eyes and hug their chin in surprise.

Any of them are legendary epics and myths that will always shine in human history, if their lives can be longer.

The lives of these human heroes are naturally longer than ordinary human beings, but the longest is only more than 900 years old, not even a thousand years old. This is also the doubt and sigh of human beings in later generations. Why can't human life expectancy exceed 1,000 years?

And even the weakest gods can live more than a thousand years, which is also the most obvious dividing line between human beings and gods.

So, although the ancient heroes are so powerful, their legends and myths are finally washed away by the long river of time. Their greatness and glory are now the most precious classics and the secrets of the oldest family. As for ordinary human beings, they don't even know The existence of the times, not to mention the human heroes of that era comparable to the gods.

Even, if someone is going to give this news to today's human beings, they may even doubt whether it is false. How can a human being be better than a god?

Today's human beings. It is indeed not comparable to the ancient times.

"You say that if a hero of ancient times fell into a magical space as we often say in an adventure..." A middle god dared to guess.

"Just like the insect wrapped in amber, that kind of space-time may be completely time still or 100 billion times the speed of space-time flow. In the real world, they have only passed a day or even a second, so..."

"So this hero didn't come out of there until today, but found that everything had changed?"

All the middle gods were excited because they felt that they had found the truth.

Suddenly, a middle god screamed, and others looked at him puzzledly.

"What's wrong?"

The excited words of this middle god are a little trill: "Are you sure that those gods in ancient times have immortal attributes?"

When he said this, everyone suddenly reflected that although they don't know what happened later, which led to the disappearance of the heroes and those gods of endless life in ancient times, it is certain that those gods have natural attributes, and their life expectancy is not With any restrictions, the only fall may be to be hurt, but time damage can't deal with them, because their life expectancy is endless. Although a more powerful human hero can kill many low-level gods, even those low-level gods have endless lives if they are not killed or die in some dangerous places in the universe.

All the middle god generals trembled with excitement and danced with their hands and feet.

"God! How could it make us encounter such a good thing! Compared with this adult, the ruins we encountered are scum even if they completely belong to us! As long as we can get a little secret about the immortality of the gods in ancient times from this hero, we are the most powerful beings in this universe in a sense. Because any enemy can be easily killed by the invincible power of time, as long as you go to a corner and wait for the enemy to die after tens of millions of years.

All the middle god generals are excited to think about what it will be like once they have eternal life.

"Wait!" Suddenly, a middle god general hesitated and said, "If this adult is really a descendant of ancient heroes or them, then he should not have a good impression on those gods. How can we get information about immortality from him?" What if he doesn't agree?"

Other middle god generals also suddenly became distressed. If this mysterious adult is really an ancient hero, then such human beings can easily kill gods. Such people probably follow the ideas of ancient heroes and are not interested in the world and survival of gods. Then, themselves Will others get those mysteries about the gods?

"Well, let's follow the order of the adult first and go to the city separately to find our own opportunity and fate. Everything happens to follow the order of this adult. Maybe this adult will have a better impression of us when he sees us respecting him so much. At that time..."

"That's right, then, let's go." Others immediately echoed.

"Oh, wait," suddenly a middle-ranking general said, "We must not talk about this matter, and we absolutely can't record it with any words or sounds. Everyone remembers it. Even when the two or three of us are together, we must not talk about this matter. There are ears across the wall! "

"Yes! Don't mention it!"

"You can't disclose it to anyone!"

"Even if you get this secret, you can't say it! Even the main god in this world can't..."


"What about His Royal Highness?" Suddenly, a question came out.

Silence came in an instant, and everyone looked at each other, and then they were silent one by one.

They usually follow the prince and have never had any other special ideas. That is because the prince's future may be the existence of the king, but now there are other higher interests and futures, and even it is an incredible treasure for which the main god has to bend down. These people instantly stiffen themselves. Mind and lips.

Time passed slowly, and a middle god general suddenly said:

"Anyway, although we are the middle gods, all the resources and glory we can have now are inseparable from the help and help of His Royal Highness. In any case, this news is to be told to His Royal Highness, otherwise, it will be too much."

The others listened, were slightly silent, and nodded, "That's it!"

Suddenly, a man said fiercely, "But one thing is that His Royal Highness can't tell anyone else, even the prince's royal family and monarch. This can only be our secret. This secret can't be exchanged even by a hundred kings!"

"Then it's settled!"