
Chapter 333 Loser is looking for death

"Then it's settled!"

Just when everyone decided not to hide this matter from the prince, suddenly everyone's hearts seemed to have sprouted something. It's like a bamboo shoot felt the breath of spring rain and began to accumulate strength and prepare to release its body.

But this feeling did not last long, just for a short moment. So much so that these middle generals thought they were in a trance, and they didn't talk to each other about this feeling, so no one found it. So they also ignored that a part of their bodies had produced a strange change because of the decision in their hearts. Although it was only a trace, for that slight change, in the outer cosmic world, there were countless upper gods who were willing to do everything in exchange for this change.

The so-called difference between richness and wealth in the world is probably the same as the case.

These people are the happiest group among tens of millions of people. However, when this supreme honor and glory came to them, although they had brought countless changes and possibilities to their future, they themselves did not seize this opportunity and finally could give full play to this opportunity. Power is really hard to say.

This is also a huge gap between them and those who are educated, and of course, it is also limited by their conditions.

Among ordinary human beings, they are already the son of heaven, and they are noble and powerful above thousands of people. But compared with those royal families of stars that are often part of the star domain, it can't be compared.

In order to make themselves go further, they have to spend a lot of time to struggle for their achievements, looking for or buying the technologies and resources of those achievements. This time seems to be extremely important, but in fact, the most important thing is the knowledge about the middle god, but their knowledge is input like machine input after the body achieves the middle god.

Judging from the capacity of knowledge inventory, they are exactly the same as those other external gods, but in fact, the gap is like a librarian and a rich professor and doctor. Even if the knowledge in the librarian's inventory books is tens of thousands of times that of the professor's elite, the degree of what they can do when facing problems is absolutely different.

Because one person's knowledge is alive, while another person's knowledge is dead. Even, it is not necessarily his knowledge. He just puts them on the bookshelf. If he doesn't check the catalogue, he may not know that he still has this knowledge.

The middle gods and other gods in the outer universe are promoted at the same time as knowledge and gods, so they are real gods and legends, but now these gods are completely fake products and products of human beings themselves, although they look the same on the surface.

However, can the meaning of the bite icon of the apple be the same as that of the penguin's head be bitten?

People like princes don't have this trouble at all. Although their royal family can't do too much, it is not difficult to easily arrange a perfect middle god device for their princes. They value the strength of princes more on the cultivation of wisdom.

The gap in the middle is like a student learning by himself with a dictionary, while the other is guided by a group of top masters. Even if you are a well-talented self-learner, you can't be born to know it. Besides, may some key and valuable things be fully recorded in the book?

If what is recorded on paper is completely reliable, what is the meaning of the reality of human life? Isn't it enough to read everything? This is definitely not the case. Even if human beings can selflessly record everything in the book, in the face of the true meaning of life, human beings still have to come out and live. People who live in illusion are not saved.

Otherwise, why do you say that most of the poor little ones like losers are otaku?

In addition to their inherently poor conditions, the reason is that they have a rich and handsome heart but are still too lazy to sit there like a pig.

If they can take out any of their fantasy time and work hard, there will always be some changes. Most of the time, people suffer from the wrong place and force themselves to do it with standards and routes that do not belong to them.

The result is as ridiculous as an adult man having to put his buttocks in a baby bank. Isn't that brain-damaged?

Of course, this gap may not be so ridiculous with the help of excellent innate resources. For example, you can order an extra-large baby pants for him to put in, but what's the result? It's just a living pervert.

And that is the reason for the appearance of the second generation of rich and handsome people who are hated. Their essence is the same as the losers who nestled in the quilt and have unrealistic dreams. They are all a group of bastards.

In fact, most of the time, human beings themselves divide people into two parts according to their natural conditions, but for the law of the universe, the division of human beings is not like that. The division of human beings is based on the degree of fit of that person's mind and behavior. If a person is willing to work hard and pay action and sweat for it, he is bound to gain this.

Although this harvest may be different from his own expectations, it may be that his efforts are on the wrong path. For example, it is impossible for a person without artistic cells to die in the drama academy all day long and become a star.

It's just that you can also become the best passer-by actor, which reminds people of the role that comes to mind when they see a passer-by, isn't it another kind of success?

If human beings want to say that God destroys themselves, they must not have found the way of life that God left them, or deliberately ignores the way of life, because he does not fit their own thoughts.

This is a strange personality of human beings. I don't know whether they are happy or unhappy. Because many times, human beings give up because of their own unhumble, which leads to a lot of regrets and tragedies, but sometimes it is also because of this disseveration that they find another way, thus bringing a lot of things that can be recorded in history books for themselves, other groups and human beings.

This is the complexity of human beings.

Or that's why ancient heroes were unwilling to become gods anyway, because although their wisdom and abilities are unparalleled and their minds are unfathomable, their essence is clear, either good, evil, or neutral, and there is no human being that changes day by day. There is a pervert.