
Chapter 335 The Meaning of Survival

But what if you know these? Such a thing, no matter who sets the plan and arranges the situation, as long as it is beneficial to yourself, then just take care of yourself. As for what others will have, what is it about you?

The three people are happily digesting everything that belongs to themselves. The prince is still immersed in his feelings about gods, life and eternity. As for the other middle gods and generals, they are looking for opportunities and treasures that belong to them, eager to find a little benefit in this city to make him Become stronger, or discover the eternal secret of ancient gods - the mystery of life without the rule of time.

If it were put in the past, they would never have thought that one day they would become the same as the top gods in the universe to think about this problem, just like an ordinary civil servant would never really consider how to govern this country after becoming a national boss. The same strength as the truth.

Even if there is, they are just a random intention in a dream. But at this time, such an opportunity and opportunity were placed in front of them, and everyone became crazy. If the past is wrong this time, it is true that even if there is a chance to become a superior god, these people will regret it.

It's like a person who had the opportunity to become a county's center because of his negligence or other reasons. Although he would have broken his head to fight for such a position, if he had become the same as those who had become the governor's department. Compared with the guy, he will definitely take out his intestines and wash them ten thousand times.

All the middle god generals are waiting carefully and slightly anxiously, digging up everything in this heroic city, eager to get their own treasure quickly. At this time, all people have a worry in their hearts, that is, in the end, others have achieved the immortal throne, and only they are still an unknown middle god. Thinking of this result, all people's hearts are like 10,000 ants crawling and crawling, uncomfortable.

Although the position of the middle god they have achieved is already a legendary myth among human beings, a respected existence, and a supreme existence that emperors have to worship respectfully. Any people and people on his home planet feel honored and lucky with such a great existence.

However, when these glory accumulated on a god, he reached another level. In the eyes of human beings, it is supreme honor and glory and praiseworthy sacred and great holiness, but for that god, this is actually just a floating cloud.

The life circle of gods is incomprehensible for the short life of human beings. The so-called praise and respect are floating clouds for them, because this universe is not like the external universe. It can be used by the power of human faith to support the divine power of the gods themselves. Everything about the gods belongs to In the circle of gods, whether it is the materials of gods or the data memory technologies of various formations of the core lines of divine power, these are not found in the human world and have nothing to do with the human world.

Therefore, any god regarded as a great god by human beings is actually not a comfortable and free person in God*. They also have their own troubles, similar to human beings, or human troubles.

It's okay if everyone doesn't get any opportunities and babies. If there are only two, they won't accept it. What's more, from the ruins of this ancient hero city, it seems that even if only two people get treasure, it is impossible. The most likely thing is that only two people can't get anything, and the others all get their own treasures!

At the thought of such a possibility, all people are anxious and uneasy, because before their own opportunity comes, the most unfortunate fate may come to these people at any time.

No one wants to be the sad unlucky guy who regrets and wants to die immediately but has to continue to regret.

What else can I do? You have to find it quickly.

However, even in the process of searching, these people's minds are extremely complicated and entangled.

On the one hand, they are very worried that they will become the most tragic, so they are eager to meet their own resources and treasures as soon as possible. But on the other hand, I'm afraid that this thing is not strong enough. At the end of everyone, others get watermelon, but I am sesame. Countless speculations and worries are constantly entangling their hearts. Since they left the prince's place and wandering around these places, they have become more and more uneasy and anxious. They have all kinds of uncomfortable thoughts and things in their hearts that they can't wait to explode immediately.

However, I'm worried about what will be misunderstood by others, so they are all very hard, painful and entangled.

But the truth is not so bad. Maybe, it's just that these people's hearts are too big.

Countless Gundam buildings stand in the city, each of which is beautiful, exquisite and magnificent. Although I don't know that this is the house where the heroes lived in it, after thousands of years, there is still a special atmosphere coming out of the house, like a house. The owner is still sleeping in this house.

The breath of ancient heroes is atmospheric, pure, upright, brave and unyielding, as domineering and fierce as big pillars supporting the canopy. Although these middle gods and generals are usually the great existence admired and worshipped by countless people in their respective worlds and planets, they have the title of gods, even if they are the lower gods. It is the incredible existence of human beings to bow their proud heads in front of them, but now that when they gradually approach the houses where these ancient heroes lived, the will and breath of the heroes who still seem to stay in the building even make them have an impulse to crawl to express their respect.

The kind of will and power that does not accept that the gods are powerful and strive to make themselves stronger than the gods; the kind that follows the laws of heaven and earth, born in the universe and dies in the universe. I am not greedy for the long term of life at all. As long as I have had the beauty and happiness of life, I can leave at ease. ** naked, the light, their will and thoughts continue to impact these middle gods, so that their minds looking for the mystery of the gods from a god are constantly disturbed, and even many people have begun to constantly think and doubt the position of their gods in the bottom of their hearts. What is the meaning?

The heroes of ancient times can be more powerful than most gods. Although their lives end early, those gods who seem to have eternal life also seem to have disappeared from the universe.

In the life of a person, in the life of a god, what should be pursued? Is it endless life or eternal days? Or is it a supreme glory? Or do endless forces and people in heaven and earth praise the right and control of worship?

What is the meaning of all this, your own existence? Does everything you have done since you became conscious have its meaning?

If so, what is it?

If not, what are you living for?

All the middle gods were shocked by such a spiritual shock and became confused and confused.

Their footsteps gradually stopped and began to reflect on the mysterious place they were least willing to touch.