
Chapter 334 If You Let go

Recommend a movie "Untouchable" and almost invalidated today's update for him. It's a story between two men, touching...

Unfortunately, these middle gods thought not to hide the prince, shared the news with him, and thought that such news could not be spread around. To some extent, they also limited the gods, so that they resonated with a certain idea of the City of Heroes and were inadvertently transformed into the divine attributes in their bodies.

It's just that their magic power was limited at this time, and they didn't pay attention to this matter. As a result, they all missed it all at once. If the prince has the same feeling as them, he will suddenly react. On the one hand, the most important thing in the prince's education is how to break through the divine power and human attributes and break the blockade of the main divine kingdom against ordinary countries. On the other hand, most of the prince's knowledge is scriptures. After teaching, it is input into the brain, just like some people put the data directly in the computer, while some people put the data after discussing it with people.

Sui said that when it is needed, you just need to turn on the computer to inquire, but people who have studied and research must have a clear goal when query. And the other group of people may not even respond to the inquiry, because they have no such intellectual flexibility at all, thinking that their experience coincides with a certain situation.

However, unfortunately, the prince stepped into the perception of some ancient hero early. This perception has also changed the divine power on his body, but this change was made when his consciousness did not control his body. By the time he could know, I'm afraid it would have been over.

There is a fixed number in the number of heaven and earth.

I don't know if this is a tragic comedy.

However, it is time to start, and there is another problem that haunts these middle gods. Although according to the adult's guess, there can be no thing that goes against the will of the hero in this city, such a grand cosmic law and energy change should be faced with the inspection of the Lord God Kingdom in a while. It is not safe to leave the prince here alone anyway. Who knows what level of technology those who often profit from the ruins have reached?

It's just that these dozen middle gods, who stayed and who left to find their own opportunities and treasures? Who will stay and continue to guard the prince?

More than a dozen people looked at each other, but for a moment they were silent and the atmosphere was depressing.

If there are two brothers or a family among these people, it is a pity that each of these people is the representatives of the family behind them. For the sake of this secret, they have already had any close relationship with those middle gods on the ordinary Green Doma planet, involving relics. In ancient times, they were no longer people from the same world.

Although some people come to be separated.

Although the human mind is extremely complicated, no matter how the essence of these people is similar to human beings, they have been immersed in the world of divine power for so much time, and after all, they still have a little divine style. Although this decision is too difficult, in the end there are still two separate bodies and one is complete. The middle god of the body stayed.

The others were so grateful that they handed over the prince's safety, and finally put down all their worries and left. However, they just left, and the remaining three middle gods showed a strange look, and their eyes emitted a very strange light. At this time, one of them took a deep breath, and then a confused light suddenly appeared on his body.

This light is so mysterious that no one can easily see it, but the other two people saw it, because their bodies also showed that light.

The three people looked at each other but said nothing. A mysterious smile showed that the three people completely knew about this matter and did not intend to spread it.

Just when the three people made up their mind to give up that precious opportunity and completely follow the prince as a servant to get second-level benefits from the prince, because of their thoughts and behaviors, the City of Heroes gave a complete response to them.

This blessing and blessing not only plays the role of Hongze in this heroic city, but also works even after leaving here. Moreover, this change is added to their divine power and body, and even they feel that their souls have a strange change. Although they can't distinguish this change, they can know that it must be a good change without thinking.

In this way, these three people seem to have lost some opportunity compared with others, but in fact they are likely to get the greatest benefit, because even if the rest of them get more treasures in this ancient hero city, it is only something outside them, but the three of them get inside them. A thing is something that can be controlled by them all the time for safety.

After experiencing the core of divine power, these people have completely understood that external forces are external forces after all. No matter what kind of strength, status and honor those divine cores can bring to them, in essence, those are honors and honors that belong to the core of divine power, which really have nothing to do with themselves. .

Because the main material of the core of their divine power core is the material left by the divine power core of their ancestors in their family, which is also what they will do in the future. If they die, then give their own divine power core to their favorite descendants and let them inherit their own divine power core. Complete the family's honor expectations and sustenance.

However, today all this has changed. They themselves have been changed in a certain way. Although this change may not be the kind of thing they imagined about the eternity of divine power, they have noticed that their bodies seem to have become a container of divine power, and those stagnated divine powers are in their bodies and Every cell of your body is blended with water and milk, which has never happened before.

Although their bodies also have divine power, they are all divine power from the core of the divine power, and the running route of the body is also through some special material that transmits divine power. The so-called gap between the lower god and the middle god is the layout and density of this material that constitutes the body.

A lower god can run a few large divine power routes on the chest and limbs of the body at most, but a middle god can be densely covered with divine power routes like silk in the body. Of course, their strength is not only because of this, but from this alone To see the gap between a middle god and a lower god.

Of course, the upper god is another situation. Their bodies themselves seem to be made of divine materials. From this point of view, their bodies are almost a complete divine body, which is also the reason for their long life span. Their human attributes have It has almost disappeared, only with immortal magic power, so they will be so long-term.

However, they still have a part of the human core, which is the support that carries their souls.

This is also the main reason why these gods can't get rid of the threat of life expectancy. Their souls cannot be carried by divine materials. They must be human bodies and beings to withstand their souls. Otherwise, they will soon become part of the divine power and become part of the divine power. Traces of

However, these middle gods have gained great benefits at this time, and their bodies are also full of the core and lines of a large number of divine materials. However, at this time, even their cells are full of divine power, and they can clearly feel that the souls in their bodies seem to have undergone strange changes. The faint divine power is constantly penetrating into their souls.

Human souls have always been incompatible with divine power. If they are forcibly merged, there will only be huge accidents. But at this time, all three people know this. Their souls are not destroyed by divine power, but become stronger and tougher, and a magical change occurs in the soul, which belongs to human spirits. There is a noble, sacred and immortal breath in the soul, as if it were as great and magnificent as a god from the nine heavens.

The three people circled around the prince and calmed down and felt the changes in their divine power, body and soul in their bodies. They completely did not have the depression and the feeling of giving up everything in their hearts when they decided to stay.

The decision they sat down at the beginning was almost equivalent to a mortal giving up the opportunity to become a god. Although no one was sure what they would get this time, everyone knew in their hearts that they had never been so close to the gods as this time, even those superior gods. Our world has never been exposed to such an opportunity.

For this opportunity, countless stable gods can give up everything and take the whole galaxy to fight for this opportunity.

This is an opportunity that even the Lord God will not give up, because they personally got a word about these things from the adult's mouth. They are not fools, and they can naturally analyze what kind of information they are based on those words.

However, at that moment, the three of them gave up. Although there are various complex reasons behind them, what can't be given up in the face of becoming a god?

Three people gave up, but they got something that maybe no one else would ever get. The various things in the middle are like a play, a drama arranged to entertain an unknown existence.