
Chapter 337 Inspector

It became a disease because of missing, but all the emotions and moods turned into wonderful words and symbols, jumping around the poet. Later, more and more words, symbols and inexplicable pictures were recorded by the poet. Rich emotions, delicate intuition and extraordinary talent made his words have incredible spirituality as soon as they were born. They ran out happily like lively children and gave them The story is told in the whole city of heroes.

But the city of heroes is so huge that poets can't let the city convey their thoughts and feelings in a short time even if they keep writing every day.

What's more, although this city belongs to human heroes, in this era, there are many travelers from other worlds and places passing by. No one is sure whether that woman is an indigenous person in the city of heroes or an ordinary human woman who occasionally passes by.

The deeper the missing, the more depressed and sad the poetry text becomes. Every day, countless words and elves flow out of the poet's residence, looking around for the beautiful woman who touched the poet's heart, eager to see her figure again and pour out the full of lovesickness to her.

Fairy tales are beautiful, but reality is cruel. Even the survival of heroes is no exception, but some heroes are trained in various cruel environments.

It is impossible for a peerless sword to be sharpened, but this process is very painful, both with swords and grinding stones. They give each other pain, and then complete each other and become useful tools together.

The poet died because of his longing, but he left countless words and symbols to depict his mood and desire. After a talented person left these things, he disappeared from the universe.

In that era, the love of heroes was basically composed of tragedies. Most of the heroes had received real love, but few of them were successful and perfect.

This is the fate of heroes. They only have the noble things of human beings, but they can't make achievements emotionally. Many heroes even have a miserable experience for their families.

In the end, the poet died young, but his poems remained in this heroic city, walking in the corners of the city, on the walls, on the utensils of some residents' homes, and sometimes on the roofs of some buildings. No one can understand the specific meaning of this life. Righteousness and presence, but there is indeed a feeling that they are basking in the sun.

Later, it became a major scenery of the city of heroes. It is said that countless couples come back here every year, then take each other's hands and watch the buildings around them being filled with text elves left by former poets.

These elves don't look like themselves, but when they gather around, they can really give people a feeling that they are looking at someone seriously and happily. It seems that these small, cute and lively little guys are blessing the couple and wishing that they can always hold hands as the poet expected.

This is a kind of runes in the city.

In addition to these things, there are other stories and things. In some places, there are some carved extremely realistic statues. Even in a relatively low courtyard wall, you can see a sheep-like creature eating grass on the ground?

However, if you look carefully, you will find that this is actually just an inanimate puppet, and he does not eat grass, but dust and garbage on the ground.

However, today's city of heroes has long been an empty dead city, and there is no dust or garbage in it. It can be seen that this puppet also forgot to close when his owner left, but he doesn't know what energy it is. It can have been stopped for so many years. His work is tirelessly repeated over and over on the smooth ground that can be reflection.

Fortunately, he does not have his own wisdom. Otherwise, the long river of time can make any intelligent creature anxious and angry. Even if it is not lonely, too long is a kind of torture and punishment for living beings. Whether it is accompanied by friends and relatives or alone, time will easily let A person completely becomes a different appearance, because human beings are a ** creature and must have ** burning at all times to make life bloom brightly. Otherwise, it will only wither quickly like a flower.

From this point of view, it can also explain why this generation of human beings have divine power but are still not gods, and their hearts still can't stand the test of time. However, there is so much time in this universe that even wisdom can't be counted.

Mora took a look at the puppet, who was still unconscious and acted on the orders left by the owner of countless eras ago, and did not intend to do anything. He went straight down the route he had taken firmly. Behind him, the puppet was still working tirelessly.

Countless runes have been silent in this city of heroes for too long. Today, they finally woke up here because of the strong space storm. Most of the high-spiritual runes are concentrated around the person they are most interested in for the first time, and the remaining low-spiritual and slow-moving runes are in the urban complex. The fall slowly moved towards the loyalty of the city, which is also where Mora is going.


Outside the empty universe, silent and desolate.

Suddenly, it was like a stone thrown into the water that had not fluctuated for thousands of years, stirring up beautiful ripples, and there seemed to be some changes in the universe.

The ordinary staff on the two ring warships suddenly fell asleep, and all the work of the ring warships stopped. The bright lights have all disappeared. If it weren't for the transcendental technology and some exquisite things that don't seem natural, I'm afraid anyone who passes by will think that these are two ordinary cosmic meteorites.

Three figures slowly emerged from the void, like pieces of ions transmitted from the distant future and then combined. These three existences also look like ordinary people as the original appearance of Mora, without any special energy fluctuations and the feeling of divine power like prison.

However, after seeing the appearance of the three people and their mysterious void at this time, I know that they are absolutely not ordinary. Although it seems normal to be empty in the universe, this situation will never happen near any star, because their gravity will allow humans to enjoy what impact is.

What's more, even in the nihilistic universe, since nothing can support an object, human beings naturally cannot walk at will as freely as the user's reaction force and friction on the ground.

Although you can also make various actions, without the action of other external forces, you should never want to move any centimeter, let alone the leapfrog transmission of light years as the micronical unit.

However, these three people are not confused at all. They are as natural as on the ground in the void, as if they are not walking with their bodies, but with their thoughts. Therefore, when the intention comes, it is convenient.

From an image point of view, these three people are also two men and one woman.

However, it is obvious that these three people are led by that woman, and the other two are like subordinates or guards.

Although these three are not accompanied by any special divine light and divine power, and their bodies look like ordinary human beings, no one who sees their eyes will think so.

The three pairs of eyes are like human eyes, but no emotion can be found inside, as cold as a piece of ice for tens of millions of years.

In today's era, even robots have their own emotional systems, making them look quite human, but these three people's eyes have no feelings at all, just like the most ruthless god in the nine heavens, ignoring the supreme existence of all sentient ants.

Compared with any of the gods on the stars in the upper kingdom of gods, these three people who clearly reveal a little human style are more like gods.

Looking at the two completely stalled ring warships indifferently, the leading woman first asked, "Have you found anything special?"

Her voice seems to come from the ice water ten thousand years ago. It is ruthless, with only boneless cold and ruthlessness. If someone hears it, I'm afraid it will freeze into ice in an instant.

However, the other two people are not strange at all, and they seem to be familiar with this sound and look. One of them spoke in such a cold and emotionless tone:

"There is no special discovery, but suddenly there was a space storm, and then a prince of Quixus and his fleet found such a relic, and now they have taken people to explore. About 5,000 hourglass have passed.

Another person also spoke, and his voice was the same cold: "After so long, these people are still greedily occupying the ruins. It seems that it is because our inspectors have not been powerful over the years. Let us use them as an example to warn those ignorant stars, crown ."

The last sentence was said to that woman.

The woman did not answer, but seemed to fall into some kind of thinking. After four hourglasses, the woman said, "No!"

....................................Happy birthday to me............Although today is April Fool's Day............Although I don't want to write a bitter word today............