
Chapter 338 Hero Mode

"There are logical errors in the memory of these people about this incident. There is an inexplicable gap in many places in their affairs, but this gap has been ignored by them."

As soon as the woman said this, the two men immediately rechecked it. As expected, as the woman known as the crown said, there was a strange illogical place in their memories, but this illogical place was forcibly ignored.

This kind of neglect is even powerful enough to affect the people who view them, making them feel that this logic of mistakes and omissions is correct! If it hadn't been for the strength and meticulousness of the crowned adult, I'm afraid this matter would have been missed.

"One person was forgotten by them." The woman said with incomparable certainty.

One of the men wondered, "But why didn't you find traces of passive hands and feet in their memory and sea of knowledge?"

Another man wondered, "It seems that they have naturally forgotten themselves. This feeling is like someone who accelerated the forgetting time of something in their minds, making them quickly forget as if they were suffering from amnesia. This method seems to have a very familiar feeling. Where have you seen it?

The man was puzzled, and soon he knew the answer.

The woman closed her eyes and said after a while, "This is an ancient means. Naturally, it can only be done by the existence of God."


"How is this possible?!" The two men's faces, which had been calm like stagnant water, showed surprise, and one of them asked puzzledly, "However, under the crown, didn't only five people... do it?"

The woman shook her head slightly, "This is not necessarily the case. Some things from ancient times can also play this effect, but I don't know what's going on this time?"

"Well, do you want to report it for the record first? Under the crown, your safety is more important than everything." A man said cautiously.

"No need!" The woman waved her hand and said, "It's just an arrogant maniac who got a little ancient technology. How can his understanding of ancient times be compared with us? Maybe they have died here long before we walk into it."

The two men looked at each other. Since the corona made such a decision, they no longer said any unpleasant words, but secretly increased their vigilance again. The identity under the corona is not small. This time, it is not for patrolling the universe, but just for a distraction. If something happens Unexpectedly, they can't even imagine it.

The three people quickly approached the city of human heroes. The leading woman took a look, and then said to the two men behind them, "It's the forbidden place of ancient gods. Start the human hero mode."

Two people replied, "Yes, under the crown, your order is the glory we wait for."

A flash of light flashed, and the images of the three people suddenly changed greatly. It turned out that the image of the ancient gods came down to earth became the three invincible and glorious heroes among human beings.

The two men are covered with circles of muscles and smooth lines, and even their hair is uprightened. Even if you just look at them, you can see the terrible explosive power contained in the body, which is definitely the power of breaking the mountain mausoleum. Their eyes are no longer the ruthlessness of ignoring all sentient beings, but full of enthusiasm, vitality and fighting spirit, and there is a vibrant atmosphere all over their bodies.

As for that woman, she instantly became a peerless city that can only be seen in all legends and myths in the world. Every move has an elegant demeanor that enchants all sentient beings and enchants the gods. The long snow-white hair dances without wind, shining, as if the eyes of the sea and the sky can drown all enthusiasm, and the tall bridge of the nose is like the back of the snow, holy and perfect. The rosy lips are like a fire that ignites the madness of males. Why can't they do everything for her?

Even the two men who were under this woman's eyes were hot and excited at this time. However, they turned on the hero mode at this time, so it was a normal reaction.

The woman's voice is still cold, but it is more seductive and cold: "Let's go!"

The three people set foot on the city of heroes, which was different from what all the middle gods belonging to the prince expected. They were not affected at all, as if they were human heroes. Their bodies and strength have been transformed into a hero mode at this time, so there is no impact at all. If those middle-ranking generals know this, they will be very excited and never dare to stop quietly to think about their future and the meaning of life, as well as the way they want to take.

The three people came under the tall and towering wall and looked at the seamless wall. The woman said lightly, "I didn't expect to see such a high-level ancient human heritage city in such a remote place. I'm afraid such technology is the peak work of the era of human heroes."

However, the other two men did not have such leisure. The two ran around the wall and said to the woman, "No special place was found under the corona. It is the most complete overall alloy technology. The runes on the wall seem to be spiritual, but it seems that they It was only activated today, but it has changed a lot. We can't determine what the original rune looks like for the time being, so it will take some time to open the gate.

The woman seemed to be asking those two, and seemed to be saying to herself, "In this case, how did those guys with divine power get in? Or is there indeed a mysterious person among them who also mastered the ancient civilization?

Both of them didn't know how to answer, so they bowed their heads and said, "Why don't we observe or ask for support?"

"Do you want that bastard to see my jokes?" The woman's voice suddenly became harsh, as if she had been stimulated: "A little monkey, but because of good luck, has been inherited from an ancient advanced civilization, dares to run to the great King of the East to ask for marriage. Is his mind empty?"

Isn't it? A man muttered in his heart that his race is a strange existence born empty in his mind. Otherwise, it would not have been his turn to become the biggest winner of the expedition. A small monkey actually became a hot figure in the five major gods. This is nothing, but this family Unexpectedly, he boldly proposed a marriage to the King of the East, hoping to marry the crowned man in front of them. If it hadn't been for some special reasons, I'm afraid that the bastard would have been killed by the crowned followers.

The woman in front of her just couldn't stand his disgusting face and couldn't turn against him, so she had to run to this place to temporarily avoid the prisoner's flies.

If he catches up with him because of something, the most important thing is that he seems to have mastered a magical technology that can quickly absorb the key core of the ruins, which is also the secret of his strength. If he knows such an ancient city of heroes, he is afraid of absorbing the benefits. After that, it became more arrogant.

"However, under the crown, you can secretly summon your secret force." A man was puzzled.

"Humph!" The woman snorted dissatisfiedly: "A bunch of pig brains!"

But I don't know who I was scolding. After a while, the woman explained: "That group of rubbish, I have been training them for so long, and there is no glance at all. Do you really think I will have a disgusting relationship with that monkey? It's ridiculous to buy them with just a few small gifts! The most ridiculous thing is that when they saw me punishing those of them, these people actually thought I was jealous. It was really disgusting. Wind!"

As soon as he heard his name, the man immediately said, "Yes!"

The woman said coldly, "After this expedition, you immediately contact the black market buyers and sell these idiot brains to me. I feel disgusted when I see them every day."

The woman "Yun" ordered again, "Go and find another group of suitable people for me."

Another man hesitated and nodded and said, "Yes."

The reason for hesitation is that although the guards belonging to this crown are called idiots and pig brains, in fact, each of them has the so-called upper god level of the world below. Although those resources are nothing to people like this crown, waste is not very good after all.

However, this man also knows the character under the crown, which is absolutely the same, so there is nothing special to say that is useless. However, it seems that after changing the human hero mode, there is a little chat.

The woman also saw the man's hesitation. Although she didn't listen to what he said, the woman still said, "After all, you came up from below, and some things still need to be changed as soon as possible. For our existence, everything is distinguished between meaningful and meaningless. It is not carried out according to the level of value, so even if some things are of high value, if they are meaningless to us, then there is no need to bother them for him!"

The man known as Yun bowed his head and said respectfully, "Yes, thank you for your teaching. I must keep it in mind and dare not forget it for a moment."

Looking at the wall of the city in front of her, the woman carefully stared at the rune on the wall for a long time. Suddenly, she stretched out her hand and pressed on a rune that was secretly moving and pressed it down!

Last month, I hope everything goes well............