
Chapter 340 Secret Love with a Madman

Speaking with the trivialities of the kingdom of the Lord God, the three hero mode of people stood in front of the city wall and watched the finger holes gather full of energy. This energy accumulated on a large scale within a very small range and finally reached a certain critical point, exceeding the tolerance of the wall materials. Therefore, the area of the wall spontaneously cracked Untie it and pour out the energy. Looking at the half-person-sized round hole and the energy that is constantly spewing in it, the man called the cloud first bulged the protective energy outside his body and then drilled in.

Watching him pass safely, the woman called the crown also followed, followed by the man called the wind. Although the eyes were burning, the vision of the three people in the hero mode was not affected at all. The wind raised his head slightly and looked at the graceful figure and ** lines of the woman in front of him. The man's eyes became extremely hot and crazy, and the faint fragrance kept pulling his nose, making him have a kind of reaching out to hold. That woman's impulse.

It is said that a woman is particularly ** in the eyes that fall on the secret of her body. Even if there is a pervert staring at her buttocks behind her back, she can feel it. If someone stares at her chest and scans her eyes randomly, she will be caught at the first time.

Some perverts are very confused about why they were kicked out by the target woman before they showed their minions. In fact, this is the reason. No matter how natural and innocent they are, those inadvertent eyes have already deeply exposed his essence and inner decay.

Just like the fast-play player on many people's computer desktops, it is a fishy smell that can be smelled across ten streets.

And this woman with a noble status in the kingdom of the main god is inherently beautiful and intelligent**, and she doesn't know anything about this kind of gaze.

Not to mention the hot eyes that fell under her that almost burned her clothes, even those eyes that fell in ordinary places were well known to her, which was not too good.

Although it is known that this is because of the release of some basic desires of human beings in the hero mode, it must be related to human beings themselves. Even if they do not show it at all in the god mode, this woman still can't tolerate it.

What's more, this time it was a secret operation. Even these two men were pulled over by her to avoid exposing themselves. Although they are still intimate, for a woman who always takes immortality as their only supreme wish, they are just The two are more pleasing to the eye.

In her heart, she absolutely regards these people as the existence of ants. As the supreme, everything else is not memorable, even if these ants also regard those lower-level ants, but what does this have to do with her? It's just a story between a group of powerful ants and a group of more vulnerable ants.

These two guys really think they are close people, and they really don't know what's good or wrong.

The man known as the cloud has walked out of the round hole in the wall, and the woman is about to go out. At this time, a move made by the wind man behind instantly triggered the most complete anger in the woman's heart. The man stretched out his hand to get an intimate zero distance from the person's round and perfect plump thing. .

The woman did not look back, but even if she looked at her, she could perceive it so **. How could a big salted pig hand not notice it? The woman's fingers immediately inadvertently crossed a rune center on the wall, deepening the venting of energy, and the whole round hole The energy exploded in an instant, and the woman's body flashed quickly. At the last moment, she escaped from the round hole and entered the interior of the whole heroic city. However, the wind man's eyes were stunned by the energy and light that suddenly surged. Every time she could adjust her sight at the first time, and the woman rowed on the wall Traces rapidly accelerated the venting of energy and the recovery of the city wall.

Just when the wind man was about to expose his finger to the wall, the wall was completely restored. It's just that a small bag of drums is constantly twisting, just like an animal that has been wrapped in Slime is constantly being pulled and digested in its stomach. Outside the invisible wall of the two people here, a round drum was exposed, and then an opening was exposed like excretion, spewing out a lot of bloody things, and occasionally a little snow-white bone debris.

As for the technology of the ancient gods and relics in this man's body, he has long been deprived of the city wall, which is also one of the defenses of the ancient hero city. There is nothing to fear when the enemy breaks in. The city wall itself concentrates all the strength in the city and can instantly deprive everything about divine power.

Although the wind is also a "hero", unfortunately, it is a hero mode with the help of divine power. If it is an ordinary city, it doesn't matter. In such a big city, where there are often gods, even the main god will die or be hurt, not to mention this pervert.

And the woman and the cloud man did not know this. If it hadn't been for the awakening of this city of heroes, the energy and mystery of many places would have been slowly waking up from their deep sleep, and they had not been able to fully play the mystery and greatness of the ancient city of heroes. It was completely digested.

Just when the two people didn't know, the man was dead. And at the same time, because of the divine power, the city inexplicably spontaneously accelerated the sober speed of the city. Therefore, at the moment of the death of the wind man, the alarm and threat notification issued by the divine power device on his body had been completely swallowed up by the city wall, even the woman was just He thought he was squeezed out of the wall and couldn't come in.

The woman sighed angrily in her heart: He was lucky, but he didn't kill him.

And another man looked at the wind man being taken out of the wall in consternity, and then asked carefully, "Below the crown, so do we need to wait for the wind now?"

The woman said coldly, "He is unlucky, so don't come to trouble us anymore. Let him go home and get out of here!"

The last sentence had nothing to do with this incident, but the cloud man, who had suffered a lot since childhood, immediately sensed something and couldn't help but feel a special feeling in his heart. On the one hand, he felt that the man deserved it and dared to take action against this corona, and even the confused man was kicked by her as garbage. Very far.

To be honest, even the two men still think that the confusion is not so bad, but they even say that he is indeed the most tasteful of all males. Although he is a little frivolous, considering his ability, Compared with those other nobles and superiors, his frivolity is simply too modest. Many people with a little ability can't wait for their little advantages to be exaggerated like a god. This one is already perfect.

However, in the eyes of this corona, it is still rubbish.

I really don't know whether the aesthetics under this crown are special, or if it is really so high, many floors high.

Although he thought so in his heart, the cloud man couldn't help thinking that maybe there was someone in his heart under this crown? Or is it because of the so-called Xi Shi in the eyes of the lover that she doesn't like the fool?

So who does she like? Why is this adventure himself and the stupid bastard under the crown? Why was that bastard so unfortunately kicked out? Is it this coronal hinting at something?

In the hero mode, many people's emotions, desires and thoughts are indeed a very annoying thing. As soon as the woman gave birth to the wind man's anger, she suddenly noticed that the cloud man's body temperature and heartbeat began to change significantly. And the temperature of the vision also seems to have risen. What else did this bastard think of?

Does he think he kicked that bastard away because of him? His mind is full of garbage!

The woman said coldly, "There must be a lot worth exploring in such a big city. Since the unlucky guy got out in advance, I don't know if he will talk about the news everywhere. You and I will look for it separately and come back here after 30,000 breaths to meet!"

After saying that, he didn't care what the man thought, but he flashed and disappeared.

The cloud man was still immersed in his fantasy. When he understood, the crown had disappeared.

As the saying goes, men and women in love are incredible. The kind of man who fell into self-righteous secret love is particularly incredible. They even regard the non-existent love relationship as a tacit understanding between themselves and each other, and then use it as the basis for their perverted and inexplicable behavior, which is serious and can even cause great tragedies.

It is said that there was once a person whose brain was abnormal. Well, he was actually a pervert. She always thought that such a woman was interested in herself and had a 100,000 tacit understanding with herself. Finally, one day, she was perverted to the extreme and thought that the woman had been waiting for her to completely show everything. So he said to the woman at a moment that no one understood, "Let's get married!"

The woman was shocked, "psycho!" Run away.

As a result, the man felt deeply insulted and thought that the woman was playing with herself and playing with her feelings. God sees pity, people don't know the existence of this person at all. As for the so-called self-righteous smile and gentleness, can God still be black all day? You have to take that smiling face as if you are interested in yourself. If you are sick like this, you have to be speechless.

Later, the man rushed into the woman's family, ao, died and was miserable, and then the man suddenly returned to normal in his blood. After a few years of escape, he committed suicide by jumping off a cliff.

Secret love for this thing sometimes really kills and kills others. Even if a person does nothing, in case he encounters this kind of perverted secret love for himself, and as a result, he will die if he is unhappy. The so-called life is impermanent and the fate is unpredictable. This day is really dangerous and cruel!