
Chapter 339 The Fantasy of Crossing the Crowd

Looking at the wall of the city in front of her, the woman carefully stared at the rune on the wall for a long time. Suddenly, she stretched out her hand and pressed on a rune that was moving secretly and pressed it down.

The rune, which had just recovered its spirit, has been secretly trying to remove the scope of sight of the woman who revealed a special breath from this body, but she was caught by this woman because of this. There was a symbolic howling, and then the rune had to honestly twist and change his body into an arrow symbol, pointing to another symbol, which did not wait for the woman to do it in person, and the active body to change into a low-end, which was the guide of the arrow on the circle.

It's the next...

The woman pressed her fingers in those circles one by one and exerted a little force. In the ancient hero mode, her power could break the iron stone with one finger. She also pressed finger holes on the wall of this hard city. Because of the obstruction of these finger holes, the power on the wall generated a little energy accumulation. Then this accumulation naturally forms an energy scourge through the material of the wall because of the position and formation of those runes.

This is a very violent way to crack, but his origin comes from an ancient hero who lost his memory. He suffered a brain injury in a war and completely forgot the password to enter his city.

Although the city admitted his breath, it could not open the door for him because of his previous password, so the hero began to open the door violently.

In addition to being violent when opening the door, there are many things that the hero has all turned into the same violence. Because of the loss of some surface memories, in addition to the door that can't be opened at home, there are many tools and weapons that the hero can't use. However, even if you sell them and buy a new set, you have to unlock the password of the weapon first.

However, heroes who have lost their memory obviously do not have this condition, and the price required to unlock the password in the city is enough to buy several new cities. So the hero began to study various means of violent use of ancient hero tools and objects without passwords.

Because of his all-round violence and research, hundreds of years later, this hero became a "tyrant" in the city of heroes, not how bad people are, but his way of acting is so violent. And it was also because of his violent cracking method that he also left a place in the city of thieves. Those thieves who studied various unlocking methods found that as long as there was no lock of self-destructing device, most of them could be solved by the tyrant's means.

Nowadays, this woman uses the "tyrant" method created by the ancient hero. It can also be seen that this woman has received a lot of secret ancient system education. Even if she travels back to the ancient times for some reason, she must be a super beautiful figure.

Of course, this is also related to the efforts of the five main gods to scrape all the ancient relics in the universe over the years. With the wisdom and ability of the main god level, they analyze the mysteries of ancient existence, and then use them to strengthen themselves and their own people, and then continue to use this greater power and energy to break them. Solve higher-level ancient mysteries. However, those countries of the upper gods have only gained something from a piece of brick and tile in the ancient ruins, and the research is not complete.

is like a primitive tribe that has only slightly studied the ironmaking technology of a high-level civilized society and learned to use iron weapons that are more powerful than sharpening sharp stones, while another tribe has begun to use civilized firearms and bombs. If there is a conflict, It's not a joke to beat a group.

This is also the reason why this woman looks down on the so-called upper kingdom of gods and kings. In their eyes, the existence of the group of people is like a monkey community in the eyes of people in a civilized society, and there is nothing to envy. Even a hungry man will not envy that a monkey king can have dozens of female monkeys, right? What a heavy taste to be so perverted...

The woman looked coldly at the finger hole on the wall and began to emit a bright and dazzling light. The light was extremely dazzling, but none of the three people turned their eyes, but after careful observation, it was found that their eyes naturally turned dark, as if they were wearing sunglasses. These people have learned many means of ancient heroes, although there is no way to compare with any ancient hero in terms of monomer............................................................ Because every ancient hero, the worst is also the peak of the upper god, the level of the half-step god, and even many ancient English. Heroes are at the level of the main god, and a few special heroes are said to have touched some of the main gods. That's why today's main god kingdom still strictly pursues ancient heroes. Because of the way ancient heroes act, their most precious secrets are not necessarily placed in the most secret places. It is likely that in some very common and ordinary relics, this idea comes from the legendary experiences and initials of those heroes themselves. The opportunity, however, is a pitiful disaster for the strong in later generations, because the Lord God Kingdom is worried about whether anyone who finds the relics will inherit the most precious and confidential means and knowledge of the ancient heroes. After all, this has nothing to do with the severity and preciousness of the relics. Maybe it is just one A mysterious symbol and brand on the broken bricks and tiles in an ordinary ruins are the inheritance of the greatest existence of ancient heroes. These things really annoyed them.

These later generations have collected the relics of countless ancient heroes and inherited most of their methods, but only five eventually became the average level of ancient heroes and got the mysteries of the lives of the gods. In addition, some people and beings have also accepted the inheritance of ancient heroes in strength. They are also at the level of the main god, but they have no way to have endless life and divine means. Although everything is powerful, it is only limited to the power of human beings.

For example, a god can easily create a star or change a galaxy, and even change the celestial phenomena, the future of the universe and so on, but heroes have nothing about these god-like things. Their so-called power of the main god refers to when they face the main god, They can fight against it. The means of the Lord God can't cause harm to them, but their powerful attack ability can make the Lord God miserable.

However, although they have such combat effectiveness, these human beings do not have any magical means. They may be able to cross the starry sky of the universe, but they can't cure some other people's terminal diseases, or even make their favorite women Fall in love with yourself for your strength and ability instead of that little white face!

Even many heroes will feel hungry because their stomachs don't eat for a long time, and at this point, all the gods will not feel hungry even if they never eat.

However, although there are countless embarrassments and embarrassment, it seems that all heroes have never thought of giving up their human identity, even if they will die, even if their favorite human women will fall in love with other men, even if their dearest relatives will die of illness, they still choose to do so. Human beings...

These heroes always believe that both happiness and suffering are the most memorable existence in life. Without those tragedies and sufferings, life will become lonely and boring.

Only the brave can feel and enjoy the excitement and wonderfulness of the storm on the coast. The grinding of life in the wind and rain is an extremely rare enjoyment. The feeling that you may lose your life at any time, the helplessness that will be completely blown out by the wind and rain at any time, the kind of life and The powerful **, enthusiasm and courage burst out in the confusion of the future will completely purify and sublimate a person's life.

.................................................................... [After noticing that the passage in the middle of the ellipsis is removed, the following sentence is linked to the above. Is there a particularly cheating feeling? Hahaha, integrity is divine?!] ........................

But I'm afraid that the number of means are extremely rare in ancient times, and the fact is indeed true. There are also some ambitious guys in the main god country. Their favorite novel is to travel through the ancient system, imagining that with so many skills equivalent to almost all heroes, although The power is not strong, but this can be attributed to the fact that the laws of the universe of this era are different from those of ancient times. If you can travel to ancient times, Ao...

Poor children dream of traveling everywhere all day long.

Of course, there are another group of people who travel back to ancient times and completely become gods. To be precise, if they are not worried that these guys' fantasy will really cause the trend of suicide (the way of death jumps strangely, the more likely it is to travel), and the official has taken measures to control public opinion. I'm afraid that this ideological trend will directly affect the development of the whole kingdom of the gods.

In fact, in the deduction of the world equation of a certain god, there is indeed a world that perished because of the madness of crossing the crowd, which is ridiculous.

But the existence of that equation means that this way is indeed possible, even if it is really fallacy. However, in human history, isn't the demise of many countries for ridiculous reasons?

It's just that those historians have to dig out their minds to find the so-called coincidence.

The biggest necessity is that there are always some fools who always think they are smart people, while others are fools.

Ps: Although this chapter only has more than 3,000 words and a lot of water, the actual typing volume today is nearly 10,000. Because it is opening a new book, it is very tiring. Fortunately, there are not many readers, so there are a little fewer people who are sorry................. I think so, isn't it a bastard????