
Chapter 342 Free-range

What's more, this city of heroes has begun to wake up when the Supreme One comes, the kind of tragic awakening even if the Lord God comes.

Although in the rules of the game, Mora can't fully exert his supreme majesty, but even if it is only a little bit, it is essentially beyond all the unimaginable existence. How can these people who are even the realm of the Lord God understand?

The city of heroes began to revive and awaken at the moment he called. By the time Mora's foot was on the black stone of the city, his core had begun to wake up, which was also the strangeness that the middle god generals and princes could not detect. They only thought that the noble adult might be a An ancient figure who came out of the time and space did not know that it was not the same thing at all, otherwise those who turned on the hero mode could at least enter at the beginning.

After thinking for a long time, the cloud man almost drooled. When he finally woke up, he didn't even notice that the runes and words on the buildings around him were very different from when he first came here. When he first came, these were still ordinary runes and words, as well as some pictures, but when the hidden desire in his body was stimulated, his divine power had become a special thing floating outside.

If there is a mirror in front of this person, he must see a twisted face full of desire and fire. The man who woke up from the fantasy was even more excited and instantly made up his mind to chase in the direction of disappearing under the crown.

Since the future is so brilliant, there should be no problem for God to walk occasionally for a while. Yes, no. Thinking of this, the last hesitation of the cloud was also forgotten, followed the route under the coronation just now, and walked quickly, and even the exploration and exploration of some ruins were ignored by him.

Today, he is almost completely different from the one who just appeared. The supreme and ruthless side of the god and today's brain is full of soy sauce insects, which are basically two-dimensional creatures.


From the sky above the city of heroes, the three inspectors from the kingdom of the Lord God and Mora enter the city in exactly the opposite direction, that is to say, if they keep a complete straight line, at least they will not encounter the possibility before passing through the city center.

The wind has become a piece of debris, and the woman called the crown is heading straight to the center of the city, ready to get the most important thing in the city before everyone reacts. Although many times some precious things are casually placed on the roadside by those ancient heroes, on the whole, the good things in the center of the city are still perfect. At least four of the five masters have discovered the opportunity to achieve the Lord God in the core of a city's ruins, and only one is the most mysterious one. Man, his achievement is the most mysterious, and no one knows it so far.

If it weren't for an unexpected space-time synthesis storm, even the other four main gods did not know the existence of such a mysterious main god. Of course, because of this incident, there has always been a doubt in the hearts of the four main gods whether there are other main gods besides the five of them. Or, there are some relics that make the main god not so powerful, even without any fluctuations at all, completely undetected.

If that's the case, then their five masters in this universe are often in a relatively dangerous situation. Others don't know, but their four main gods are very clear that their lives are not as eternal as people think, nor are they as fragile and die as the other group of people think.

In fact, their bodies have been in a mysterious state, in which the passage of their lives is basically in a state of stagnation. Despite this, they are still constantly increasing the resources and treasures of life, so that their life expectancy has not been reduced. Such extravagant behavior is just for their lives for a few days or even a few minutes.

Every hundred years of resource consumption is enough to shape a mortal into a superior god, but these main gods don't care about this at all. They only care about everything related to themselves, and only I am eternal. This is their mentality, because they completely sealed their lives. Although they guarantee their perverted eternity, they also limit their activities and control, making them unable to move freely in the universe.

Unlike ordinary gods, none of this kind of main god is actually qualified for their inner quality, so most of their lives will be consumed more in the normal universe. Compared with ordinary people's daily lives, they sometimes even make their lives because of the use of divine power. The passage of life is the passage of a day, a month or even longer.

If they hadn't found many devices and instruments that could seal themselves in the ruins, I'm afraid they would have finished after becoming the main god.

As for those instruments, few people know that in fact, it is a special device used to seal gods in the museums of those heroes in the era of human heroes, which is equivalent to the kind of forest used to preserve specimens in today's human doctors. If someone knows that today's Lord God relies on this kind of thing to keep life eternal, where will their dignity go?

The reason why human beings believe that the main god is not eternal is actually because the superior god of the main god inadvertently knew the true nature of the life sealing device of the main god, and there was a certain idea in his heart, and the desire to achieve an incredible position was blazing. Hot, in the end, this incident led to the fall of the main god, but as the main god, what good things have not been seen, and what kind of backhand can not prepare for themselves?

Although the new Lord God was regarded by everyone as a lucky guy, in fact he was still the original Lord God. Just like the middle gods have so many splits, as the main god, in fact, their splits are not many. What's the difficulty of cultivating your own upper god's peak body with the resources of a main god?

All kinds of struggles in the eyes of some ignorant people, those the highest upper gods fought and killed. In fact, in addition to the original top god splits who killed those real rebels, later the pure god splits chose the best one in their own body to become their own. The heir of the main divine power device.

Of course, the biggest threat is the upper gods and their splits sent by the other four main gods. If one God can get another God's divine power device, it is equivalent to having two lives in the true sense, and can release his physical freedom in a real sense, so that he can exert his divine majesty in a material sense in the universe, instead of just one today. It's just a reputation.

In the end, the Lord God went through all the troubles and problems and finally achieved the throne of the Lord God again. However, this time, both he and other main gods are more cautious, for fear of accidentally falling down and being able to become the main god again. Although there are countless hidden hands preparing, and there is no worry about the usurpation and desire of those upper gods, in case they encounter another main gods. But what should I do?

That is, the four main gods are not completely reliable, not to mention that there are other main gods that may exist in this universe? Or some other heavenly favorers find that the ruins have become the main god hidden in the depths of the void of the universe, waiting for the opportunity to have a main god-level body again, then everything will be extremely ridiculous, because they have made a reputation and almost nothing, and everything is eventually cheap and hidden in another The clown in the dark. Imagine that you will feel crazy, so these main gods have extremely strict control over all the relics in the universe. For this reason, they even do not hesitate to damage their reputation and some authority interests in those ordinary upper god countries, and become difficult to reconcile with them.

However, in order to stop those dangers and have the opportunity to go further, what is the sacrifice of others?

However, not only the Lord gods think so, but also those who follow the Lord God to serve the Lord God, and even some elite service personnel trained by the Lord God secretly think that they have achieved the majesty of the supreme Lord God, such as those who know well the many mysteries of the Lord God and others.

Those people are used by the main god to cultivate themselves to fall into the upper god, but this is not known by these so-called elites. These elites only know that they are trained by the main god to serve themselves, and then choose each other loyal and strong as their closest servants, but they don't know The truth is that the existence of the peak of the upper gods cultivated in a similar way is more spiritual, intelligent and infinite potential. It can truly perfectly fit the devices of those main gods and become a new generation of main gods. Many of the upper gods who plan to usurp the throne will kill them. The more powerful it is, the more there is a chance to fulfill your wishes in such a way.

Can a career of physical achievement without its own soul be regarded as its own great career?

Many travelers have proved that they can't.

Ps: Anyway, I hate physics, especially experiments. There are about 20 experiments to do this semester!!! Eleven of them were decided today, so the state and mood are extremely bad...