
Chapter 343 Here and Here

Different from the cloud man's fasculation, although the woman also offsets part of her inner reason under the formation of the heroic city, her overall strength only rises but does not fall. The bright moon-like eyes are more cold and intelligent. In contrast, her heavenly female appearance has become Ancillary objects.

The activity of runes in the city became more and more active when she was close to the center of the city. Later, he could even see that these runes began to move slowly, like snails leisurely on the wall after a rainy day. It's just that the woman who has studied ancient ruins for many years is very strange. He always feels that the sobriety and movement of these runes seem to be related to another thing.

Others may also think that the arrival of themselves and others has aroused the awakening of some power in the city, so that the rune elves responsible for all kinds of complex things in these cities have woken up, but the woman herself knows that many runes were awake before their arrival, and look at their spirituality. Many of the subtle reactions are walking unswervingly in a fixed direction, as if they are going to worship a great existence. Many runes are even surprised by their arrival.

There is a powerful enemy ahead!

This proud girl is extremely sure in her heart. Her goal is the device of the Lord God, and she is used to the supremeness of the Lord God. The respect in her heart is actually decreasing, but she is more eager to have the opportunity to achieve the Lord God.

In recent years, she has always had a sense of crisis in her heart, especially every time her strength grows. She finds that the stronger her strength, the stronger the sense of tension and crisis in her heart. It seems that there is a existence that she can't resist has taken a fancy to everything.

This feeling reached its peak after the appearance of the sprinkler. The Lord God showed his intention to trade with the beard, because the sprinkler got an extremely magical power in a certain ruins. Although it was not very powerful, the level was extremely high, and even the Lord God could not be separated. Take him completely. However, it is impossible for the Lord God to take action in person for such a thing.

But the man who spread his nonsense, but after having that adventure, he didn't know how thickly pay attention to himself. If the Lord God was very interested in his energy, this crown would have personally discarded that nonsense.

Then it seemed that the main god had the intention to marry the barbarian and let himself use that identity to spy on that person's secret. The feeling of insecurity in the crown's heart became more and more clear, which was the main reason why she sneaked out this time.

She has a feeling that if she no longer quickly finds the existence of becoming the main god, or becoming the main god without taking action in person, she will soon have no chance to have herself in this universe.

Women's intuition is often incredibly accurate, when their intuition does not work on love. With such a decision in her heart, the woman accelerated the speed and strength of the patrol in the universe, eager to find a powerful relic and find a way to escape in it.

Finally, after inadvertently walking such a large distance to the edge of the universe in the chaos, I suddenly noticed that there was a terrible space-time storm drifting through the universe.

Originally, this is nothing. Such a dangerous thing may happen in some places in the universe at any time, just like human beings on the ground say that there are unpredictable weather. There is nothing strange.

But with such wisdom, she saw a strange law from this seemingly chaotic space-time storm, which obviously came from some extremely high-end existence, and that existence was above herself.

My strength is the peak of the upper god. Although there are still some peaks that are a little stronger than myself, everything that peak can do will never surpass itself in essence. And she is particularly sure that this space-time storm can hardly be created by the main god, because if such a terrible space-time storm is created, it is enough to instantly reduce the life expectancy of those main gods by thousands of years. This is a big loss for the Lord God whose life is less than a million years old.

Maybe there are some exceptions that can make these main gods pay such a heavy price, but in the years of contact with the supreme main god, women have long deeply grasped the pulse of the thoughts of those main gods.

They are just the existence of the main god. Many calculations, plans and wisdom are not even as good as some extremely elite upper gods. It's just that the computing power at the main god level can make them countless times in their hearts. Countless possibilities to deduce everything that are unfavorable to themselves make them look like It is so incomparable wisdom.

However, for the closest chamberlains, these main gods do not always use the invincible computing and deduction ability, which requires the power of the main god, and the power of the main god is their first tool to maintain their lives.

In fact, the ontology wisdom of the Lord God is still an ordinary smart person among human beings. In the eyes of this woman, if you have the power of the Lord God, you will definitely do countless times better than them in many things. In particular, many of those Lord Gods seem to be extremely naive. , that kind of behavior unique to the stinky man fell into the eyes of this woman, and it was almost spit out with contempt.

The most important point is that the woman found that this space-time storm seems to have some kind of spirituality. It is shrouded in a certain will and always hovers up on a fixed route. Such progress is not particularly strange. However, the woman knows very well that although the space-time storm is mixed Chaos, but there are also many rules. Regarding its movement law, this space-time storm moves the slowest one.

When he moves to be noticed by the Lord God and observes the magical laws, I'm afraid it will be many years later. At that time, I was afraid that there was no one great relic left.

The woman did not guess that this was the work of the main god. She just suspected that this was a lucky person who had inadvertently got a half** relic in the universe, had some strength close to the level of the main god, and then used this strength to discover a storm caused by a new all-hidden ruins.

Half** relics are basically extremely rare, because there are people in almost any place in the universe. Even if a slightly remote universe occasionally passes by, such relics are easy to be detected by the wind and attract the attention of the main kingdom.

Half** ruins have a characteristic, that is, when you get treasures from him, they will basically not be discovered by the inspectors of the Lord God, because it is like picking up a stone from the ground without any special energy fluctuations and information transmission. Everything is extremely natural, which is obtained in this way. Generally speaking, the benefits are not very big, because if they were big, they would have been noticed in the early stage.

It's just that exceptions always exist forever. Just like the fifth Lord God, who escaped the patrol of the first four Lord Gods in a semi-** relic and successfully obtained the immortal Daluo with the main god device.

Although the person she has to face may be a half-step god, the woman's confidence in herself is as firm as the moon in the sky. He is confident that as long as they are not special talents trained by the Lord God Kingdom, their understanding and operation of the relics are absolutely inferior to their own.

As long as you can get great benefits from the ruins in front of him, will fate change here?

The woman who has been dealing with the Lord God all year round knows what it is, but the quality of training for thousands of years makes her face this surprise still faint and seems to be a roaming expression, which is also something that the two men have never noticed. They never knew that when the woman had moved forward and found the two of them, they had been sentenced to death. The poor two guys really thought that it was the woman who secretly came out to relax, but they deliberately shouted out to themselves, and they all thought that the other was a headlight. But I don't know that the woman's heart has long wanted them to die immediately.

The woman had already wanted the man to die in that wall, but she was really not sure to what extent the ruins had awakened. She was afraid that in case she was not killed but expelled, then the man would go back to find the forces behind him because he could not enter again, so her own She must be drawn by others and become a ridiculous example, so at this time, her heart is becoming more and more urgent.

What's more, she is extremely frightened and worried to find that there seems to be a terrible force and will awakening in the center of the city. This power is definitely not the divine power of the Lord God, but more like the power of a human being, but there is a feeling in the woman's heart that that power can compete with the Lord God!

Ancient heroes!

The woman was surprised, but gritted her teeth and moved forward faster.

A rune suddenly flashed, and then the rune pages in other places suddenly turned their bodies, guiding the heroic power in the city of heroes to launch the will and role contained in their bodies.

At a critical moment, the woman's heart trembled, and her body moved a foot in the air. A pulling force prompted her to stagger on the ground. The huge air roar did not hurt her, but the white fog-like air explosive gas blocked her sight. She didn't dare to act rashly for a long time.

After the air fluctuated violently for a while, she finally calmed down. The woman thought nervously and carefully for a long time and finally understood what was going on.

Just now, a rune array suddenly launched to teleport himself to somewhere, but because he dodged in an instant, the rune only transmitted a mass of air in that place.

There was no problem and confusion because the instantaneous vacuum caused the air explosion just now. However, the woman's heart became nervous, and the road below was not so easy to walk.