
Chapter 345 Unpleasonable

However, how many lucky people have here? Although they seem to attach great importance, in fact, in the thousands of years, the continuation and adventure of these lucky people have already become a routine model, and they can't make these supreme beings and these people who live with supreme beings feel that they have How amazing.

Personal confrontation forces are basically the standard death-finding routine, and most of them are the unclear kind of death.

However, if the rest of the confused this time was really strange. There might be something useful for the gods. In fact, he had no chance to be scum at all. He would never get close to the upper class of the whole supreme god world. Will there still give him a chance to propose to himself?

Even the man cast a net before sending out those ambiguous or explicit things to many other women with different or similar identities at the same time. It's ridiculous that he thought he had made a cover-up, but he didn't know that the woman who was often responsible for the main god-level tools had already monitored his underwear clean. Erchu.

It was through his woman that someone announced that the local bun had revealed their information. Thinking of the design of those women who had been wrong with them, and then they looked at the fact that even the Lord God was interested in doing so, they must be excited that they were about to run naked!

The woman couldn't help thinking that if she had achieved the position of the Lord God, and then continued to go back in a low profile. At some moment, she watched the man propose to her, but she refused, others came up together to persecute him, and even the local bun was even careless. At that time, she suddenly burst out of the strength of the Lord God. Ah ha ha, think about it, she will also run naked with excitement!

There are always so many unpleasant things in the world. If you suddenly become the main god, there may be many troubles, but there will never be any more bitterness imposed on you by others.

After thinking about the beauty for a long time, the woman's whole body was suddenly full of strength and continued to rush forward with excitement like a medicine. Although everything is beautiful now, the most important thing is to achieve the position of Daluo Lord God. Otherwise, it will be like a dream.

Mora looked at the bare murals and suddenly filled with layers of colored fog. Those were all paint element elves who came from all corners of the city. During the long years, they left their mural residence because no one paid attention and traveled to other parts of the city, but now they have heard that there are people. Suddenly appeared here, waiting to tell the story that had been buried in my memory for tens of thousands of years, and the moment of excitement.

Rainbow-like elements flew from all corners of the city and fell on the murals, and then gradually formed pictures. The beginning was about the establishment of this ancient city. In that distant era, in that era, which had long disappeared in human memory, countless heroes came from all directions of the earth and came to the universe. Build a city that belongs to heroes in the void and place everything there. No matter what kind of tragedy they have in the world, they can find their own comfort and comfort here.

At the beginning of the establishment of the city, the main gods thought that it was a hero's attempt to build a similar existence to the divine kingdom to overthrow the majesty of the gods, but the prophetic god leaked part of his prophecy because of some accident, and then was killed by some ghostly guy. The main gods The news and predictions received are that this heroic city will be full of the falling dusk of gods.

So the gods joined forces to stop the establishment of the city, but the heroes were not used to the lifestyle of the gods. Now they dare to prevent the heroes from forming their own homes, which is simply a fruit-eating provocation. Almost no one on both sides is willing to sit down and have a good talk, so it is because of the rise of the gods. At first, he spoke rudely, and then the prejudice of the heroes, the war started like this.

Later, as the tragic prophetic god said, the city was full of the glory of the fall of the gods. But this result was originally from his prediction*, the inversion of causality, which made neither side want to mention the matter after the end of the war.

After human heroes have their own homeland, they have no contact with the gods. Even because of the battle with the gods, most human heroes are greatly damaged, and the connection with the human world has become relatively loose. Many heroes are here to recover from their wounds, and then die here.

Or go out silently one day and then don't come back.

Only when it comes to festivals and some special days, when ordinary human beings flood into this city, will it bring them a little lively atmosphere.

Later, it was about those other things, about all the life scenes in the city and stories between the heroes. As for the mural itself, it is a certain emotion and catharsis occasionally recorded by a painter hero. It is only because these elements have evolved supreme spirituality in various parts of the city for thousands of years, so that they have a better essence that they can record some stories related to ancient times, but more of them are about urban life. Mora looked at it for a long time and continued to leave slowly after knowing that repeated scenes began to appear in the story. Behind him, the elemental elves on the murals threw down one after another, formed a large formation and then turned into a co-living creature to visit friends in the murals in other parts of the city, and told them about what they had seen today - there were many strange people in the city, but most of them had a kind of It's disgusting. The taste is similar to a creature they hated in ancient times, but the smell in these people is not so pungent, because most of them still have human characteristics. If they were pure gods, they would have long been the hands of those elemental creatures who are simple but hateful in this city that is no longer controlled by ancient heroes.

Of course, the most important thing is that they want to tell their friends that they actually saw a special existence in this city. There is no power in his body. He looks like the most ordinary human, but no energy can get close to hurt his body, making him look like It is a constitution that insulates everything. However, these creatures can see the taste of the incomparable glory of this human-like existence. As elves, they have the simplest and most accurate intuition. The existence of this person is more than any ancient hero they have ever seen. He has a special breath, as if the whole universe is It is the breath of the supreme creator from his creation. This breath made him feel as if the elves had returned home and their father when they approached this person, making them want to get close to the human words.

They even think that this human being is more attractive than those ancient heroes who have disappeared in the depths of memory, because this human seems to be more pure and complex than their elves.

These elves spread out to find their friends to share their stories, and Mora continued to act in the city. Gradually, I saw the core building of the city, which is thousands of meters high.

It is strange that the tallest building in this city can only be seen in this circle of this city, and other places are invisible at all, as if they do not exist at all.

This is a building in the shape of a sword inverted on the ground, and it not only looks like a sword, but even Mora has felt the sharpness and coldness of the blade. Even the passage of tens of millions of years can't make him reduce it a little bit, even because it has been polished over time. The building seems to be more full of alternative sharpness and hardness, and even Mora feels that if this sword can return to ancient times again and be refined by those ancient heroes with special abilities, it can even cut time!

Time is one of the most mysterious and powerful forces in the universe. Even space can't stand up in front of time. Whether it is the supreme god of the outside world or the scientific and human god of the world, there is no one in the world that can completely change the manipulation time. At most, it is just acceleration. It just makes time a little faster. However, the gods claimed to be able to control time in this universe are actually only a small range. It's just accelerating time. Even if the scope of time is a little larger, they will age themselves. What the gods in this universe are most afraid of is the acceleration of time. Of course, the so-called power of this sword is to resist this time acceleration attack. Many ancient heroes were cleaned up by the gods with this move in battle. Their strength is enough to fight against all casualties, but the essence of the body cannot be changed. When time accelerated, their lives came to an end.

In fact, the great variation in the nature of the later gods was also related to this, because in a campaign, hundreds of main gods united to use a wide range of time to accelerate the burial of hundreds of human heroes with the main gods' combat effectiveness. Although those main gods were forced to fall into a deep sleep, the loss of human heroes was still It's huge and unbearable.

So dozens of human heroes of the intelligent type who reached the main god level studied that thing. In the next battle, although there were only a dozen human heroes at the main god level, the battle permeated the whole universe like a plague, and the lifespan of all the gods became short-lived, although relatively For human beings, they can still live for an extremely long time, but eternity, even the word longevity is not suitable for them. They have become creatures for more than ten years, which is the main god.