
Chapter 346 Jealousy without blood

Mora stared at the sword-shaped tall building, felt the unyielding will and belief it conveyed, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

slowly walked under the building. After crossing a certain boundary, it seemed that he had passed through a layer of film and entered another space. What he felt was no longer the will of the sharp sword, but another breath.

Below the pagoda is a huge arched door with a not wide passage in front of it. Of course, this is not wide compared to the volume and shape of the building. In fact, there is no problem for four or five carriages to pass at the same time.

However, this is not a simple channel.

This pagoda is the most meaningful city of heroes. It is buried with great secrets and glory. It is the most memorable storage place in the hearts of the greatest heroes and the preservation of the most glorious stories in their lives.

Looking at everything at the door, I got a little closer and felt the tingling like a knife on my body. Even the body with the highest divine power could not avoid this kind of damage. From this point of view, the things left by these ancient heroes have reached a certain extreme.

The quantitative change to a certain situation can promote the qualitative change. However, this process itself is also under this law. The development path of heroes has gone through countless qualitative changes and reached an unbreakable peak. No matter what they are doing, it is impossible to make progress and have a supreme existence above them.

Even Mora is extremely surprised at such a realm, because even in the cosmic world where the Shinto civilization is so brilliant, no one exists to develop some aspect of himself to such a level and extent.

Although those main gods are all of the supreme horror of the birth and death of hundreds of billions of worlds in a blink of an eye, in fact, they still have great shortcomings and weaknesses. If they can give up something, they can continue to make progress, and they are not at all to the top of the top.

Therefore, when Mora just regained the power of the supreme, he could easily crush the united legion of the main gods into scum like killing pigs. If they develop to the peak and peak, even if Mora is angry, he must return to the kingdom of God to completely integrate his supreme body and perfect his own strength to deal with them.

From this point, those gods are indeed worthy of respect for their comparison with these human beings in this microcosm. The existence of these human beings who once led a generation in the long river of time actually brought the road belonging to heroes to an end and developed to nothing at all on that day of limited life. The possible extent of the exhibition.

This level of civilization, from the perspective of the simplest damage, can actually cause certain harm to the supreme. Because Mora's body at this time is actually an illusory reality shaped by his thoughts through the supreme power, and his essence still belongs to the real dream. In the eyes of others, the truth is actually just a real dream.

"It's incredible. Is this what they want to show me?" Mora thought silently in his heart that none of the other supreme beings had appeared so far, and there was no news or trace left. Everything was like the ruins submerged by time.

For the supreme, the existence of all non-supreme is meaningless, because they will disappear after the extinction of time and space. Only true immortality is what they care about.

However, he has no doubt whether they have disappeared. This feeling has been experienced countless times before. Everyone has their own will and belief to express it in different ways.

Mora released a little breath belonging to the supreme, as if the child saw his parents, and as if the fish had returned to the sea. The birds left the cage and entered the clear blue sky, and the ruins of the whole city of heroes quieted in an instant.

Then it was like a pot of ancient oil that had been stored for tens of millions of years was suddenly set on fire, and the old and fierce flame suddenly burst out with the will of the mulberry that belongs to historical time.

Endless ideas spread through every corner of the city like a tide.

Every hero who once lived in this city came out of every corner of the city because he felt the regret and feeling deep in the hearts of all the heroes.

The city came to life at this moment.

Countless heroic, noble, strong and invincible images of giant beasts appeared out of thin air in this city, even giving people an illusion that the silence of everything in the past is just their own illusion.

Countless soldiers appeared from all over the city. Some of them wore leather armor, some were bare arms, some looked like a poet, and some bowed their heads to meditate. It seems that for a moment, the city returned to the ancient era, when the heroes were rampant on the earth against the gods.

In this case, those outsiders seemed so incongruous and conspicuous that the prince suddenly woke up in meditation and epiphany, and then stared at everything in the city. Everything was beyond their imagination, making them look at everything in front of them at a loss.

The divine power in their bodies was suppressed and almost penetrated into their souls at this time, which was extremely painful and comfortable! This is a very strange feeling, because those divine powers do not belong to their bodies themselves and are provided by that divine power devices. However, at this time, under the oppression of the City of Heroes, these divine powers are gradually integrated with their bodies, and all the former lower and middle gods have begun to gradually change. , becoming truly is essentially a demigod and half-human existence.

The prince was as surprised as everyone else, but then his face changed greatly. The fact that came to his mind almost made him want to slap himself to death!

Although the divine power and the body have begun to merge, the other people are the divine power of the middle god, while the prince's divine power can only maintain the standard of the lower god because of the setting of the empire. Unless he gives up becoming the monarch of the empire, the prince is not allowed to have the strength of the middle god. Now with this lower god The peak divine power device integrates the body, which means that even if you become a god, you only have the strength of the next god?

The large amount of knowledge and perception gained by the prince from the city turned into anger and unwillingness at this moment. The tranquility in his heart and all expectations for the future turned into a magic barrier in an instant, causing a certain degree of distortion and perversion in his heart.

However, I don't even think about how many gods in this universe are willing to give up their superior gods. Even if they become a god without a god, it is also to achieve the position of the real god, because even if they are not as good as the lower gods, they also have a truly eternal life.

I'm afraid it's a comparison between people and goods in this world. If you compare, you will die, and if you compare, you will have to make your heart flat.

More than a dozen of the prince's middle gods were suppressed and crushed by the power of the city of heroes at the same time as the prince, which completely integrated the divine power and body in their bodies, which truly changed the essence of their lives.

This means that there will be at least a dozen real gods in the universe, and more powerful than themselves! The prince's heart began to twist fiercely.

Although no one has been very clear about what the real god means, the conjecture about that eternal life convinces everyone that with such a life, even if the universe cannot make itself the greatest for a while, it can use time to kill all enemies and make him After turning into dust, they will destroy their descendants and industries.

Or use the long river of time to improve your strength a little, and then one day, you will become the greatest existence in the universe.

The prince's eyes twitched slightly, and many things exceeded his expectations, but after a few blinks, he began to find that the eyes of the middle gods guarding him had begun to be blocked by a layer of divine light. This kind of desire to cover In order to expose the unspeakable purposes in the hearts of these middle gods.

Today, it is a fact that these middle gods are actually invincible in most parts of the universe. Although there is still this superior god, the number of superior gods is absolutely not enough to be simply described by numbers. Each superior god has its own name and name. Whew.

Once these middle gods have completely turned their bodies into divine power, they can completely ignore everything in the world. If they are safer, they can find a place to refine their fallen body, will and divine power through the long river of time, and wait until they become the main god. Come out to call for wind and rain in this universe.

If these people know that all the main gods in the universe are actually fancy, because the life limit is actually unable to exert their own strength, I'm afraid this time will be shorter.

At this time, the prince even had a huge regret in his heart. He should not bring these middle gods to this relic. If he is alone, it may not be important to this relic at this time, but he can make himself the only god in the universe alone.

At that time, what else did the only real god in the universe need? Even the industry and empire of Uranus will turn into useless garbage in their own eyes, in front of the eternal gods, and in front of the only god in the universe...

The prince hated it so much that he almost pinched the lower divine power device in his body!

Suddenly, the prince thought of something that made him instantly decide to do it at all costs.