
Chapter 350 Skills Guide

April 14

The woman watched the marks of these heroes disappear from the city, and felt the divine power that merged with her body came out of her body again. Finally, she confirmed one thing again and achieved eternity. It is not easy to do. There are too many difficulties and trials.

At present, there is no need to think too far. First achieve the position of the Lord God and then, if you don't achieve the throne of the Lord God, even the real god body will be destroyed when you meet the Lord God.

Some people yearn for immortality, but they don't think that in this universe, if it is not the strongest, then even immortal, it is immortal shame and oppression, rather than supreme freedom and honor.

As long as you have achieved the position of Lord God, no matter what you are doing, the choice will not only be much more, but also the things you have to do will not be too troublesome.

In an era in which only five main gods can be determined in a universe, it is a matter of life and death, especially recently I have become more and more aware that there is a existence that has threatened my life.

What is that? Maybe it's the Lord God, maybe it's something at the same level as the Lord God or danger, but there is always a point that if you don't achieve the position of Lord God, you will die even if it is really eternal.

The eternity of ancient gods means that time cannot cause harm to them, but it does not mean that they can avoid other harm. Otherwise, there will be today's scene in this universe. Although there are many legends about the gods in ancient times, in fact, no one has been found to be really special.

Looking at the disappearance of these heroic marks, the woman calmed down and continued to move forward cautiously. In front of her, she could only achieve the position of the main god and get the first guarantee of life safety. Otherwise, everything would be false.

Mora watched the disappearance of these heroes, and they really disappeared this time. Even back in time, the traces of their existence cannot be found again. Their essence is close to the existence on the mouth of the universe. In order to keep their imprint, the universe has consumed great resources and the power of time and space, and now it is finally time to solve it.

Mora turned around and left, no longer thinking about these things that happened in history. He began to understand the thoughts of those brothers and sisters, but this time the meaning they seemed to express was not so simple, and there were more things and stories waiting for him to discover.

This universe is very interesting.

There is no doubt that there are countless spaces in the sword tower, making the interior of the building that looks huge outside even bigger than a single city.

There are high walls erected in the city with countless murals, recording the most important and famous things in ancient times.

Those stories that have disappeared in history are extremely thrilling. Some are wars between people and gods, and some are battles between people and demons from different time and space. There is also the legend of a humble human who has gradually grown into the top hero, and there is also the feeling of licking the hero after the dusk. This is a story after countless legends have accumulated together, each of which is enough to cause an uproar in the human world, because the story in it has subverted all human cognition today for security, just like a day in a complete technological world, someone suddenly came up with extremely conclusive evidence to prove that we are all someone. The experimental creatures in the world designed by the invincible mage in the mage world are so horrible and shocking!

But Mora hardly stopped. What he cares about is the center of the city, where there is a mysterious message or something else that he feels as soon as he comes in.

That is the existence that belongs to him. Only he can understand this world and this universe. That is their unique language and imprint that existed before eternity.

How long has it been since we met?

Mora looked back, but didn't pay much attention, and then went straight into a room, which was the core of the city.

Mora's figure has just disappeared, and a figure appeared again at the door. Her clothes are messy, her hairstyle is not neat, and her body is blue and purple. If it weren't for the good sanitary conditions of the City of Heroes, I'm afraid that she will have a lot of dust on her body, which should be more embarrassed.

What a pity. The woman looked at the door that was gradually disappearing into the wall, but did not act rashly. If it becomes a joke at the last moment of success because of imperableness, you can't close your eyes.

Although on the other hand, this may lose some opportunities, if such opportunities are obtained through reckless gains, what's the point of such opportunities?

People can't hold everything in their own hands, so no matter how high the achievement is, it is also a controlled pawn. It looks glorious, but it is really superficial.

The woman called the crown [Enough, call her the woman under the crown] The woman under the crown carefully looked at the room.

The room is full of a large number of murals and records, all about some secrets and heroes and biographies of ancient times. Unlike Mora, women found great secrets and treasures from here in an instant. Those articles and pictures that record the history of heroes not only record their stories. It also records in detail the reasons and sources of their abilities and the formation of those abilities. Although most of them are non-repeatable, there are always many unique skills that only require certain qualifications and perseverance. As long as they can persevere, there will be supreme gains.

There are also many skills about the use of power. Those skills can exert dozens or even hundreds of times more power than their own strength, whether using the power of heroes or the power of gods.

In the Kingdom, even more than four or five times of the combat skills are supreme secrets that require countless divine coins to be purchased. However, those heroes have magnificently recorded the method of doubling up to a thousand times their strength on those biographies and murals, so that the women's uniform has a dream-like untrue. Realism and trance, all of which are so impactful!

She even suspects that if she can master a small one of these methods, then even if the Lord God himself takes action against herself, she is afraid that she has the power to fight and can even leave safely.

Because the gods in ancient times knew how to double their own strength to fight, but in today's era, it is absolutely impossible for such technology to spread widely. Even if the main god, even if they can come out to fight, it is only more than ten times the combat effectiveness, but considering When it comes to their body and life expectancy, I'm afraid that after they use 100% of their strength, their lives will immediately come to the end, the end that no matter what can save.

So the female server under the crown is not worried about this at all. If your enemy is a god-level existence, as long as you can exert a hundred times your strength, you will not be in danger of falling into the confrontation.

However, what is recorded above is that he has a thousand times the strength and combat power. If he can do that, as long as the strength of the Lord God is published and less than half of it, he can easily hurt him! You should know that this thousand times the strength is not a simple sum of a thousand people, but a multiple of a thousand people. Of course, it is not an exponential multiplication. The explosion of exponential power will make the universe collapse.

But what is the strength of a thousand upper gods after approaching the peak of the invincible existence of the main god? The female server did not check the limit of a thousand times the strength, but it is very clear that if she really uses that power, I'm afraid that the main god in the world will fall. Danger.

Because these gods can't exert 100% of their power, and even if they can, they will consume a lot of their lives, so they don't even need to go in to get such a treasure strength growth?

The woman's heart was a little unbelievable, but when she saw the comments below, she suddenly understood that the multiple attacks of these hero modes are very limited, which need to consume life energy to be spent. However, in ancient times, those gods could not play this multiple attack ability because they could not get real life energy because of the endless life. This is the important reason why those ancient heroes defeated the gods. Through the consumption of their own lives, they almost consumed a thousand times the most, that is, The existence of an ordinary middle god can also hurt a main god. No wonder the ancient heroes are so powerful.

However, the crowned woman was soon surprised to find that because her body is not the real body of ancient gods, but is still a human body in essence, so she can also use this technology to fight with life.

And the difference is that you can also double your divine power to attack, which is a little better than the power of heroes in some special functions.

The power of heroes is naturally invincible, but if it is a range attack similar to spells, it will not work. In fact, the women's server has already had a guess in her heart, but she is unwilling to admit it, because the result of that guess is that if she avoids the first wave of attacks, there will be endless attacks waiting for her, and there will even be countless troops to encircle and suppress herself. Although that power is not strong, But taking turns will definitely kill a person's will and belief. Why do the tactics of the sea of people last for a long time? It's not for the invincible belief and the killing of the other party's faith.

The women's clothes under the crown are carefully checked. In addition to these, there are other things that are all precious technology and treasures that can cause the Lord to coveted.