
Chapter 351 First meeting

April 15th.

In addition to doubling technology, there are also various special attack methods against gods, which can only be used by human heroes, and gods cannot be used.

However, I'm afraid that even ancient heroes have never thought that in a certain era in the future, there will be a strange fusion of technology between divine power and heroic power. Although the woman's uniform with the hero mode turned on is still affected by a little divine power, there is not much difference with the hero in general, because in essence, she is a human, not a god. Therefore, as long as she turns on the hero mode, this power can be used completely normally without any bad effects.

Of course, this is not listed separately, but the experience summed up by countless heroes with their life's combat experience. From the initial skills for the newly achieved gods to the highest skills and techniques used against the Lord God, everything is extremely detailed and meticulous. Even the women's clothes under the crown doubted how many of the ancient gods died to make these heroes master so many technologies.

Almost none of the technologies in this is false. They are all experienced from heroic biographies. Any one means that the life of a god has been personally verified and can be used at rest assured.

The women's clothes under the crown desperately record the biographies of these heroes, eager to get more strength and skills from them so that they can really control their own destiny.

However, at present, she has opened the hero mode, which belongs to the form of human civilization. Even if she is an extremely intelligent genius, she can never forget it and has to look at it at a glance to thoroughly record these murals and biographies.

If it is a god mode, then it only takes a year to spit out the divine power, and you can completely copy them into your mind. Unfortunately, this is the core of the city of heroes, and it is impossible for such a thing to happen anyway.

You can barely use a little magic power outside. When you get here, even if you accidentally leak a little magic power, you may be crushed into a cake by the sudden outbreak of heroic breath.

So this woman must look at it with her eyes and record it little by little. Suddenly, the woman's body stiffened, and her whole body trembled as if she had seen the ancient beast, because she suddenly found something recorded in a place, which was so touching that she couldn't even believe her eyes.

Almost with a moving step, she went to the front of the biography depicted under the mural. Just now, she hurriedly kept all this in mind, but later when the brain took the initiative to classify it, she did find the big secret in it.

I widened my eyes and looked at what was recorded on the mural, and then I couldn't care about anything under the women's clothes, and immediately ran to somewhere.

Standing in front of the door, the woman under the crown only felt that her soul was about to belong to her. Slowly stretched out his hand and pushed it, and the door opened without any difficulty. It was as simple as going home to open the door of his room.

The woman's uniform took a deep breath and then walked in...

It was not until this moment that she knew where the pride and disdain of the ancient heroes came from.

Looking at the neatly placed crystal cans, there were even tears in her eyes.

There are nearly 100 crystal cans in the whole room. Each can contains a crystal clear diamond-like core.

Under the crown of receiving the highest education in the Kingdom of God, even if she forgets everything, she will remember what this is!

The heart of the Lord God!

is not the main god device! It's the heart of the Lord God!

The main god device is just a kind of artificially shaped pseudo-main gods. Today's five main gods are all fake goods, but the heart of this main god is the heart of the real main god.

As long as a human being can completely absorb him, this human will completely inherit everything from this main god and become a real main god!

Yes, it's the real Lord God! It's not the pseudo-god of the main god device!

is the eternal and immortal God!

The most peak power in the universe, the terminal of the food chain, is an unparalleled existence. There are actually more than 100 hearts of the Lord God in it!

Tears suddenly rained down under the women's clothes.

The ancient heroes have at least 100 lives of the main gods! This is an indisputable fact!

If it hadn't been seen with their own eyes, who would have believed that those heroes could have done this?! This is no longer an eternal problem, but a matter of pure realm, power and consciousness

Women clearly understand that these ancient heroes are more powerful than the Lord God, and their existence is greater than the eternal Lord God and conforms to the essence of the universe, so they are so proud to despise everything.

The heart of the main god placed here is not used by them to study the meaning of eternal life, but by them to prove that their existence is the true meaning of the universe, not the existence of the Lord God.

All the energy and power of the heart of the Lord God are completely sealed in these crystal cans. If it hadn't been for the legendary experience on the mural that the hero mentioned that he had seen the hearts of these fallen gods when he was a child, longing that one day he could put a heart of the Lord God here with his own hands. Li.

Through this information, the female server knew that there was a house in the city with hundreds of hearts of the main gods, the kind of hearts of the main gods that can make people achieve the immortal Daluo.

Now looking at these supreme existences that were once majestic in the corners of the universe, there are only one heart of the main gods that is still full of law and energy, imagining that those heroes took these things with their own hands and placed them in this city of heroes as medals of glory.

The heart of the crowned woman began to tremble. For how long, she had always thought that the main god was the most invincible existence in the universe. Even though there were heroes who could fight against the main god in ancient times, she was still skeptical about the fact that the heroes had killed the gods with their own hands until now.

Looking at this ordinary house in the city, the heart of the main god in the room without any security is placed like ordinary ornaments. This crowned women's clothes finally understood what kind of people the ancient heroes were.

Their power and invincibility can no longer be carried by this universe.

If even the Lord God is not their opponent, since human beings themselves can be so powerful, what is the meaning of all this?

The main god will also die, and the gods will fall. And human life itself is also fragile and ridiculous. One has the most powerful power in the universe but does not have a permanent life, and the other has countless lives but will be killed by another group of beings they despise. Why is this all this?

The woman under the crown looked at the hearts of these main gods and was at a loss for a moment.

Time passed unconsciously, and the eyes of the women's clothes under the crown gradually returned to clarity, and they gradually found a little direction in their hearts.

After all, ancient things are ancient things, but your own things are a thing that must be handled now, because if you can't achieve gods in a short time, it is obvious that no matter what kind of profound laws and cosmic meaning there are in this universe, they have nothing to do with you.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the women's clothes under the crown gradually lit up.

She tidied up her clothes and took off all the pieces of cloth that were still attached to her body, revealing her close-fitting tights. The clothes made of purple special materials perfectly supported the enchanting and beautiful figure of the queen of women's clothes under the crown, like a fox hidden in the mountains for more than 5,000 years. Every move has a natural romantic charm, which makes people get up and can't do it by themselves.

However, the charming person at this time is extremely serious.

"You ancient heroes and predecessors, the women's clothing under the crown have to come to seek the source of power today for their livelihood. If they really reach the realm of predecessors in the future, they will come here to repay the majesty of the Lord."

After saying that, the woman did not choose carefully. She closed her eyes and picked up a heart of the Lord God from her side to open it and put it in the core of her divine power.

A hand suddenly stopped her movement.

"Do you want to blow up this place?"

The low male voice has a special charm, as if it is a questioning, flirting or joking, but the concern revealed in the middle makes people not angry at all.

The woman under the crown released her hand in surprise and defensively and fled away. She looked nervously at the man who suddenly appeared, suddenly remembered something, and immediately grabbed a tablecloth from the room and covered herself.

"Who are you!?"

Although the tights on her body are colored, it is probably because the material is too good. When the light is dim, it is okay. If the light is super bright, you can clearly find that it is actually translucent.

As a powerful existence enough to regard all sentient beings as ants, of course, she will not feel shy about such problems, but this time she is facing an unknown person who may be at the same level as herself, or even far beyond herself, so her reaction is reasonable.

Just as a woman doesn't care that a cat in her family sees her naked body, because she doesn't regard the cat as a level of existence as herself, but if the cat is a goblin and will become a human, anyway, this woman is not It may be safe to continue to maintain the stairs.

Now Mora is a huge cat demon that has become a human for the women's uniform. Not only has he become the same level as himself, but even more powerful than himself. If he does something to himself, he seems to have no ability to resist...