
Chapter 354 Prophecy Training

April 18th.

But these people are the group of people with extremely noble status in the whole kingdom of gods, and basically no one dares to disrespect the most humble one among them.

Because if you do that, there will be countless people waiting to please those future messengers who will tear them to pieces.

A future messenger of the upper god at the highest level, even the main god treats them with courtesy. This is entirely because of their special identity and role.

The so-called future refers to their amazing and accurate prediction ability for the future, which is not only as simple as God's gift, but also their own efforts.

Although it sounds a little complicated, in fact, this ability is completely controllable for future messengers, which is completely different from the uncontrolled of ordinary powerful prophets.

And the most powerful thing is that this prediction of the future will not damage the future messenger itself at all. Is this simply a synonym for anti-sky?

Even in ancient times, such people basically did not exist. In that era, although the most powerful prophets who could predict things tens of thousands of years later were also mysterious, their own power was completely uncontrollable, just a kind of magic from the underworld. Just to inform.

And although the information from the origin of the universe is extremely accurate, it always appears in a way that is extremely difficult for human beings to understand. Before something really happens, human beings cannot know the true meaning it can express.

Many times, only when things have passed can people interpret the things according to the original prophecy, instead of knowing what happened later according to the prophecy.

And most importantly, even such information, which is almost useless most of the time, will cause great harm to the prophets themselves. Almost every one of them is short-lived existence. If it is human nature, then dozens of years old at most will reach the end of life. Even the existence of the essence of the god is not good. Once many predictions are made, although the god will not die and disappear, he will fall into the crisis of various things. Anyway, it's not good.

However, the future messengers of this era are not dangerous at all. They can predict anything they can predict at will without worrying about any rejection and blow from the universe.

Sometimes they are even bored enough to constantly predict what their neighbors will eat and wear every day of the next month, and then tell them what they have predicted, and then predict again what will happen next month according to this situation.

You can imagine that when you were hesitating what to wear to go on a date with her tomorrow, a man suddenly came over and said, "You will wear that red T-shirt tomorrow." Then the man walked away.

Well, now you know that you will wear that red T-shirt, because the other party is basically a prophet, but is tomorrow's date good or bad?

Is she dissatisfied with the dress and performance in her heart?

What does it mean that he suddenly came over and told himself that he would wear red clothes tomorrow? Will I fail because of this dress tomorrow? Or is it because of this dress that led to success?

Or what happened to this dress on the road?

I want to ask the other party again, but the obvious fact is that the other party will never tell him more things, otherwise he would not suddenly come over and say such a sentence and suddenly walk away.

If you ask rashly, you will probably be resented by the other party, so that you will leave an extremely bad impression and even casually express your dissatisfaction with your neighbor to that person in the future, then you will have endless trouble.

At least don't think about good things such as water, electricity and communication, work and overtime every day.

But why did the other party suddenly come over and say so to himself?

Is there something bad tomorrow because I'm wearing red clothes, or something particularly good because I'm wearing red clothes?

It's really confusing. What's going on?

And on the other side, the prophet will also be in his room. According to his understanding of this person, he will once again predict what changes the other party will have because he exposed the information in advance, and what kind of chain reaction will this change bring... It's so boring, but this is also a kind of training, a special The training.

This kind of training is also the reason for the talent instinct of the future messenger.

Simply from the perspective of the operation method of the future messenger, anyone has the opportunity to achieve the position of the future messenger, because although the achievement of this profession is difficult, the threshold is surprisingly low.

As long as the brain can think, people can basically have this ability.

His simplest basic principle can be that one plus one equals two.

Yes, it's that simple.

When a person knows that one plus one equals two, When encountering a situation, this situation is one plus one, then he naturally knows that the result must be two.

That is to say, the future is two.

This is the simplest case, and then the complexity on this basis, for example, two one plus one equals two. It can be one plus one plus one, two plus two, one plus three or three plus one, which is just doubled. As a result, there are at least four change choices. Of course, there may be other choices and future changes, but these four are the most likely to happen.

These are the simplest principles. Of course, the detailed explanation is that a person deduces what may happen in the future in advance based on all the information he has been in his mind, looking for a magical rhythm and feeling in it. Finally, he can find the melody, he You can easily get the results you want based on some information you know.

And with the enhancement of his strength, this prediction result requires less and less information, and even with just a little information, you can completely understand what the future result will be...

The specific operation process is as follows:

First of all, most people have a regularity about their lives. Most of them can know what time they get up in the morning for dinner, then go to work or school, what classes they take or what business they do.

Take a student as an example. His alarm clock will ring at six o'clock the next morning. The music is "Summer Shadow" or "Cannon", and the melodious music will ring two rounds, because the first round will be ignored by him. In any case, she has to use those few minutes to do a good psychological struggle to get up.

In the second round, I will wear a coat before the end of the music, because the habit has always been to wear a coat first and then trousers.

When wearing a coat, I will turn over the clothes first, because I will turn them over when I take them off tonight. This is a message, so I will turn them over first when I wear clothes tomorrow.

Then I put on my clothes and get out of bed, and my feet will fall to the ground first, because I remember kicking my slippers when I went to bed, a little away from the edge of the bed.

Then I will step on a slipper, click on the ground with my left foot, find another slipper and rush into the toilet, because I drink a little too much water, and it has been another night.

Next, I will come out of the toilet. First, I will wash my hands, and I will appear on the right sink. Because the washbasin is placed over there, and there is still water made tonight in the pot, I will first wash my hands with cold water, and then go back to the other side of the room and take out my toothbrush and toothpaste.

The toothpaste will be placed on the left side of the table...



Think about all the details that may happen in the life of the next day, and infer what your future will be according to your habits and laws after life, as well as the actual situation of all today.

This sounds like a very boring thing, but in fact, it is the most basic training method of prophecy.

Because the things that happen in my heart tomorrow have not happened yet, that is to say, I have actually made a series of predictions about the future, and this prediction must be accurate! People who insist on predicting their own life and future, talented people, who are intelligent and have a little prophetic talent, will soon find that they can easily predict something about the future even if they don't need too much information now.

At the beginning, he will feel a little vague and can't see clearly, but it won't be long before he will find that his sense has been greatly improved. In the past, he would not think of that kind of thing in any way, but now he can clearly feel that one day in the future At this moment, what will happen!!

Such a thing persists for a long time, and then accepts the divine power device and uses certain characteristics of the divine power, which will make your vague feeling clearer, so as to draw extremely correct conclusions and future results.

To take a step back, even if a person is not talented, he can't get such an ability in the end, but the prediction of the future can also make him have a certain grasp and control of his future. The most basic point is to add a little self-confidence to himself. Charm!

Imagine that a person often predicts his future things, even if he only predicts his own next day every time, after a long time, every time the next day, he will have a kind of all these things that I expected. Although some things are a little different, overall everything is in my palm. Under control.

For a long time, what kind of temperament and courage have the people trained by this mentality? Ladies and gentlemen, even if I don't say it, you should know the result.

Imagine that if you are talking to a person, your eyes are showing a kind of wisdom beads, the spirit of decision-making thousands of miles, and your eyes look at him as if you have seen through everything. For anything that may happen, it is a calmness and calmness in front of your eyes.

Even if you pretend to be handsome, this is incomparable!!!

ps: After writing this chapter, I suddenly felt that I was really expected...

However, the prophetic prophecy training method proposed in this chapter is just my personal guess. I have not tested it specifically. If any friend tries it in the future, please remember to tell me the results!

Finally, I recommend the music "Summer Shadow", which is very sad and quiet. I like...