
Chapter 355 Future Changes

April 19.

Of course, although there are no special restrictions and punishments for future messengers in this world, and the training method of future messengers is so simple, some things still exist.

The supreme and eternal way of balance in the universe will never disappear, and the law of conservation that constantly changes its face.

100 million people participate in future prediction training, and it is the most rigorous way to train, but only a few people can finally participate in the formal training of future messengers.

As for several of the trained people who can become future messengers, it is even more incalculable.

It is said that one in ten thousand is an exaggeration of the facts. In the end, most of them can only barely sit on a small and less important reference position, and the things made are only used for reference.

The number reference ratio of those who can really achieve future messengers from some people who insist on exercising is about one or two out of billions of people. At least the number is simply outrageous.

However, considering the degree of this profession, such a proportion is not a special number. After all, imagine that a planet like the earth, even if there is only one prophet, can make perfect future guidance and guidance on major events about the planet, which will be one What kind of great help does the planet have?

For example, the prophet walked on the road and saw the Heite's mother. The sad woman was hesitating whether to kill the child in her belly. If the prophet was there, he would continue to use all kinds of evidence to strengthen the woman's confidence and let her give up the child.

Instead of the reality of history, this person who brought great disaster to human history was born by his mother.

Although the development of history is inevitable, and many contradictions are formed over time. They can't be changed in a day or two, and it is not the life and death of one or two people. However, it has to be admitted that in addition to those bad people in the tributaries of history, there are many others. A good candidate.

Although a hitt is not born, and there may be other hitt class, it has to be admitted that maybe because this hitt class was not born, maybe a Stalin-like figure finally passed the election to become the head of state in the country, so history may have embarked on another What about the road?

Although the history in this universe has great inertia and inevitability, which makes it run on a road of no return most of the time, as long as a person gently interferes at some point, he will completely turn to another historical direction.

For example, if a great man had not been discovered by the people of the empire on that mountain, perhaps history would have been a completely different ending.

Although that faction may not disappear, maybe the subsequent disaster movement will not exist, and maybe the subsequent faction has finally embarked on the same path...

History seems so firm and imgible, but in fact its weakness is like a bound little girl. As long as you can appear in that right place and at the right time, everything about her belongs to you.

Even her future and her future are yours, as long as you are at the most appropriate moment and do the most appropriate thing.

A planet, billions of people, has a prophet. What kind of impact do you think he will have on this planet?

Of course, it sounds like a great thing, but it must be emphasized that although the planet has billions of people, this does not mean that the planet must be able to give birth to the great existence of fearless and unlimited prophets.

Because these billions of human beings can't participate in the training of future prophecy at the same time. Even if they all participate, not everyone understands the meaning. For them, this is just a habit. It has no special effect on themselves. At most, they are not for the future. Then you will be a little more confident.

At least a person with a high school culture or above can barely be regarded as a qualified person in such a training method.

However, in terms of a certain qualification, it is better to be a child whose mind is simply below the first grade of primary school [Judging from the current broken post-Zero situation, maybe the children in kindergarten are not simple... Whoo-woo]

And a galaxy is just a few living planets, such as the solar system, there is only one planet, and even many times people in that galaxy have to struggle for countless years whether their planet is the only life in the universe.

From the time they learned to use flames and iron from the ground to the time they learned to use light-year transportation, it is simply unknown how many troubles, hardships and disasters await this race.

First of all, if you want this race to develop superb technology quickly, the best way is war. War is the most perfect tool for promoting the development of human civilization in almost all methods. It makes human civilization rise like a hanging.

However, war will bring great trouble to human beings themselves. The first trouble is to make the trust between human beings themselves a big problem. Many creatures who come to their own wars to promote the development of civilizations look pathetic and entangled when they first come into contact with other civilizations, and always have a self-esteem. The appearance of the explosion, a little unhappy, was regarded as an insult to the pair. He felt that he was despised and despised, and often put our resolute protest against Zheng Ming in his mouth for fear that others would eat them as a vegetable family.

Poor guy, you can't see a guy named Fang Han everywhere in the universe. Why are you so nervous?

Of course, the biggest crisis is that perhaps before the racial civilization of that planet has developed out of the galaxy, it has tossed its planet completely unsuited for human habitation.

Of course, the most miserable thing is that they developed the initial form of super energy in advance, but they did not want to use it as a means of transportation, but as a weapon of war. Unfortunately, one day, a small country felt that the people of the world were sorry for themselves, because his inferiority developed into an unbearable self-esteem of human beings. , yes, with the idea of being finished with all mankind, we played together.

For example, a nuclear bomb doesn't even need to bomb other countries. It can dig a deep hole directly on the ground, almost a hundred meters deep well, and then hundreds of nuclear bombs explode at the same time...

May not be able to directly blow up the core of the earth for a while, but the powerful crustal movement and tsunami outbreak are enough to make human beings completely me.

Speaking of the tsunami, I suddenly remembered another way to destroy human beings. I only need to throw dozens of nuclear bombs at each of the North and South Poles. In that position, not many countries will want to build a blocking system for a while. Imagine that dozens of nuclear bombs exploded in the North and South Poles, and then the earth The sea level begins to rise...

Oh... It seems that the whole world will be tragic if it only needs to rise by one meter.

Over the years, the warming of the earth alone has caused the sea level to rise a lot, and many small island countries in the sea have completely lost their traces of existence. If the nuclear bomb can explode in the North and South Poles, humans in most parts of the earth will cry to death - before drowning.

Or, even after escaping to the Himalayas, you can see the magnificent waves of the sea, and the blue sea that can shine at night full of nuclear radiation...

After such a thing happens, ok, there is nothing about this planet in this cosmic world. Wait until millions of years later, another planet race will develop from scratch again. Of course, the prerequisite is that the stars of that galaxy are still normally bright. You know, a star supports more than a dozen at most. Civilized races have developed into light-year civilization, and obviously many races that grew up in war do not understand this thing. They have been forever integrated with the universe before they come into contact with the true meaning of the universe.

Therefore, the achievement of a future messenger is based on a large galaxy such as the Milky Way, from which countless suitable talented people with high IQ are selected, constantly cultivated and trained, exhausted endless resources, and finally got one or two futures that can only be ordinary gods. Messenger. However, even if it is just an ordinary god-level future messenger, it is already an unbelievable existence. An existence that belongs to this universe like Mora can actually find some clues of space based on some related things, so as to find his whereabouts, so as to find that person purposefully and direction. At this point, even if the existence of the real main god in the outside world comes, he will be ashamed to death, because they In any case, there is no way to find the traces of Mora in the world deduction. In the end, he had to wait until he achieved the supreme position again before he could get a chance to take action, but in the end, Mora was still a step late, giving Mora enough time to exert his divine power to the extreme, which was a tragedy for most of the gods. It's like a homeless dog.

Until now, they are still worried all day whether Mora will suddenly come to their world and turn them into powder.

Many gods are constantly deferring his traces in their own world, but they can't get accurate information in any case. Countless results show that they are unknown or not in this universe.

But how can it not be in this universe?

So these main gods are under great psychological pressure every day, and even many main gods can't even sleep, and can only spend every day in panic.

However, in fact, they really guessed that Mora was really not in their universe, but in another world.

From the perspective of the way civilization exists, this is basically an isolated world. It's not just something like a plane.

Silently thinking about the proud son of these days, the punishment messenger did not hesitate at all. After another violent divine impact, he wrapped the future messenger behind him and the members of the punishment team and kept chasing down the coordinates of that person.