
Chapter 356 Level 5 Death Plan

April 20.

However, this time, the punishment messenger never thought that although the future messenger who had never made mistakes was not wrong in details, he made a huge mistake in the general direction.

This omission directly led to the unbroken start of the legendary story of a female god in the future. Otherwise, in her state at this time, although she was thrown out of the ruins by Mora, a messenger in charge of punishment in the upper god still had enough power to make her great opportunity a wedding dress.

What a pity.

For this punishment messenger, the biggest pity is that he not only missed the best thing in the world, but also rushed to the worst thing in the world.

He is extremely happy with his back to heaven, and he is extremely excited to face hell. What a fearless ignorant person.

Mora looked back. He just slightly increased his speed and turned into five through a hollow, but that's how the people behind him could still keep up, which surprised him a little. I didn't expect that these people in the kingdom of gods could have such talents.

Because he restrained part of his ability, he still doesn't know why these people can follow him so quickly and closely because of the future messenger among them.

Of course, the violent opening of the space wormhole by the criminal messenger is also an important reason - the place he passed has not been passed by by anyone else for hundreds of years.

It's just that Mora is not in the mood to chat with these people for the time being, and she is too lazy to speed up to get rid of them, as long as they can't catch up now. As for whether this will delay their important tasks. Humph, what does this have to do with him?

On the other side, the punishment messenger became more and more excited. Although it seemed that the other party always kept a short distance, he believed that it would soon become his prey.

Even if she can escape herself in speed, a little further ahead are those complex star domains and huge star communities. In that place, even if there is no one in the cosmic void, it is difficult to launch space jumping ability casually, because if you are not careful, you may be disturbed by the huge energy of stars. If the calculation error unfortunately falls into the star, there will be countless good things waiting for her.

However, the criminal law messenger did not expect that the one he was chasing was not the woman's uniform under the crown, but another supreme existence that played cards completely unreasonable, or there was no need to play cards at all.

Now they can find its traces entirely because these people predict the location of strange fluctuations in that space. After all, this is the real existence of the real world. However, if they try to predict that person himself, then tens of thousands of future messengers will add up to nothing. What's more, in the world, there are only a few hundred messengers in the future. Many old guys whose lives are about to come to an end can't stay away from their nest at all, otherwise a slightly heavier cosmic storm may bring a devastating blow to their fragile bodies.

This is not because they made too many prophecies and suffered God's punishment. It's purely because their bodies have reached the end of their life. A hundreds-year-old old man is just an ordinary god-level existence, with no divine level at all. If others had died, they would have died long ago. Their heads have become scum, but they do enjoy the highest treatment because of their special status. They have been constantly taking all kinds of important treasures that can greatly prolong their lives, so that their lives can survive.

There was a proud smile on the face of the punishment messenger, but the expression was hidden by him under the bright glory, and no one saw it, so no one found his smile that was very similar to someone in the kingdom of the Lord God.

"The female uniform, this time your superior boss sold you to me. Let's see how you escaped this time! Humph!"

If anyone can hear his words, it will be extremely shocking, because there is only one superior boss under the crown, which is the existence of one of the five main gods.

But most people must be more surprised by the information revealed in this person's words, that is, the transaction he made with the Lord God, a person who can make a deal with the Lord God, either at the same level as the Lord God, or has something that the Lord God is also attracted to and is sure that he will not be caught and forcibly taken away by the Lord God. The person who has the ability to go.

A main god bought something at the cost of a living stand-in in his own plan. I don't know what it is, but he can actually give up such a perfect stand-in as the female suit under the crown.

Simply from the perspective of qualifications and physical aspects, everything in the female uniform under the crown even exceeded the initial starting point of the Lord God. With this stand-in, the Lord God even has the possibility of achieving the position of the Lord God again. Although that is after countless times, and there have been countless changes during this period, but It's better to have a possibility than nothing.

But now he has given up, so it can only be said that in a relatively appropriate time, what this person provides is a future possibility that exceeds the super excellent qualifications of the women's clothing under the crown.

If the woman's uniform is here and sees the expression on the man's face, she will definitely want to tear him angrily - confused. The mysterious figure who suddenly emerges has many magical objects that the main god is also envious and jealous of, and has extremely strong strength, unless the Lord God himself comes out. Hand, otherwise there is no way to take him down.

His fame was also because he was once again besieged by more than 30 of the most peak gods and finally disappeared from the place calmly. Even many living bodies of the main gods did not find out what kind of technology it was, so that all the main gods loved and hated this mysterious person. . Of course, the biggest feeling is to cove this person's various magical skills.

And strangely, I don't know whether it is a technology or this person really has such a great charm. Unexpectedly, most of the existence of the whole kingdom of the main god maintains a great affection for this person, as if he is the only heir of the main god.

This strange phenomenon has attracted the strong attention of the main god and some of the declarations who are not affected by this emotion, but no one has found the facts and tricks in it. It seems that this is really the case.

For this reason, there are even many unlucky fanatics to follow the material that the confused person was secretly dissected to do the experimental materials, but in the end, because there is really no sign that the person has received any special control or hints.

It seems that he was really fascinated by the old-fashioned temperament of the countryside and decided to follow him.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the foundation of the kingdom of the Lord God would not have been a large number of gods, I'm afraid that the Lord God would have dealt with this person himself.

Of course, it is not necessarily. Since the five main gods were identified in the universe, these main gods have almost never taken action. On the one hand, they are unwilling to waste their lives, and on the other hand, they are also careful of the other four main gods. No one is willing to consume their ability and life in vain when other people do not take action. In the end, it turned out to be a cheap job for others.

So it is said that many people who secretly oppose the Lord God have a standard to provoke the majesty of the Lord God.

From level 1 to level 5.

The first level is to provoke a main god.

Level 2 provoked two main gods.

Level 3 is to provoke four main gods.

Level 4 is to provoke three main gods.

Level 5 is to provoke five main gods.

Observe carefully, not every level corresponds to the number of main gods at each level. The number of main gods at the third and fourth levels is reversed.

The reason is not too complicated.

If you provoke the four main gods, then if the four main gods take action, it means that one main god can use the consumption of the other four main gods to improve his strength in vain without doing anything.

In this case, the other four gods are naturally unhappy, so it is still difficult for them to take action in this case.

But it doesn't necessarily mean that the three gods are provoked.

Because although the strength of these three will weaken within a certain period of time after taking action, a balance will be formed between the remaining two main gods, and a balance can be formed between the other three main gods and an alliance can be formed to compete with the two main gods, thus making the situation less serious.

Because of this, most of the time, one or two main gods are usually provoked at the same time, and there are not many four, because if the five main gods are accidentally provoked, or three are provoked, then the result is dead.

However, most of the time, it is usually directly provoked against a god - if strength allows.

And this confusion is very wise to stay in the kingdom of the main god where the female server is located under the crown. Although his fame and various things have also moved other main gods, after all, he did not appear directly on their own territory, so those main gods did not take excessive direct action for the time being. It makes the confused person live a very moist life all the time.

However, some senior upper god elders are secretly guessing that even if a god takes action himself, he may not be able to really take down this seemingly stupid country boy. Although this person is constantly disguised and covering up, and even his eyes have changed, those who have experienced the time test. The person who tested and baptized can still clearly see from the feeling in his eyes that this person must have a great grasp to escape from the hands of the Lord God, so he can do this.

This is also the reason why those people secretly call this confused country boy. Although in terms of strength and cards, he is indeed qualified to be tied with the highest beings in the kingdom of the Lord God, the inadvertently revealed childishness and simplicity still reveal that he is just The fact that there is no adult fox.

Even if the fox is an adult, it will be buried in the hands of hunters, and a minor fox is even more simple and tight. The reason why he is famous is entirely because the children have the needs of fairy tales.

Unfortunately, this confused person who doesn't know where he got any great opportunity obviously doesn't know that time is not something that strength and wisdom can make up for. The vicissitudes and precipitation that have gone through years of baptism are the most perfect crystallization left after the final sublimation of a person's wisdom. Even the gods should be amazed by the contained things, because the lives of the gods are above the sky, so they lack a kind of fireworks training in the human world. Of course, this refers to the product of the Protos family born.

Unfortunately, this muddle-headed man probably got this treasure at the smoothest time of his life. If he got it after going through all kinds of hardships, he would not be as public as he is now.

At this time, he was thinking about how to deal with the woman's clothing that was about to arrive in his hand. He imagined that the other party's extremely arrogant and holy head had to be lowered like those humble slaves, and he felt that he could not help burst out with a sense of ideas in his heart.

It's so exciting!