Xian Zhu

Chapter 31 Reunion

"Although you are a little slow, you have a high talent for practice. Would you like to come with me? I can make you a 'immortal' character, and even make you smarter and make more people like you..."

"Wake up! Wake up!"


"Hey, fortunately you woke up. If it were later, you might have been killed by him."

In another place in the pupa, Zhao Bingwen has woke up, but the memory that he had not remembered for a long time in his dream still made him unable to let go immediately, so that he could not hear what Fan Baobao said clearly.

"Well, you're lucky." When the demon king saw Zhao Bingwen wake up, he was not happy, but seemed to be a little disappointed. "Go faster. We have to find the six fingers or that boy as soon as possible. Only by relying on the picture in their hands can we have a chance to get out of here. If we are trapped in it for a long time and meet a guy more powerful than these things, It will be troublesome."

Looking in the direction indicated by the eyes of the hundred-eyed demon king, there is a huge thing that can almost occupy the whole chrysalis on the ground. At this time, the huge body has already been torn in half, and the blood is spewing everywhere. I'm afraid it will take a short time for so much blood to dry up.

With this time, after listening to the words of the two, Zhao Bingwen recalled the previous situation.

The six-finger demon king and Han Yuan's two gang first entered the pillar of light, then Lin Ruyue and the others, and finally the hundred-eye demon king. Because Kuluo was not here, Zhao Bingwen and Fan Baobao had to lead them.

Like several people elsewhere, as soon as they came in, they understood that the group should have dispersed in this chrysalis. These three people were more witty. They must be much better than Fan Baobao than the other two, but I don't know if it was because of the previous events. Later, he rarely spoke again. At most, he just smiled and answered casually. The voice has never mentioned any useful ideas, and he speaks poorly.

There is no smart man to come up with an idea. As the highest among the three, the hundred-eye demon king is not allowed to give up. What he thinks is simple, that is, no matter which direction he goes, he must first find the six-finger demon king or Han Yuan, because they probably have this map in their hands. But he could only think of this point. He really couldn't think of a feasible way to find it, so he had to find a direction to the end. Because of this, they were attacked the most on the road.

Although some of the things I encountered before had their own strangeness, under the strong crushing of the Hundred-eye Demon King, the speed of the three people was not slow until they met the fierce beast in front of them. Because it was too huge, and the hundred-eye demon king had no intention to take good care of their lives, which made Zhao Bingwen unconscious for a moment and fainted after being injured.

Although Zhao Bingwen's appearance is the same as when Han Yuan first saw him, it is difficult to find the original affinity expression on his face at this time. Not only are the muscles on his face extremely stiff, but he can also find that there is a lot of anger hidden between his eyebrows.

Fan Baobao glanced at Zhao Bingwen, and his eyes were also full of smiles, but he still did not break him. When all the time was ripe, everything would naturally change qualitatively.

"I think we should think of individual ways." Fan Baobao squatted next to the beast's corpse for a while before suddenly said, and said, "It's not a big problem for us to move forward in one direction like this. At least it must be deep into this place, but the time is not right now. Before we find others, we go in like this, and the result is likely to be as you said before. The more you go, the more powerful these things you encounter. At this time, other people must have found out a long time ago, right? If that's the case, I'm sure they won't have identified a way forward in this way.

Fan Baobao's words are so clear that the other two will not understand. But even if they know such a way and can't find anyone else, they can't think of any other ideas for a moment.

"If I guess correctly, you should have a delusional method, right? If you want to see through all the illusions here at the fastest speed, I have a way to find them. What do you think? Fan Baobao didn't seem to know what important things he was talking about. Both his voice and expression were extremely casual, and only flashed some strange brilliance in his eyes that were different from before.



In another place in the pupa path, the six-finger demon king walked briskly and was walking forward. He was a few steps behind him, and Ku Luo followed silently. Both of them are not very fast, but they are much faster than ordinary people running all the way. In the distance behind the two, there is a huge monster lying, which is much bigger than what the Hundred-eye Demon King met.

"This place is really interesting. There is no way to fly. The original things will disappear by themselves after a while. Those things that appear are artificial. What else do we don't know?"

"...The restriction on the power of the five elements here seems to be greater, but it seems that the power of the five elements can have the greatest impact here." Hearing the six-finger demon king asking, Kuluo thought for a moment before answering.

"Wearge each other... If there is this kind of secret art, artificial things... There will never be anything wrong. The other wing of the Great Sage must be here."

Under the excitement of the six-finger demon king, his black clothes were windless. Before the black veil was blown up, Kuluo immediately lowered his head and dared not look at her again.

The veil of the six-finger demon king is not as strong as usual, even if it is slightly higher than her, but at this time, it is lifted and blown away by this inexplicable force.

Although it was just a glimpse, the bright red color like Dongmei can still be deeply imprinted in people's hearts. With her skin color like good white porcelain and her pointed chin, it is enough to be dazzling.

The yarn rises and falls, but no one is lucky enough to appreciate the beautiful scenery under the black veil, or dares not to appreciate it.

The six-finger demon king doesn't seem to know what kind of ** his red lips have. He doesn't care about the bitter behavior behind him at all, but the demon spirit on his body rushes out and rolls over again. "The power of the Great Sage is really beyond my imagination. It's just this divine wing, and the power in it is so amazing. If you want to I can't find another one as soon as possible, so that the power in my body can calm down as soon as possible..."

Although the words of the six-finger demon king have not been finished, Kuluo also knows what she wants to say, just like when human practitioners can't control the evil thoughts in their hearts and the true qi in their bodies, they will "get off the devil". When demon practitioners can't control their minds and demonic spirit, they also have the terrible consequences of "burning their bodies".

When the demon spirit rushed out of the body of the six-finger demon king finally calmed down, her face was a little pale, much like a person after losing qi and blood.

"Let's go. If I'm not mistaken, the boy must be waiting for us somewhere at this time and find him first before he has the opportunity to walk through here as shown in the picture. Otherwise, it's just a bad thing to get out of here safely with my cultivation."

"..." Although Kuluo wanted to ask why the six-finger demon king was so confident and knew Han Yuan so well about him, he seemed that he should not think and ask, so he just thought about it and didn't say anything more, but still followed the six-finger demon king closely.

With the ability of the six-finger demon king, although it is in such a special environment, there are still many ways to use it. It may be difficult to find Han Yuan, but she has a way to find An Yuhan first.

"Ha, come so fast!"


Han was originally busy with something else, but suddenly raised his head and looked at a wall not far away. An Yuhan just showed a doubtful expression. The wall had twisted, and two figures rushed out of it.

An Yuhan saw the leading man's hand pinching trick, and she felt as if something had been sucked out of her body. Without waiting for Han Yuan to say anything more, a divine thunder popped out of her hand.

An Yuhan's action speed was so fast that Han Yuan didn't have time to stop it at all, and the thunder that popped up had flown away to the Six-Finger Demon King and Kuluo.

Although An Yuhan's Leifa is powerful, it does not mean that he can hurt the six-finger demon king. On the contrary, Kuluo did not notice it for a while and almost suffered a big loss. Fortunately, the demon spirit on the six-finger demon king rolled up and pulled him away first. Otherwise, it would not be very good to be hit on his body this time. You should know that Leifa could have killed evil spirits. Power.



It is true that the thunderlight was flashed by the two, but it did not really fail. The blow flew past the two and hit a strange bird behind them. The thing only had time to make a tragic howl and has been bombed into black charcoal.

"Well, this, I'm sorry, my wife's reaction is too fast, so this action is a little faster. Mistakes, mistakes, everything is there nothing wrong with you two?" Before the two said anything, Han Yuan stood in front of An Yuhan and said.

Originally, with the usual personality of the six-finger demon king, An Yuhan died without waiting for Han Yuan to speak, but this time she has been watching Han Yuan's movements, but she seems to have forgotten to get angry. After listening to Han Yuan's words, she can't see any mood swing in her eyes, but casually replied, "It's okay. Thank you, Mrs. Help us kill the 'tail' behind us.

"Good to say, good to say..."

As the two talked and answered, the atmosphere finally eased a little. Two of the four were the main ones. As long as they had nothing to say, An Yuhan and Kuluo would certainly not say anything. At this time, when she had time to take a closer look, An Yuhan saw that the six-fingered demon king stopped a little green bird in his hand at this time. Just by looking at the appearance, it could almost be fake, but with her eyesight, it could also be seen that the bird was just an illusion. The six-finger demon king Yu's hand shook gently, and the bird had dispersed into a demon spirit and drilled in from her mouth.

Although it is not very clear what kind of magic it is, An Yuhan can still know that it was this thing that she felt got out of her body before, and she still doesn't know when the Six-Finger Demon King buried this thing in her body, and they obviously rely on Only then did this thing find its own side.

"Well, all right, give me that half of your picture."


Although Han Yuan's request was a little excessive, the six-finger demon king just took out the half of the picture he got from Lin Ruyue and threw it to Han Yuan.

"Don't mind. You must be able to understand me. As a weak party, all I can rely on is this small chip in my hand. In case I accidentally lose, I won't have a chance to turn over. Although I'm still playing with fire now, it's better than losing everything, don't you think?"

"...that's right!"

Han didn't need to say these words to the six-finger demon king, but after taking the picture in his hand, he didn't know what he thought before he had these words again. At the moment, when he blocked his right eye's hair, it was windless and automatic. His hair fluttered, and his right eye was looming...