Xian Zhu

Chapter 32 Exposing the bottom card

How many years the human world itself has existed, presumably the most powerful power today cannot be clearly known.

But there has been a legend, or a saying, before the saying of "human world".

Legend has it that a long time ago, when humans and demons coexisted, there was a close relationship between the two races. The degree of closeness is by no means what the two parties can imagine. They will even have feelings between them, including love, and they will even get married and have children!

Of course, legends are only one legend in most cases, and many people have heard of it. But one fact is known to all practitioners and demons. That is, in the "human world", there is indeed such a strange phenomenon as "mixed blood".

The so-called "mixed blood" may be a little complicated to explain in detail, but to put it simply, it's just a word. In fact, it only refers to the existence of demon blood in the body as a human being!

The marriage between demons and people is a legend, but there is still such a person, which is a difficult phenomenon to justify, but for so long, no one has ever said this suspicion. The only "reasonable explanation" they can come up with is to say that they have been bitten and scratched by the demon clan... infected with the terrible "toxic bacteria" of the demon clan!

It doesn't matter how to explain. The important thing is that once such a person is found, the rule of practice is to kill!


Watching Han Yuan's right eye, which had never been exposed in front of people, turn purple. Although An Yuhan did not retreat and the expression on his face did not change, his expression in his eyes was extremely complicated. She could clearly feel that the powerful demon spirit in it was by no means fake, let alone her own illusion.

Compared with An Yuhan's complex emotions, Kuluo was more surprised. Only the six-finger demon king was as usual, but there was no difference in his eyes.

"Oh, don't blame me. Although I can also think of a reason and perform spells behind your back, it's just that at present, we are on the same boat, and I seem to have taken a lot of advantage. It should be enough to show some sincerity. As the biggest secret in my body, it should be enough to exchange for my momentary safety, right?

"It's really enough!"

Han Yuan bit the straw as usual, and he still had that indifferent expression. The answer of the six-finger demon king was very serious, and the words spit out in his mouth were like a few nails. As soon as he came out of his mouth, he could be deeply nailed to the ground.

Although Han Yuan was not surprised by the six-finger demon king's answer, the emotions in the words surprised him, but even if the two were not familiar with each other, Han Yuan did not intend to delve into it.

As Han Yuan himself said, he wanted to have an absolute guarantee of their lives, but relying on half a picture, which was indeed not enough. In his sense, it was very much like an ordinary person walking a tightrope at a high place.

If you change it at other times, the best way is actually to increase the "chip" in your hand, but for Han Yuan now, it seems that there is nothing more to add. Moreover, Han Yuan doesn't seem to be such an easy person to compromise. In this way, there are not many ways to use. If others change, they may only have to fight for luck and have the courage to deal with it so boldly, but how can Han Yuan be like others?

The chips in his hand are gone, but Han Yuan still has a way to let the other party hold his "bottom card"! As long as the other party thinks that he is completely under their control, he can get the final result that Han Yuan wants. Since you want to bet, bet big! Now that you are so bold, you have to risk it completely!

In addition to these calculations in Hanyuan, he also took this opportunity to reveal his secrets to An Yuhan.

The statement about "mixed blood" is the deep-rooted cognition of all practitioners, and it is really not a matter of overnight to change their cognition. But Han Yuan doesn't have that much time. In his opinion, with his relationship with An Yuhan, all his secrets should not be hidden from her, just like Chen Muyun...

Although Han Yuan had many ideas, he had no time to tell everyone one by one that although the power needed to open the purple pupil was not much, he still needed a high level of concentration. After one sentence, Han Yuan said nothing more, but made the purple light shot in his right eye shine more and brighter, and soon he cast a pattern on the wall. When Han Yuan combined the other half of the picture on it, the two halves could just fit together and turn it into a whole picture again.

Early, he had thought that the picture in the Zichen Demon Lord Ring might be of great use. Han Yuan printed it with purple pupil soon after he got it. After studying the original picture, he didn't see anything strange, so he destroyed it.

The two pictures are combined in one place. Han Yuan is not looking at the front of the picture now, but the intricate lines on the back. Previously, Han Yuan had thought of these maps that are probably treasure land. Now after comparison, he found that it is true!

"It seems that we are just on the first floor here. The location is probably here!"

Han Yuan exposed this picture and was not afraid of being seen by the Six-Finger Demon King and Kuluo. It was too careless, but in fact, neither of them dared to think so. After all, that half of the picture is not the original picture, but projected in Han Yuan's eyes. God knows whether he has made any changes to it in any way. There are many criscrossing lines on it. In case of a mistake, it is likely to be very different. In such an unsafe place now, take such unnecessary risks. It's really unnecessary.

Several people gathered around Han Yuan to look at the picture, but after listening to Han Yuan's words, they knew that the reason why the lines on this picture were so messy was that the painting was not just a layer!

"You mean there are many floors here?"

"How can you see where we are now?" Looking at a line position of Han Yuan's finger, the six-finger demon king couldn't help asking.

Although Kuluo and the six-finger demon king asked different questions, they were obviously expected by Han Yuan to see that the smile on his face had not changed much. "I know that there are many layers here. Naturally, you can see it from the picture. This is a talent that you can't learn. Where we are, it's even more secret. You just need to trust my judgment.

How many powers Han Yuanzi has, but he can't know them clearly, so how can he tell them? It's okay to deal with it casually. Anyway, with the cleverness of the six-finger demon king, you can definitely think of it.

The actual situation was really as Han Yuan thought, but his ambiguous answer, and the six-finger demon king did not continue to ask, but kept silent and looked at Han Yuan.

"Why do you look at me like this? You don't want to say what to do next, just listen to me, do you?"

"That's right."

Han Yuan guessed fast enough, and the other party answered simply. As soon as Han Yuan's voice fell, the voice of the six-finger demon king wanted to sound again.

Han Yuan's unexpected answer, but listening to Kuluo and An Yuhan, did not expect that as the strongest of the four, the six-finger demon king would take the initiative to give up the initiative at such a critical time and let Han originally come up and make a decision. This is not just a matter of recognition, but also has no reason for trust. That's the surprising reason.

Han Yuan and the Six-Finger Demon King looked at each other for a long time. When his right eye was blocked by his hair, he looked away, bit the grass pole, and said as if it was very indifferent: "Well, the beauty is the biggest. If you ask me to come up with advice, I will come out. Do you believe me and do it as I say, or it's up to you. I don't require it. You must do what I say. If you want to break up, I can also return half of the picture to you..."

"Don't talk nonsense."

The voice of the six-finger demon king is as usual, but these four words sounded like a sharp dagger in Han Yuan, which stabbed his heart at once. Compared with being seriously injured, Han Yuan felt that he was "injured" at this time!

"Nonsense, nonsense... Am I being criticized for being talked about?"


Han Yuan's "self-pity" kung, his hands suddenly cooled down, and a small hand had been touched and looked up. An Yuhan was standing beside Han Yuan. His expression on his face was still the usual, but the tenderness in his eyes could make Han Yuan understand it immediately.

"I believe you, although we haven't officially married yet, we are also engaged to marry a chicken, marry a dog... Um..."

Before An Yuhan finished speaking, his head, which had become lower and lower, was pulled up by a big hand. Before she could react, her lips were tightly sealed by Han Yuan. Feeling the heat on it, how could she struggle and resist? Her whole body seemed to have been sucked out of all her strength in an instant, and she could only be soft. Soft Han Yuan hugged and enjoyed this affectionate kiss.

A young man and woman who are also inexperienced are also extremely astringent, but it is precisely because of such astringency that they can make them feel their feelings.

The two outsiders, the six-finger demon king and Kuluo, don't seem to exist at this moment. They are not in their memory at all, and I don't know how long it took. It was not until they heard a heavy cough beside them that An Yuhan reacted and pushed Han Yuan away. Thinking that these were seen by the six-finger demon king and Kuluo, with her usual indifference, His face was also very red, and he hid behind Han Yuan and pinched the soft meat in Han Yuan's waist with his small hands.

"Ha ha, my wife is more shy when she smiles and smiles." Han Yuan and Ren Yuhan pinched her little hand in his hand again. Looking at the two people who had "appreciated" for a long time, he explained caresly.

With Han Yuan's face, not to mention that it's just such a little sweetness has been seen, that is... Well~ Anyway, with his character, he doesn't think that there will be anything inappropriate about what he has done to be seen by others. On the contrary, he is quite shameless and proud.

"What does your personal affairs have to do with us? I just hope you remember what you should do best now. The six-finger demon king's voice was faint, and he didn't seem to want to comment too much on the "good play" he had just seen.

Han Yuan knew that she would be like this, so she didn't laugh and didn't mean to say anything more about this matter. She just changed into a slightly serious expression and said, "Don't worry! At present, the first thing to do is to find other people first, and I'm more anxious than you on this issue.

"Have you come up with a solution?" Looking at Han Yuan's proud look in his eyes, the six-finger demon king asked again.

"Hey, the demon king is really smart."

After a sentence, Han Yuan did not say whether it was or not. Just waved it casually, a light-like black gas flew out. When it fell to the ground, it immediately exploded out a lot of smoke. A big snake had appeared in front of everyone. Seeing that everyone was eager to look at him, Yu Chenglong couldn't help but feel that his body was extremely cold. A bad feeling.