evil spirit

Chapter 22 Night of Desire

Chapter 22 [Night of Desire] Frankly speaking, I really want to go out with Brother Huan to see the girl named Yang Wei.

I don't know why she seems to be very attractive to me, not just because of her beauty.

It's just that she seems to have a trait in her, which makes me have an impulse to get close to her and observe carefully.

The cunning and intelligent eyes between her eyebrows, the cold but full of confident smile... Of course, and her beautiful face.

I have seen a lot of beautiful women, but I really rarely see a beautiful woman like her.

But Brother Huan didn't mean to go out again.

He just smiled at me, then waved his hand and summoned Jinhe to come in and take me out.

"You can take a break tonight, and I'll take you here during the day tomorrow."

Brother Huan didn't say anything to me. Maybe he felt that he had said a lot to me tonight. Now I'm afraid he should give me some time to digest it.

When I walked out of the casino, I didn't meet Yang Wei again. She was probably in a VIP lounge.

It was not until later that I knew that Yang Wei first won 10 million in the VIP room of the casino that night, but later deliberately lost again.

Her behavior is probably just to express her dissatisfaction to Brother Huan.

There are gambling masters in the casino, but Brother Huan didn't let those people come forward.

And the two attendants brought by Yang Wei are good at Las Vegas.

But these are all the last words. Jinhe took me into the special elevator, then went down to the eighth floor and led me to the door of a room.

"Go in and have a good rest. I'll take you out early tomorrow morning."

Jinhe's tone did not fluctuate at all. After pushing open the door and let me in, he left.

This is a very luxurious suite. When you come in, there is a soft carpet under your feet, which is very comfortable to step on. I think even if you turn over a few times on the ground, I'm afraid you won't feel it.

Outside is a very spacious living room. The sofa is made of leather, the shape is very elegant, and there is an LCD TV on the wall. When I entered the room, the crystal lamp on the ceiling slowly lit up, and the light was gradually strengthened and soft.

And I realized that I didn't press any buttons. Maybe there was a sensor.

The furniture in the living room is exquisite. The tone of the whole room tends to be dignified, like the champagne color after precipitation. There is also a wine cabinet in the living room. I took a closer look. There are rows of various wines in it, and the lower floor is a row of hanging crystal glasses.

I took a deep breath. Even if I have never been to such a place, I can see the level of this place! In front of the wine cabinet is a small home-style bar. I found a small bartender from it, poured myself a glass of whisky, found the refrigerator below, took out the ice machine, added two ice cubes, and then swallowed the wine in one gulp.

The scorching wine flowed down my esophagus into my stomach. The hot flow seemed to burn my chest and abdomen. I felt very comfortable. I couldn't help but feel excited and took a long sigh of relief.

I'm a little confused and confused... Or, I have some expectations and curiosity about tomorrow.

What kind of big plan is Brother Huan going to make? What exactly does he want me to do? Of course, what excites me most is the things that happened to me tonight... How much is this? Thinking of the number I calculated, at this moment, when I was sitting in front of the bar in the room drinking, the casino upstairs was still catching money and making wealth! Those chips, dollars, were thrown out by those people at will... What a corruption and luxury! But I admit that when I threw those chips, although my face pretended to be quiet, my heart really jumped a few times! Looking at the 10,000 dollars in my hand thrown out in less than an hour, I don't know what I'm thinking.

After all, that's 10,000 dollars! It's a number that most ordinary people can't earn in a year! Perhaps until today, I realized how pure the world I live in is! Isn't it? I work in a "high-end" nightclub, but tonight I realized that the so-called high-end nightclub is only relative to ordinary people.

Is the brilliance very high-end? The cost of one night is only a few thousand.

Are the ladies there very high-end? As long as you are willing to throw out thousands of yuan, someone will take it off and paste it at any time! But what about here? I even saw some gamblers win the chips and threw a few to the beautiful women around them without even blinking their eyelids! What's more terrible is... Damn it, I even accidentally saw a beautiful girl accompanying guests in the casino. The evening dress she was wearing was not cheap! Versace!! I'm afraid I can't afford to buy the clothes on her for half a year! And the watch on her wrist is "Cadia" and is worth tens of thousands of yuan! I once saw a lady in a nightclub wearing it - of course, the lady in the nightclub wore hundreds of imitations.

And these guests, who throw thousands of chips at will, with an indifferent expression on their faces, are surrounded by beautiful women that ordinary people may not see for a year, and hold a cup of expensive wine that is worth the living expenses of ordinary people for a week... Are these the so-called upper class? I took another sip of wine.

It must be said that my heart is full of contradictory thoughts.

On the one hand, I'm shocked by what I've seen and heard tonight, and on the other hand... I'm still looking forward to tomorrow! I have to admit that when I threw a lot of money tonight, in addition to being at a loss, I also had a little... It seemed to be very cool! After two glasses of wine, my head began to hurt a little again.

After gently pressing the temple, I remembered the wooden warning that I really shouldn't drink these days.

I looked up and looked at my own figure reflected on the glass of the wine cabinet, which was a little blurred and seemed to be very clear.

Originally, when I was injured, in order to deal with the wound, the hospital shaved the hair in the middle of my head. For the sake of beauty, I simply came out and found a place to shave all my hair short. Now although it looks a little awkward, it doesn't look too awkward.

The face on the glass is a little red, and there is a shining light in the eyes... Is that me? I smiled at the glass, with a wry smile on the corners of my mouth.

Thinking of Brother Huan's words: "This ***, if you come in, you will never get out again!" However, what shocked me even more was Brother Huan's other sentence: Entering this ***, you may get wealth, money and status that you can't imagine! You will get what an ordinary person dreams of! I admit that I am moved.

I'm really moved! I, Chen Yang, am also a young man and also ambitious! I also hope to get ahead one day! Shaking my head, I simply sat down with a glass and sat on the soft carpet on the floor.

Just then, I suddenly heard the bedroom door in the suite gently opened... A slim and weak figure poked out half of the figure from the door. With the soft light in the room, I saw a charming and beautiful face facing me, with sleepy eyes and half of the clothes, revealing half a snow-white and pink shoulder. And the heart-pounding bulge under the low bra on my chest... I was stunned. Before I could react, the figure seemed to be frightened, let out a short exclamation, and then quickly shrank back.

Huh? But then, the door opened a little more. This time, the figure came out lightly. She seemed to be a little hesitant and a little afraid of me.

Only then did I see clearly that it turned out to be one of the two beautiful twin girls who came in when they took a shower with Brother Huan at night.

It seems that she has just woken up. Her long hair is a shawl, a little messy, with a little blush on her face and a little lazy. She only wears a snow-white shirt all over her body. Through the hazy light, there seems to be only one underwear under her shirt, and the hem of the shirt is a pair of It looked delicate and smooth, which made me dizzy.

The girl seemed to be a little shy. After a few steps, she hesitated to stay there, as if she didn't know whether to come over or not. The slender legs were so completely exposed to my sight. Her legs were close together, very straight, and her small and delicate feet stepped on the carpet. I even felt that she seemed to be shaking.

I immediately understood that she was arranged by Brother Huan to wait for me here.

Thinking of this, I suddenly smiled, and then looked at the girl. We looked at each other for a few seconds before I said, "It's you... Are you a sister or a sister?" The girl suddenly calmed down. It seemed that she remembered the purpose of coming here. Her face showed some tension. She bit her lips and carefully walked to me. She reached out and seemed to want to pull me up.

I grabbed her little hand. The palm was a little cold, but it was very soft, which was my favorite feeling.

Then I pulled hard, and the girl shouted in a low voice and fell into my arms.

I leaned over and sniffed at her trembling neck.

It smells good!" Can't you talk? Are you a sister or a sister? I smiled and tried to make my expression look gentle.

"Sister..." I finally heard her voice. Unexpectedly, she was as weak as a rabbit. Her voice was a little sharp, but it was very nice.

I felt a little strange. I saw that the trace of panic in her eyes was not disguised, but really a little afraid of me. At this moment, the two of us were close to each other. I pinched her wrist and felt her pulse beating very fast.

I know what she does. Frankly speaking, she is here to "server" me.

This must also be her profession.

Some professional ladies will deliberately pretend to be a simple posture, or the appearance of a bird, to please guests.

But I saw that her expression was not pretended, but real.

"Are you afraid?" I said strangely.

The girl nodded, but then her face turned a little pale, and she shook her head quickly.

"Are you afraid or not?" I'm more curious.

This time, the girl didn't even dare to move her head. She just looked straight at me with her eyes and didn't dare to blink her eyelids.

I feel a little funny.

Looking at this girl who panicked like a rabbit, I suddenly had some evil thoughts in my heart. I slowly poked out a hand and slid into her shirt almost naturally... The girl's silky skin was so tender that it seemed to be slippery. My hand swam slowly along her soft waist. Then she quietly climbed a full bud on her chest... The girl said "um" and her body suddenly stiffened a little, but then softened again. Looking at my eyes, she suddenly had a strange look.

As if she had accepted her fate, she glanced at me faintly, and then slowly closed her eyes...