evil spirit

Chapter 22 Evil Good People

Chapter 22 [Evil Good People]

After a long time, she probably realized that I didn't have the next step. The girl slowly opened her eyes and looked at me in surprise, but she happened to see me staring at her with playful eyes. She was so scared that she immediately closed her eyes, and then slowly opened them again.

"Okay, stop playing. You're afraid of me, aren't you?" I smiled, helped her stand up, and then reached out and patted the girl's upturned buttocks. I smiled and said, "No matter who sent you here, now I feel very tired. I want to take a shower and don't want to do anything else for the time being - are you so afraid of what I will do to you?"

This time, the girl seemed to be obedient and did not dare to nod or shake her head.

"Go and help me put in the bath water." I sighed. Suddenly I felt that I had no interest.

The girl was stunned for a moment. I frowned and said, "What's wrong? You can't even put in the bath water, can you?

Then the girl hurried out of my arms and ran into the bathroom. However, I noticed that her eyes seemed to look at the bedroom with a little panic, and then she had no choice but to dodge into the bathroom.

My heart moved, I quietly walked into the bedroom and opened the door...

The bedroom is very large, with nearly 100 square meters. I have never lived in such a large bedroom.

The first thing that fell into my eyes was a huge bed! It's really big! From visual inspection, such a big ** can make at least four or five people lie down side by side!

Such a large bed is undoubtedly a very suitable place for "doing nonsense".

But what really touches me is the person who is lying in ** now!

A messy hair spread out, covering most of the snow-white face. A girl in the same snow-white shirt lay quietly on **. She was covered with a soft silk quilt, but the corner of the quilt had been lifted. The girl's two long legs were completely exposed to the air, and one of her legs was curled up. Get up and form a beautiful curvature that makes me breathe faster...

She is still sleeping sweetly and breathing smoothly. A small hand grasps the corner of the quilt tightly, and her face seems to have a little worry, as if she dreamed of something unhappy in her sleep.

I slowly walked to the bedside, sat down gently, bent down and carefully observed her for a few seconds, confirming that this was the other of the twins, with a smile on his face.

Her sleeping position is very seductive, the hem of the shirt is a little rolled up, and even the white cotton underwear below is not covered. The girl's breath is very sweet. I can't help putting my fingers on her calves, and then gently slide up...

I noticed that wherever my fingers touched, there was a small blush on my skin. In her sleep, the girl seemed to subconsciously twist her legs, and then her body suddenly leaned a little towards me. Her hands seemed to unconsciously hug my legs, and there was a sound in her nose as if He hummed and continued to sleep sweetly.

I appreciated her long legs, and then my fingers continued to go up against the inner edge of her thighs, and then I paused.

Her underwear is white, cotton, and the style is a little rustic, but with a girl of this age, it highlights a wonderful charm. Especially the small navel under the lower abdomen, as well as the girl's flat and smooth lower abdomen, and... and... the slightly raised little bulge under the underwear, the faint outline of the hills under the underwear...

I already feel my heart beating faster!

Just when my hand couldn't help inserting a little along the edge of my underwear, suddenly, the girl's body trembled suddenly, her eyes suddenly opened, and she stared at me in horror. One of her hands covered her mouth, as if trying to suppress herself so that she didn't make a sound.

I subconsciously withdrew my hand and looked at her, with an embarrassed smile on my face.

"You..." The girl squeezed her lips, rubbed her eyes hard, blushed on her face, and then the panic in her eyes disappeared little by little, and finally said in a voice as low as a mosquito, "Sir... are you back?"

Looking at her panicked eyes like a deer, and the seductive appearance of the jade body, I feel that something called "desire" in my heart grows like a weed! A fire under the lower abdomen is burning!

The girl in front of me is like my most delicious meal! And her identity also reminds me in my heart that I have no scruples!!

I reached out and pulled her into my arms rudely, and then one hand had reached in from behind, wrapped the girl's buttocks, gently kneaded it, felt the elasticity of the girl's skin, and then carefully slowly leaned down from the two strands.

The girl almost groaned, and her eyes looking at me were a little pleading and resentful, but all of these became the driving force to stimulate my desire! I pushed her down on **, then turned over the bed and pressed on her. First, I quickly took off her shirt, then reached behind her and squeezed it gently, and unbuttoned the corset.

Everything that happened tonight is playing back and forth like a slide in my mind at this moment. It seems that there is something in my heart that has been suppressed all night. At this moment, it finally boils out unscrupulously!

This kind of thing is called desire!

Not only the desire for the girl under me at this moment, not just sex, but also something else...


I'm like a hungry wolf, as if I'm in a hurry to devour something. Maybe it's not just the beauty in front of me... and what else...


The girl under me twisted more and more fiercely. I felt that my fingers touched a soft place. I knew that the girl's last position had been captured by me! I was panting like a cow, and the girl under me let out a delicate cry, and my body suddenly stopped twisting. Even when I tried to take off her white underwear, I slightly raised my buttocks to cooperate with my movements...

I hugged her hard, as if her fragrant body was the source of everything that attracted me. I rubbed it hard, as if to crush her body and combine it with myself! The girl seemed to be unable to stand my rudeness, her nose was short, and she let out an unconscious and slightly painful whisper in her mouth. Her eyebrows frowned slightly and her eyes were blurred. I already feel that something in my heart has been ignited and detonated! He quickly removed his clothes, raised her slender and strong legs with one hand, pressed her body into a subtle arc, and then pressed down hard...

At the moment I pierced, she suddenly opened her eyes, and her eyes were full of pain. The charming flower-like face was full of pain, and the pain made her forehead sweat coldly.

She suddenly hugged me tightly. She was so hard that I was hooked by her for a moment and couldn't even move at all. Then, she inhaled, as if her voice trembled with pain. Then, her pleading voice sounded in my ear:

"Please, please, after you ask me, let go, my sister, okay?"

There was infinite pain in her voice, pleading, like a poor cat, and like a fish struggling on the chopping board. I couldn't help looking at her closely. Her face was deformed with pain, and tears had flowed out of her big eyes. I don't know what those tears are for, for humiliation? Is it for physical pain?

I only felt that I was clamped so tightly that I couldn't even move at all. With a little movement, she was in tears of pain...

How could this happen?!

I suddenly let go of her, stood up from her body, and looked at the girl condescendingly. The pain on her face is definitely not disguised... And I, who rolled out in the *** array, naturally understand what the pain on the girl's face represents!

"Please, please let my sister go... I, I will make you satisfied... I will..." After saying that, the weak little hands stretched out again, and the beautiful jade-like arms seemed to want to hug me again, but I suddenly stepped back.

If the inexplicable and complex desire in my heart stimulated my frenzy, then the tears of the girl's plea in front of me made my heart cold.

Just then, I suddenly heard a splash...

Looking back, at the door of the bedroom, another twin girl stood there stunned. Looking at me naked and her sister entangled, looking at the crying girl, she suddenly turned pale and then sat on the ground.

Her clothes are a little wet. Obviously, she just helped me put in the bath water, but there was sadness in her eyes.

I suddenly felt a little blocked. I sat up, picked up my trousers and put them on, and then thought about it. I pulled the sheet to cover the girl who was **, and then took a deep breath: "What's going on?"

I'm a little confused.

From the shower tonight, their performance should be very "professional", but now it seems to be very "amateur".

"Okay, don't cry." I sighed, then pulled the girl at the door over, let her sit next to me, and said in a calm tone as much as possible, "I ask you, were you forced to send you to my room?"

Shake your head.

It's okay, I'm relieved... Otherwise, wouldn't I become **?!

"That's why you don't want to be with me, do you?"

I'm not surprised. I have encountered a lot of things like this.

Nowadays, even if a young lady comes out to sell, she has the right to choose not to sleep with guests. I have met in a nightclub. No matter how much money is spent, the young lady would rather make less money than accompany the guests.

These days, doesn't everything pay attention to a two-way choice? So, prostitutes and ladies are no exception, right?

When the two girls heard my question, they froze and neither nodded nor shook their heads. But I was not in the mood to pester on this issue. I glanced at **'s sister faintly: "Just now... Are you the first time?"

The girl didn't say anything, but I got the answer from the desolation in her eyes.

"Well, I never like to force women, and I'm not the kind of lustful master. This time, the twisted melon is not sweet. I don't want you to accompany me. You can go out.

Unexpectedly, when this sentence came out, the two girls were so scared that they turned pale at the same time that they didn't even dare to cry. The small body trembled, as if it were a sieve. I saw the doorway and knew that they would definitely not dare to go out. Most of them had been told by someone, or the rules here were strict. I'm afraid they would be punished for going out of my room in the middle of the night.

On the bottom of my heart, I think this kind of thing is quite fucking. These two little chices are indeed watery, delicate and seductive, pure and lovely, and they are actually the best twins, still the little chick! Such goods, no matter what reason they come out to do this, it is absolutely expensive! If you put it outside, even if the price is six digits, there will definitely be a big boss who is willing to bid! Unexpectedly, Brother Huan really sent them to my mouth...

"Okay, don't panic." I have picked up my coat and put it on my body, pointing to the two maids: "Don't go out, just stay here. I'll go out for a walk by myself.

Leave the two little girl alone. I have walked out of the door.

I don't want to ask them why they are crying and why they are so unprofessional when things come to an end. It's obvious that these two girls are too young. Maybe they haven't completely fallen in their hearts, maybe they are embarrassed in their hearts, or they just don't like me and don't want to be circled by me...

In short, there may be a variety of reasons, but it doesn't have much to do with Chen Yang.

I walked out of the door and walked to the nearest elevator in front of the corridor. It was not until I entered the elevator that I suddenly remembered:

Shit, it seems that I should have "inn" with the girl of ** just now. In this way, won't I still take away the layer of other people's membrane?

I smiled speechlessly.

It's not that I'm not soft on the tears of the two girls, but I've seen too many stories of depravity.

It's not everyone's fault, it's fate.

Degeneration, sometimes this is the case. Now that I have come to this point, my mother-in-law makes me uncomfortable. Sometimes, I have to have the kind of "jump into the river and close my eyes". How can there be so much lingering?

I tried to force myself to think in the direction of malice and cold-blooded. Unfortunately, after thinking for a while, I suddenly found that I was far less cold-blooded than I thought. I still felt pity for the two girls! Otherwise, I wouldn't have run out of the room!

Maybe, I'm really a good person.

The elevator stopped on the first floor. I walked out of the lobby. The lobby here is not much different from the layout of the ordinary hotel, but the front desk is full of very beautiful women, which looks very eye-catching.

I walked out of the hall and came outside.

Like many hotels, there is a large fountain outside. I went to the pool and sat down. I looked up at the stars for a while. It was a certain distance from the city, and the star map in the sky seemed to be much clearer. I looked at it, and suddenly sighed and touched the empty pocket.

Alas, it would be good to have a cigarette at this time.

Just as I sighed, I suddenly heard the roar of the motor, and then I saw the exit of the underground parking lot next to the hotel, and a red whirlwind swept out! An extremely arrogant sports car flew out with a roar like a monster! The bright headlights shook so much that I couldn't open my eyes, and I subconsciously raised my hand to block my face.

The superior engine of the sports car made a pleasant roar. A gust of wind flew past me, but suddenly I heard the sound of a sudden brake. The car circled around the fountain and flew back to my side. It suddenly paused, and the tire drew a shocking mark on the ground!

My mood of enjoying the starry sky was disturbed and a little unhappy, but I suddenly saw the door of the sports car slowly open, revealing a beautiful and touching face with infinite indifference and self-confidence.


Yang Wei took out the lighter, lit a slender lady's cigarette for herself, sat in the sports car and looked at me. With the flame of the lighter, her eyes were frighteningly bright in the middle of the night!

When I looked at her for a few seconds, I suddenly smiled faintly and said, "Do you have any cigarettes?"

Yang Wei raised his eyebrows, as if he looked up at me carefully, and then quickly threw a silver cigarette box. I reached out and took a look at her again. There was something complicated in Yang Wei's eyes. Suddenly, the pair of sexy and cold lips gently opened:

" get in the car!"