evil spirit

Chapter 52 Sex is like fire

Chapter 52 [Sex is like a fire] [The cover has been changed. Thank you for making the cover of the cold wind helpless brother. You might as well support this brother's book "Girls Starting Today" at the starting point. It is a transformation, hehe, the taste is more unique] [This chapter is another 5,000 words, which is a

Because I couldn't stop writing, it was a little later than expected. Don't scold me...] I know I'm quite embarrassed now. I'm handcuffed to the radiator. I can't stand straight and squat down.

I bent my legs and couldn't stand it. Looking at the two policemen coming in, my heart was full of anger and I couldn't help shouting, "You've been handcuffing me here for a long time!" What the hell do you want to do!" The policeman with the transcript looked younger, probably a novice. When he heard the words, he immediately lusted and shouted, "Be honest! Don't look at where it is!" Where is it? It's the place of the people's police!" I tapped the radiator with the handcuffs on my wrist.

The young policeman became angry, put down his record book, and rushed towards me with a look on his face.

I hummed, raised my neck, and shouted, "Why, do you want to hit me? Come on! Come on!" Xiao Wang, forget it."

The other policeman suddenly opened his mouth. He looked very sophisticated. He was about forty years old. He squinted and stared at me: "Let's make a record first."

There was an extra bar and a star on his shoulder. When the young policeman heard the words, he pressed me down, untied me from the radiator, and pushed me down with a bench.

He still stared at me fiercely.

I curled my lips and didn't feel scared at all.

It's not the first time I've been in the game, and it's not the first time I've encountered such an occasion.

In fact, when you come in like this, the police will make a fierce look, so that they can have a deterrent to the suspect.

This is a kind of intimidation.

Some little ruffian who came in for the first time immediately softened when they saw this kind of occasion.

But it doesn't work for some old birds.

Next is to make a record, which is mostly questioned by the young policeman, but the old policeman next to him didn't say much, but just looked at me coldly, with a smile on his face.

"Name!" Chen Yang, Er Dong Chen, the sun of sunshine! Twenty-three years old, home address: XXXXXXX, ID number: XXXXXX..." "Lessense!" The young policeman became angry. He patted the pen in his hand on the table and stared and shouted, "You can answer whatever you want!" I smiled and said, "Anyway, I have to ask. I'll just say it first."

The young policeman was about to get angry again. The old policeman next to him gave him a color, and then he suppressed the fire, quickly wrote a scratch on the transcript, and then shouted, "Do you know why I brought you back!" I know."

I yawned: "Fight.

A few bastards flirted with my friends, and I flattened them, which was in self-defense!" Hey! Just in self-defense!" The young policeman sneered: "Are you not hurt at all in self-defense? Those people's fractures, coma! Let me tell you! There are still two people who haven't woken up yet!!" I sneered: "That's their own fault."

The old policeman waved his hand to stop the young policeman from speaking. He coughed and said in a slow tone, "You don't have to say so much. Just tell me what's going on tonight and tell it honestly."

"I said, I ate there with my friends, and those guys came to tease my friends and were beaten by me!" Humph! You can fight quite well!" The old policeman has a gloomy face.

"They are too sloppy."

I curled my lips and said, "I said you were going to put me in a suff? Is it an arrest or something? There must be an explanation, right?" I will give you legal procedures!" The old policeman said lightly, "Where is your workplace?" After thinking about it, I didn't seem to have a work unit. I was Fang Nan's private employer, so I replied, "I don't have a job."

"I don't have a job?! Humph!" The old policeman stared at my clothes: "Your clothes are at least a few thousand, right? No job?" No, just no."

I hummed.

"Kon, you'd better be honest."

The old policeman said in a low voice, "The people you injured are still in the hospital! It's a serious injury! Looking at you, it doesn't seem like it's the first time to enter this place, right? What is the nature of this? Don't you know it yourself? I don't talk, I just sneer.

The old policeman changed a slightly kind tone and said lightly, "We are making a record for you now!" You'd better explain it yourself! Strive to take the initiative! If you don't say anything, we can also find out! At that time, you will be passive. Do you know? I'm coming... I laughed in my heart.

Generally, this is what the police say during interrogation.

Generally, people who enter such a place for the first time have a slightly poor psychological quality, and now it will be done.

As for me, I still said lightly, "It's they who are provoking me. No matter how you look it up, it's all this sentence."

The old policeman was not in a hurry and looked at me twice: "Do you know one of the people you hit?" My heart moved and said lightly, "I know you."

"Have you had a holiday before?" No!" I denied it all.

This is the key.

If I say there is a holiday... then they are likely to characterize me as seeking revenge or something.

I can't explain it at that time.

As for my holiday with Soft Rice King... Cut, who can make it clear? They had no evidence of the experience of the king in a nightclub! Boss, this boy is not honest. Why don't you give him some means? The young policeman stared at me and gritted his teeth.

The old policeman didn't respond. He just looked at me and said in a low voice, "Chen Yang, listen to me.

First, you and those people know each other! I now suspect that you are seeking revenge and deliberately hurting people! Second, you said you were in self-defense, and now all four of them are in the hospital, one is in a mild coma! Can you beat people like this in self-defense? Third, don't think that if you don't say anything, we can't find out! Your name is Chen Yang, right? Humph, your foundation, when you came, we had already pulled it out of the computer! You can do it, boy! Twenty-three years old, have you been to the detention center three or four times? Let me tell you! I've seen a lot of little ruffian like you!" I stared into his eyes and didn't give up at all. I sneered, "I'll also tell you a few points. First of all, I'm not seeking revenge to hurt people on purpose!" Have you ever seen someone take a woman to seek revenge? Besides, if I seek revenge, will I go there alone and fight five? Cut! Second, I have paid the price for everything I have done before. As for my case record, of course you can find out.

But it used to be, but now it is now! You're a policeman, don't I have to tell you this truth? The old policeman stood up, walked slowly to me, stood in front of me, stared at me for a few seconds, nodded, and sneered on his face: "Okay, your mouth is hard, and there are times when you cry."

After saying that, he went to the table and whispered to the young policeman, and the two walked out of the room one after another.

I sat alone on the stool, handcuffed on the stool, with my back behind me.

After another ten minutes, the door pushed open. This time, three policemen came in. In addition to the two just now, there was also a middle-aged man with a big nose and a uniform. The epaulettes should be the highest rank.

As soon as he came in, he looked at me and frowned and said, "Why don't you say it? Xiao Wang, give him some tricks.

I took a deep breath: "What's wrong? Want to hit me? I can tell you..." "Hey, boy, don't worry, I won't hit you."

The big nose closed the door first, then came over and stared at me: "Your hand is so fierce that you broke Luo Si's cheek bone! Fracture of the bridge of the nose, sixteen muscle injuries on the body, two fractures... Look at your young age, you are bold enough!" Facing his eyes, I sneered and said, "I said, if it were you, a few rubbish will run to you and ask your wife if she came out to sell it. How much is it for a shot? How much is it for a night? You..." Bang! I was slapped in the face without finishing my words.

This guy's face was full of rage. This slap made me stutter and almost fell off the chair.

There were four fingerprints on half of his face, and his cheeks were swollen.

"Ha! He still hit me!" My face was dead, staring at him.

His big nose stared at me condescendingly. He just slapped me too hard, gasped a little, and sneered, "Who said I hit you? The wound on your face was left after fighting with those people at night!" Shit! I swallowed my mouth and gritted my teeth and said, "Okay! Come on! Go on! You hurt me, and I can't explain it! I didn't get hurt when I got on the bus! My friends and everyone around me saw it! I'm going out of you. I'm injured, and you can't explain it! If I am injured in a fight, according to the rules, you should take me to the hospital first!" Son of a man, you still have a hard mouth!" The big nose was about to raise his hand, but he thought about it and put down his hand: "Xiao Wang, give him something awesome!" The young policeman untied an electric roll from the back of his buttocks and came to me. On the head of the electric baton, the electric flower flashed: "Don't worry, I won't call you directly."

The old policeman behind took a basin from the corner with water in it, then turned behind me and pressed my hands into the water.

My hand is in the back, and my body can't use my strength at all, and I can't break away.

The young policeman turned on the electric shock and put it into the water... I felt as if I had been hit hard by a heavy fist. My internal organs were trembling, and my body jumped violently, and I couldn't help screaming.

People who have not been electrocut do not understand this feeling.

And this kind of call through water can't leave any scars on the body! " How do you feel?" The big nose stared at me: "Didn't you have a good time when you hit Luo Si?" Luo Si... Humph, it's the guy who finally broke my nose with my knees.

I was trying to gasp, and the young policeman behind me unscrewed the electric baton again... "Fuck!!" I cursed, and the muscles on my face were trembling with pain.

The body struggled desperately like a fish out of the water.

I stared at the big nose, gritted my teeth and said, "That Luo Si, does it have something to do with you?" The big nose didn't answer, and wink behind me... In the next 20 minutes, I was electrocuted three times and my body was numb. Even if they didn't call me, I felt that my palms kept shaking. My big nose coughed. The two policemen behind me let me go, and the three of them returned to the front of the table Are you willing to explain it? The big nose sat in the middle, gently knocked on the table, and sneered, "Kid, I tell you, the hospital's injury report has been sent back. It doesn't matter whether you explain it or not.

It's a fact that people are seriously injured! According to the rules, you can be sent to the detention center tonight! However, I can still leave you here for 48 hours! Do you want to stay here and suffer more, or do you honestly admit that you are seeking revenge? Looking at me not talking, he said lightly to the two policemen, "Go on, I'll go out first."

After saying that, he stared at me and smiled, turned around and went out.

The old policeman got up, closed the door, walked to me, looked down at me, and suddenly took out a pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket, pulled out one, put it in my mouth, and lit me: "Kid, just be honest.

Less suffering."

Humph, red face and white face after singing? Can this set fool me? I took a cigarette and looked at him: "I'm not looking for revenge, you know that!" Is it revenge? You can't sit down to hurt people.

I thought for a moment: "At most, it's too defensive.

If you want me to seek revenge and hurt others, I will be guilty! I'm not that stupid!" Not so stupid?" The old policeman smiled and said, "It's not that stupid. Did you beat Luo Si like that? You're not from this area, are you? Don't you know Luo Si? Do you dare to move him? I admire you very well."

I shook my head: "I don't care who he is. Is there anyone who is looking for me? I have to investigate the details of the other party before I fight back?" He took a puff of cigarettes and said slowly, "You can leave me here for a day and a night at most.

The big nose just now is a relative of Luo Si's family, right? Shit! It's cruel enough!" I laughed and scolded, but the old policeman's face was calm. He suddenly sighed, reached out and patted me gently on the face, then took away the cigarette in my mouth, turned back to the table, and looked at the young policeman: "Xiao Wang, come on."

The young policeman stood up and began to untie his belt... I sneered at my face, and then took a deep breath.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside, and the old policeman frowned: "I'm interrogating!" Wait a minute!" A voice outside said, "It's urgent!" The old policeman went to open the door and went out for a minute. When he came back, his eyes were a little complicated and looked at me: "Kid, you're not easy!" After saying that, he said a few words to the young policeman, and the two of them went out, leaving me alone.

After sitting for five minutes, the door of the room opened, and two policemen came outside, but I didn't know each other. There was a middle-aged man behind him, wearing a suit, not tall, thin and a little shrewd.

The next thing, just like in the movie, this person claims to be a lawyer and has helped me go through some formalities.

Then the police came and directly handcuffed me and led me out.

In the hall, I saw Fang Nan sitting there. Her face was full of anxiety. One shoe was missing from her foot, and the wound was not treated. Seeing me coming out, she immediately jumped up and ran over, as if she wanted to jump into my arms.

I quickly reached out to catch her arm and didn't let her jump into my arms.

Fang Nan's face turned red, and there were tears in his eyes: "Okay, the lawyer has done the formalities for you... Are you all right?" I sighed and shook my head helplessly: "It's okay.

It has been closed for a while.

I didn't say anything about what I suffered... Because it's useless to say it.

What a smart woman Fang Nan is. When she saw the fingerprints on my face, she suddenly changed color: "Someone hit you!" She was furious and said to the two policemen behind me: "How can you beat people! How dare you hit him! All right!!" After saying that, he shouted to the lawyer, "Lawyer Song! They hit my friend. What should I do?" The lawyer Song was probably used to the scene, and there was no fluctuation on his face. He said lightly, "Miss Fang, let's go back and talk about it."

This needs to be changed to a foreign country. Maybe lawyers will say something, complaints, reports and so on... But here... Lawyers all understand some of the unspoken rules in this case.

Fang Nan obviously didn't understand this, but nodded blankly, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! Let's go back first... Humph, you can wait for my lawyer's letter!!" When we walked out, the two policemen behind us also followed, but looked at the two guys coming face to face. I recognized that it was the companion of the soft rice king who was beaten by me at night. These two people were probably the least injured. After a simple treatment in the hospital, they were also sent here to make a record.

I immediately stopped and stared at them fiercely. The two guys also had a vicious expression, but I could see that they were fierce.

Fang Nan became angry and shouted, "Why haven't they been arrested! Why do you only catch Chen Yang and not them!!" The two policemen behind were stunned for a moment and were about to speak... Suddenly, they heard a bang! The gate in front of him was knocked open, and a strong man about thirty years old rushed in like a fire! This man's face is square, his facial features are angular, and his face is murderous. He is dressed as a straight army officer, and his figure is strong. He rushed to Fang Nan and shouted, "Xiao Nan, who the hell is messed with you?" Suddenly, I saw the foot without shoes under Fang Nan's feet and stared at the wound: "Are you hurt? Which bastard did it!" When Fang Nan saw him, his face sank. He said angrily, "These are the two!" The man suddenly looked angry. He rushed to the two guys without saying a word and kicked one of them in the stomach! The man didn't even have time to scream. He flew two or three meters straight out! I couldn't help frowning! Shit! What a great swing kick! Then he grabbed the other one and pounded an elbow on his face.

Bang! Nosebleed splashing! All this happened so quickly that the two policemen suddenly woke up and rushed up.

The man stood up straight, raised his head, carefully stepped back, did not fight with the police, raised his eyebrows and shouted, "Why! I'm an officer! Do you dare to touch my finger!" After saying that, he pushed away a policeman who rushed to the front of him, with an arrogant look on his face.

The policeman was pushed by him and was about to rush up, but he was pulled by his companion and whispered, "Forget it.

Only the picket can control this kind of Qiu Ba, but we can't do it.