evil spirit

Chapter 53 Straight into

Chapter 53 [Single Knife Straight Entry] [This is the second chapter tonight! That's it! Support me~~~~~~~] - The officer's eyes widened, his face was full of arrogance, and he spit on the ground fiercely, as if he cursed in a low voice: "Hmm, black-skinned dog..." I almost didn't laugh.

I have known several friends of the army. I know that the officers in these troops are all bullish and look down on the police at all.

Because the police can't control the people in the army.

The people in the army are only under the control of pickets. As for the police... In the mouth of many officers, they like to be called "black-skinned dogs".

Of course, many policemen are also used to calling soldiers "Qiu Ba", because they have a headache when they encounter soldiers who commit things outside.

Because you can't fight, take it back, and they will be taken away by the army in a blink of an eye.

And the tradition in the army is: extreme protection!! Your own people have committed a crime. After taking them back, they can be punished no matter how much they are! People outside? If you dare to touch him, try it!! I'm not very clear about the military rank, but from the rank of this officer, I can see that he is a school-level officer and a good figure.

This guy seems to be born with a fiery temper. He is used to being arrogant. He doesn't look at the two policemen at all and looks at Fang Nan sideways: "Little boy, how are you? I'll take you home."

Fang Nan's face was not good, and he didn't seem to have a good look at the officer: "Why are you here? Who let you come here?" The officer seemed to have no anger towards Fang Nan. Instead, he was patient and pleasant and whispered, "Okay, I happen to be with the old man. Didn't you call Director Zhou? As soon as you hung up, he called the old man in a blink of an eye! The old man was worried about you and stubborn. He refused to ask you by himself, so he had to let me go..." Fang Nan gritted his teeth and his eyes were cold: "Don't care! Don't ask me anything about your family!" After saying that, he pulled me: "Chen Yang, let's go!" From the corridor to the outside, but dozens of steps, the officer has been following behind, and his face is a little helpless, but his good face is only Nan, and he looks cold to me and the lawyer.

After a few words, Fang Nan ignored him at all. He took me outside and got into a car. It seemed to be the lawyer's car.

The officer was anxious in the back, and suddenly grabbed Fang Nan's arm: "Little boy, at least say something! Is it the two bastards who bullied you tonight? Let me give you this breath!" Let it go!" Fang Nanliu raised his eyebrows, stared and shouted, "Wu Gang! Let go of me! Let me tell you, I don't want your Wu family to help me with anything! "You let go!" The officer named Wu Gang was a little embarrassed. Fang Nan suddenly gritted his teeth, raised his shoe-wearing foot, and kicked the officer's calf headbone! Just such a big man! Just now, the officer who easily knocked down the two guys with one punch and one foot, at least his skills are not below me! But he was kicked by Fang Nan, and he didn't even dare to show any anger on his face. He just endured the pain and dodged aside.

Fang Nan pulled me into the car and closed the door: "Lawyer Song, please drive!" The car drove ten meters away. I looked back and saw the officer still standing by the roadside, but suddenly I saw a military open shed jeep parked at the door of the police station... "Fang Nan..." I asked tentatively.

Before I could finish speaking, Fang Nan shook her head, and then grabbed my palm. I felt her soft little hands cold, as if trembling: "Chen Yang... How are you? Did they hit you? Where are you hurt?" I shook my head: "I'm fine.

You just... that person..." Fang Nan immediately said in a low voice, "Don't ask, I don't want to say it."

She suddenly remembered something and said to Lawyer Song, who was driving in front of her, "Lawyer Song, please help me prepare a lawyer's letter tomorrow... Their police dare to beat people! I'm going to sue them!" Lawyer Song smiled helplessly, but looked at me from the upside-down mirror, as if he was winking at me.

As soon as my heart moved, I immediately understood what he meant. It was for me to persuade Fang Nan to calm down.

I thought for a moment and said, "Fang Nan, forget it."

"How can you forget it!" Fang Nan was still angry: "How can they hit you... Your face is swollen!" There was a distressed expression on her face. She couldn't help reaching out and holding my face gently. She rubbed her fingertips carefully and said softly, "Does it hurt?" To be honest... How can it not hurt?? It's all fingerprinted! Can it not hurt? Women just like to ask this kind of seemingly silly question, but this kind of question makes people feel warm.

In addition, her eyes flashed like a cold star in the winter night, staring at me so close at hand, and a row of silver teeth gently bit her lips... I sighed and was a little uncomfortable by her. She turned her head without showing a trace: "It doesn't hurt."

Then I whispered, "I'm serious... Forget it."

"But..." I interrupted her: "Fang Nan, you don't understand what's going on here."

To be honest, which place's police don't "do some means" when interrogating prisoners?? That's the truth! For that kind of old deep-fried guy, you just ask him fiercely... It's strange that he is willing to tell the truth.

Moreover, if you really go to complain... Humph, it's not me, let alone the evidence or not... You can wait for a lot of trouble! Evidence collection! Hearing!! Record back and forth, you will be killed by running! It's over. Even if you win the complaint, you have completely offended these comrades in uniform.

What will happen in the future... Shit, I won't kill you! Our country, this is the national situation! It's not the same abroad! American police are no softer than Chinese police! Fang Nan has obviously never been exposed to this kind of *** life. She won't think that a lawyer's letter can... Humph.

Looking at my eyes, Fang Nan softened and hesitated.

I quickly changed the topic and looked at lawyer Song driving in front of me: "Lawyer Song, right? Thank you for tonight."

Lawyer Song probably saw that I was quite sensible and smiled kindly at me: "You're welcome. It's my duty to serve customers.

Miss Fang paid the lawyer's fee.

I smiled and said, "Do you have any cigarettes?" He smiled and threw a bag of soft China to me. I lit a branch for myself, then threw it back to him, took a breath, and said with a smile, "How did you get me out? It seems that you are very good at being a lawyer! I can see clearly tonight that one of the people I hit is probably related to a policeman in the bureau.

Lawyer Song also seemed to be a scene person. He smiled cheerfully: "Mr. Chen, the credit is not on me... You don't watch too much foreign TV, do you? Do you think that if something happens and you call a lawyer, you can bail someone out? The system of our country is different, and the role of lawyers is far worse than that of foreign countries.

paused for a moment, he said meaningfully, "Miss Fang has a way to the sky..." He pointed to the top of his head: "There was a phone call on it, exerting a little pressure.

If you rely on us to be a lawyer, you are ready to wait in it for 48 hours.

I took a look at Fang Nan.

Thinking of Cang Yu's words... Fang Nan really seems to have a powerful background! Moreover, the officer named Wu Gang tonight obviously proved this... Although I was a little curious, I knew that I shouldn't ask her, so I couldn't help it.

After ten minutes of driving, Fang Nan whispered, "Chen Yang, let's go to the hospital first... Check it out. I'm afraid there will be some injuries on your body."

I shook my head: "No, I'm in good health. Just ask lawyer Song to stop and let me out of the car at the intersection. I'll go home by myself... Lawyer Song, please take Fang Nan back."

Fang Nan refused: "No! I'll take you home first!" I shook my head: "No... Also, our car is still parked outside the barbecue restaurant, right?" Don't worry about the car! You can pick it up tomorrow. You can't lose it overnight.

Fang Nan insisted on refusing.

Alas... women! You don't worry about the car... I remember it very much! That ring is still in the car!! It doesn't matter if we lose anything else. The ring... struggled for a while, and finally we both made a compromise.

Fang Nan accompanied me to get the car, and then I drove Fang Nan home... Looking at the gentle satisfaction in Fang Nan's eyes... I suddenly moved my heart... She... She actually just wanted to stay with me for a while... Lawyer Song also saw that the atmosphere was a little delicate, but he was a smart person. He just closed his mouth and kept silent. He just drove at ease and sent us back to the barbecue restaurant.

Then, when saying goodbye, lawyer Song shook hands with me, then took out a business card and quietly handed it to me. He smiled and said, "If there is any problem in the future, come to me.

Let's make friends, and I'll give you the lowest VIP price.

I put away my business card and smiled: "Oy! Thank you for tonight."

He looked at me and said with a meaningful smile, "No, I also want to thank you... Miss Fang doesn't understand what's going on inside, but you seem to understand it very well."

I know... To do his work, I have to deal with the police often. I stopped Fang Nan from complaining to the police, so that lawyer Song doesn't have to offend those police.

Unlike us, people like Lawyer Song have to deal with legal authorities all day long! I drove Fang Nan home. On the way, there were only two of us in the car, but we didn't talk.

Fang Nan bit her lip gently and didn't know what she was thinking. From time to time, she peeked at me, but she didn't say a word.

I concentrate on driving and try not to see her.

When the car arrived at her door, Fang Nan did not drive down directly, but sat in the back, as if she had summoned up her courage and whispered, "Chen Yang... You... Do you want to go in and sit down? Let me apply some medicine on your head.

Her face was flushed, and her eyes were a little dodged.

My heart fluctuates! But I immediately realized that this situation was probably very dangerous! Go in, who knows what will happen? In case something really happens... To be honest, I don't object to what may happen. It must be wonderful... But what happens after it happens? I'm an adult man. I'm not the kind of little boy who has a hot head and doesn't care about anything in order to have sex with a woman! Fang Nan is a woman, she is obviously not an ordinary person! How deep is her background? What's wrong with her... Will I cause any big trouble? Taking a deep breath, I said carefully, "Forget it, it's too late. I'd better go back... You should rest early."

In Fang Nan's eyes, the flashing light immediately dimmed. He stared at me for a few seconds, then gritted his teeth and got out of the car. Suddenly, he turned his head and was a little unbearable. He said softly, "Well... drive my car back... It's so late, it's difficult to

I know it's not easy to refuse again, otherwise Fang Nan will be very sad.

After nodding and agreeing, I watched her enter the house, and then started the car to turn around and walk out of the community.

Out of the gate of the community, I suddenly saw a man standing by the roadside, waving to me and motioning me to stop! It's Wu Gang! That officer!! In the night, he stood there in a straight uniform and like a javelin. His face was full of a strong breath, his eyes were bright, and the green military open shed off-road jeep was parked beside him.

As soon as I stepped on the brakes, I parked the car by the roadside, and then walked towards him.

Wu Gang's eyes kept staring at me, and he couldn't see whether he was happy or angry, so he stared at me so faintly.

When I came to him, he suddenly moved, but took out a box of "God of War" cigarettes from his pocket.

I know, this is a kind of cigarette specially supplied by the army, especially the field troops.

In this kind of cigarette, there is a certain ingredient of cough syrup in the tobacco. When you suck it, you will feel a sweet smell in your throat. It is said that it also has a certain effect on relieving pain.

You can't buy it on the market outside.

He handed over a branch, and then he also came.

We both lit our own cigarettes and looked at each other.

During the whole process, neither of them said anything.

After smoking, Wu just opened his mouth. His tone was very stiff, but he was not hostile.

His first sentence was: "Good boy, I'll follow you all the way back. If you don't come out in ten minutes, or dare to spend the night at Xiao's house, I'm ready to rush in and take you out!!" Before I could speak, he had already stared into my eyes and asked bluntly, "What's the relationship between you and the little one?" Are you two dating?