evil spirit

Chapter 101 Desperate

Chapter 101 [Desperate World] In the elevator, Fang Nan's expression was very worried. Her two hands and fingers were always tightly twisted together. I looked coldly and quietly looked at the mirror on the wall of the elevator.

"Fang Nan."

I suddenly said, "Can I ask you for something?" When the elevator reached the floor, I pulled her out, and then the two of them stood in the corner of the door.

......what?" I looked at the woman's eyes, hesitated for a moment, and changed a slightly cold tone: "I'm not afraid of death."

"What do you mean?" Fang Nan's eyes showed a little panic.

"I said, I'm not afraid of death."

A mocking smile came out of the corners of my mouth: "Maybe I haven't told you what happened in the past, but I'm not afraid of death... But I have something else that worries me now... Can you help me?" Fang Nan seemed to be about to cry. I quickly reached out and held her face and whispered, "It's my request to you, okay?" ......Say it."

Her tone is more like a chat.

I nodded, took a long breath, and pointed to the door not far away: "I will leave with Ni Duoduo immediately and find a place to hide for the time being... However, I want to ask you to help me take care of Yan Di... take care of my girlfriend, okay?" Before Fang Nan could speak, I had lowered my voice and said quickly, "I made trouble... Those people are looking for me - I must be running away, but I can't take her with me! She should not be involved in this matter... If she runs away with me, it will be much more dangerous... So I beg you.

Can you take care of her for me?" I sighed and then said, "She is a very poor girl... She shouldn't have followed me to live such a frightened life... Can you... help me?" Fang Nan cried. She covered her face and said, "What do you want to do!" I forced a smile: "Don't do anything... But I'm going to run away now... This is running away! Not a trip! I can't run with her! This is not only more dangerous for me, but also for her.

She has never encountered such a thing.

should not experience this kind of thing.

She is a very simple girl. Now the fire hasn't burned on her, and no one even knows that she is my girlfriend, but if she runs with me, it will be dangerous for her!" My tone was full of pleading: "Fang Nan, I beg you, okay?" Chen Yang... I won't let you be fine! I won't let them touch you!" Fang Nan gritted his teeth.

I shook my head and stared into her eyes, with a solemn tone: "You can't interfere in this matter... What Cangyu said just now is very reasonable. You can't help me.

I don't want to cause you so much trouble, so I just want you to take good care of Yan Di.

When the wind passes and she is safe... Can you promise me?" That..." Fang Nan suddenly broke free of my hand and screamed hysterically: "What about you! What about you! Where are you going again? Where are you going to leave? Will you not come back in the future?" I quickly pasted it, covered her mouth with one hand, and stared at Fang Nandi's eyes.

In this woman's beautiful big eyes, she burst into tears in panic, with an unknown panic on her face.

My hands involuntarily grabbed my arm, and my body trembled faintly.

"Don't shout."

I said softly, "Don't be excited... Don't be excited, okay? I'm just leaving for a while... hide for the time being. There will be a way... There will be."

After a pause, I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "I promise!" Then I tilted my head back a little, opened the distance between Fang Nan's eyes, and asked again, "I just made such a request... Can you promise me?" ..." Fang Nan looked at me, didn't say anything, and nodded with difficulty.

Five minutes later, Fang Nan and I walked into the house together.

Fang Nan has wiped the tears off his face.

Although my eyes are still a little red and swollen, and my eyes are very tired and haggard, I have calmed down a little.

When I entered the door, I saw Yan Di holding a glass of water in his hand.

It seems to be washing some cold medicine or something.

Seeing me coming in and Fang Nan behind me, Yan Di was obviously stunned.

Without explanation, I went straight over and took the cup in her hand and put it on the table. Her tone was serious: "Yan Di, now you go in and pack your things immediately! Take all your things away... Photos, documents, everything that can leave clues, take them all away! Now, hurry up! Call Ni Duoduo up, and I'll give her five minutes to get dressed!" What happened... Before Yan Di finished asking, I had interrupted her: "Do what I said first, and I'll explain it to you when I have time!" We must move immediately, immediately!" Yan Di pushed the room into the room with a puzzled and confused face, and I added: "Time is tight now, hurry up!" I asked Fang Nan to wait outside for a while and go into the room to pack my things by myself.

Compared with women, I don't have much to pack.

I even only took a small bag that could be tied close to my waist, and found all my documents and bank card from the drawer... Of course, the most important thing was the measuring machine, and I carefully put it in the bag.

He hesitated for a moment, and didn't even bring a few clothes. He took a bigger bag and stuffed a few pairs of underwear, took a coat and stuffed it in, then turned around and went out of the room.

In the next room, Ni Duoduo had fallen asleep... The girl suffered too much shock today. She was already physically and mentally exhausted. She was drenched in cold water and caught a cold. She had just went to bed. Now she was woken up and rushed out to me immediately.

I looked at Ni Duoduo, who was standing in front of me, with a panicked face, wearing pajamas... The pajamas were obviously Yan Di's.

"What happened? Chen Yang..." Ni Duoduo looked frightened.

"We're going to get out of here."

I looked calm: "Go and get dressed quickly."

"Why?" At this moment, Ni Duoduo finally showed a reaction in line with her actual age - panicked and helpless.

I just took a look at her.

I didn't say anything.

Ni Duoduo immediately said, "It's them... They came here?" I endured the anxiety in my heart and still said in a low voice, "I don't have time to explain now. You go and get dressed first. If you have anything to say, we will talk on the way."

The house immediately became a mess.

I thought about it.

I went to the kitchen and picked a serrated fruit knife from the table, took it in my hand, weighed it twice, and made a slight dial on the blade with my thumb. I felt the sharpness, and then silently stuffed it into the bag around the waist without saying a word.

Fang Nan watched me get the stroke in the living room.

Her face was a little uncertain, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't dare to say anything.

I came out of the kitchen and looked at her.

A faint smile: "Just in case, I hope I don't need it."

It's fast.

Ni Duoduo came out of the room crying, dressed, and carrying the bag she had just brought from her own home not long ago tonight... This girl's eyes are now full of regret... I can clearly understand the meaning of her eyes now.

I still didn't talk to her. I just walked past her, patted her on the shoulder gently, and then went into the room to see Yan Di.

Yan Di's movements are very fast.

Under my instructions, all the clothes in the wardrobe were moved out and thrown into a large box at will.

I don't have time to fold clothes, so I have to stuff them.

I checked and drew one by one to make sure that I didn't leave any documents or photos or anything like that.

Because I have to make sure that Yan Di's identity is "invisible".

I have to make sure that when they track me down, they won't find any clues in my house that will contact Yandi... Of course, I can imagine when they find my address.

You must be able to get some information from the surroundings and the property: for example, in the house I live in, there are women.

They can also know that I have a girlfriend.


They won't find out who my girlfriend is! I won't know Yan Di's identity! Then maybe Yan Di will be safe! I turned it over and didn't find anything missing.

Actually, my biggest loophole tonight is on Ni Duoduo's phone! It can be said that without that phone number, they might not even be able to find me soon! Even if Ni Duoduo didn't lose her mobile phone in that place, they can confirm Ni Duoduo's identity, and then check Ni Duoduo's mobile phone number and call list, and they can find me! Even if I was seen by people when I was in and out of that community, even if Ni Duoduo's classmates knew me as a person... But they didn't know my name or my information! If they only know my appearance, it will be difficult for them to find me... After all, they are not policemen, and it is impossible to spread the wanted notice everywhere! Ni Duoduo's classmates know that Ni Duoduo has a friend like me, but they don't know my specific name, phone number, address and other information.

Those two girls can only describe my appearance at most.

It's hard to find someone just by knowing their appearance! So my purpose now is very clear: I can't hide the fact that I have a girlfriend from the people who are about to come here to track me, but at least, I can't let them know that my girlfriend is Yan Di! I also thought that they could check my mobile phone call list... But at this moment, I was suddenly grateful for one thing! On the contrary, I'm not worried that they will check my phone list, because I seldom talk to Yan Di on the phone... Even Aze and others rarely talk to me... In my previous working relationship in the nightclub, I have at least hundreds of numbers in my call record! Either some mommy or some happy customers! They can't find out! When Yan Di was with me, I had left the nightclub. The people around me knew Yan Di's identity. Except for Aze's best friends, there was only Fang Nan.

No one else knows the existence of Yan Di.

So at present, she is still safe.

She didn't leave any identity clues anywhere! Twenty minutes later, Yandi had already packed up his things.

She looked at the clock, and then was a little worried: "A Mei hasn't come back yet."

"Call her."

I immediately said, "Have you packed her things together?" Well, I've packed it up."

Yan Di hesitated for a moment: "Actually... you had a quarrel with her in the afternoon.

She has packed up all her things in the evening and is ready to move out.

I smiled bitterly and didn't say anything.

Compared with the trouble I'm encountering now, the contradiction in the afternoon.

It's almost nothing.

" Go down and wait for her!" I'm a little anxious. Ah Mei is so late that I don't know where she has gone.

We, a man and three women, went out and went downstairs. I didn't even bother to lock the door before I left.

Just took a look at the door of the house behind him, and suddenly felt a little sad.

...home! It has been more than a month, and I really regard this place as a "home"! At least when I come back every day, I know that someone will keep the door for me at night, turn on the lights in the living room, and put some food in the microwave... Although I rarely eat hot.

There will be a hot breakfast in the morning and laughter at the dinner table in the evening.

Instead of eating takeaway alone.

On Sunday, washed clothes will be hung on the balcony.

There are three toothbrushes of different colors in the bathroom... Now, I'm going to stay away from this kind of life... I can't help laughing bitterly. At the last moment when the elevator door is closed, I took a deep look at the door of the house.

Ni Duoduo, next to him, felt guilty and didn't dare to look up at me.

But to be honest, I'm no longer in the mood to blame this girl.

She is actually just a child.

Yan Di kept dialing A Mei's mobile phone, and finally got out of the elevator.

The phone is connected.

She was so excited that she said a few words to the phone, and then looked at me with relief: "I found her. She is in a barbecue shop near the company."

I didn't say anything, I just nodded.

Wait for everyone to walk out of the building.

Fang Nan's car was parked behind the building. I let Yan Di get into Fang Nan's car. Yan Di immediately realized something. She stared at me silently for a while, and her voice was a little hoarse: "Aren't you going with us?" I pretended to smile easily: "You go with Fang Nan first.

I will come to you."

Yan Di's face changed, and he shook his body: "You...where are you going?" I shook my head: "Don't think about it. I'll come to you soon.

You go back with Fang Nan first... Remember to pick up Mei first.

After receiving Mei, both of you will go home with Fang Nan..." I walked over and hugged her: "You can ask for leave in the next few days, don't go to work... Or, just change your job."

I took out a mobile phone card from my bag to open it.

This is an anonymous phone card I have.

was bought from the black market.

This kind of anonymous phone card is the safest, because when you buy it back on the black market, you don't know what name the card was registered with... Anyway, there is only an initial 100 yuan phone bill in it.

This kind of anonymous phone card, generally speaking, is one of the necessary supplies for people on the road... Although I have been out of the road for a long time, I am habitual, and I will also have some of these things around me.

After I took this card apart, I took out her mobile phone from Yan Di's pocket, replaced the phone card inside, and then took out a new anonymous SIM card, and also changed my own mobile phone card. I shook it in front of Yan Di: "From now on, let's contact with a new number! These two numbers are reserved by myself. They were bought on the black market. No one knows the registered name and can't be found.

You don't have to call my original number.

Do you understand? Yan Di's body was trembling, biting her lips and looking at me. Tears rolled around in her eyes, but she didn't say a word... In fact, I know Yan Di's character very well... She didn't say anything at the moment, which made her even more sad! A girl like her won't say "I'll follow you wherever you go" or "I won't leave you even if I die."

Some people say it more beautifully, and some people do it more beautifully than they say it! Yan Di is the latter.

In fact, Yan Di looks like a silly girl, but she knows everything in her heart.

In this situation, although I didn't say much, she already knew very well that it was a running posture.

She even knew very well that I couldn't take her with me.

Because I took her with me, she was not only dangerous, but also more dangerous to me! She bit her lips like this, and even a trace of blood came out of the corners of her mouth! Please." "

I said this sentence from the other party.

Fang Nan's face was like dead ashes, as if she didn't dare to look at me.

But she still nodded gently.

I pushed Fang Nan into the car hard. Yan Di didn't need me to push him. He got into the car obediently, but his eyes kept staring at me, as if he were going to print me in his eyes.

"Promise me that you will come back to me!" Her lips moved a few times, and such a sentence popped out.

I gritted my teeth and said, "I promise you!" Then I shouted to Fang Nan, "Drive! Drive quickly!" Watch the taillights of the car flash and go away.

I turned my head and looked at Ni Duoduo beside me.

The little girl was still wiping her tears. I was a little angry, but I still wiped it on her face hard, and then hugged her shoulder heavily and pulled out a reluctant smile at the corners of her mouth: "Okay, now it's time for the two of us to die!" I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Chen Yang..." Ni Duoduo cried loudly.

I looked at her coldly, gritted my teeth and said, "Oced, now is not the time to cry!" To be honest, I'm really angry... I even felt disgusted with the girl in front of me.

Yes! I know that she is just young and ignorant, and I promised Brother Huan that I have the obligation to take care of her! However, just because of her youth and ignorance, I fell into a big trouble! Now I have given up my warm home, stayed away from my lovely girlfriend, gave up my peaceful life, and fled like a dog in the middle of the night!! Duoduo, don't cry, and don't say anything now.

I took her to the roadside, stopped the taxi and said lightly, "I'm in a bad mood now, so don't say anything... I really don't want to be angry with you! Let me be quiet for a while!"