evil spirit

Chapter 102 His grandmother's life is great!

Chapter 102 [His grandma's life is great!] We took a taxi to the vicinity of the railway station. I found a "Cat Empty Cafe" about 500 meters away from the railway station. This is a very famous chain store in the city that is open all night. I took Ni Duoduo in, found a corner position, and then said to her carefully: Stay here. Wait for me! If I don't come back, don't go easily! Don't call, don't talk to people, don't walk around! If I don't come back, you'd better not even go to the toilet! Leaving her, I went out and walked towards the railway station.

The winter nights in the south are actually not too cold.

But I feel a chill in my bones at this moment.

There is no starlight in the sky. Under the turbid waste gas in the city, it seems that the sky is gray. It is in the *** of the city, and the sky is a little desperate.

I smiled bitterly and couldn't help pulling my coat a little tighter, but I still felt very cold.

It was twelve o'clock, and there were no pedestrians on the road. It was not until the ticket office of the railway station that the crowd around increased.

Only one-third of the rows of windows are still on, and there are still people queuing in twos and threes.

In the waiting hall, there are many passengers lying on the bench, some leaning, and some simply take off their shoes as pillows to sleep.

Even in some places, there are people lying on the noisy ground.

There are also people smoking in the corner.

At the ticket gate in the distance, a uniformed railway station staff member leaned on the chair and took a nap, while the other was reading newspapers and magazines.

The light is dim, which makes people feel like they want to sleep.

I stood in front of the electronic train schedule and looked carefully at the train number and time.

I haven't even decided where to go to the destination... My purpose is very simple, to find the fastest train to leave Nanjing, or even where to go, whatever! As I looked at the train schedule, I carefully looked at whether there were any suspicious people around.

Although I don't think they can find me so soon, after all, they need to find out my identity first.

will come to chase me! But... I still kept enough vigilance... in this escape game.

Any care is definitely not superfluous! From time to time, some scalpers gathered around me to ask me where I was going, trying to sell their train tickets, and some long-distance buses driving black trains were also looking for me to talk to me.

I didn't pay attention to it. I just calmly looked for it on the train schedule... Finally, I chose a goal: 25 minutes later, there was a train to Shanghai.

This is the latest class I can find.

Walking to the ticket window, the conductor told me in a blunt tone that the hard ticket was gone. I thought about it for a while and bought two platform tickets.

Decide to go to the station first, and then get on the bus to make up the ticket. It's good to leave! When I paid the money, I suddenly found that someone seemed to be coming towards me on the left. My heart moved. When I pretended to count the change, I secretly took a look at the afterglow.

Two men, wearing gray coats, with flat heads and no luggage in their hands.

Standing about ten steps away from me, he seemed to be looking at me carefully.

I was suddenly in my heart, and I immediately became vigilant! At the same time, I noticed that a man on the other side was also looking at me coldly, carefully checking my appearance... I immediately felt a chill in my heart. I took off the change on the counter, and then turned around and ran away! When the people on both sides saw me running away, they immediately did not hesitate. The two men on the left were the first to react and chased after me.

The man on the right shouted something while running. It was too far away. I didn't hear it clearly. I was about to rush to the exit, but I saw seven or eight men pouring into the mouth of the waiting hall from afar. Some of them were dressed in black and had a clear goal. They ran towards me! Without hesitation, I immediately turned around and didn't dare to go out. Instead, I rushed towards the ticket entrance.

For a moment, the people in the hall turned upside down. Because there were a lot of passengers waiting for the train on the ground in the hall, there were even a few places left on the ground. So many people ran in in in a mess, and they suddenly tripped over a few, causing some disputes. There were exclamations in several places, accompanied by Screaming and scolding.

I just rushed into the entrance. The staff member who was reading the newspaper seemed to want to stand up and stop me, but I pushed me away and fell to the ground. Then I opened the railing with one hand and turned over from above like a hurdle! In the duty room next to it, the police on duty at the station and two security guards with armbands rushed over. I didn't care. I just ran to the station quietly. The two guys behind chased quickly. We rushed into the underground passage of the railway station one by one. Along the way, I bumped into two or three passengers dragging their luggage and walked slowly I almost fell down.

I staggered out for a few steps and hit a cart selling drinks and snacks. At this time, a man behind me had caught up with me. The guy ran very fast and opened a certain distance from the army behind me. I simply squatted on the ground with the momentum of knocking down. The man behind me couldn't stop and went straight I tripped up and fell to the ground face down. I got up and continued to move forward, pushed away the credit officer who wanted to grab my arm, and then rushed all the way along the platform... At this time, some of the pursuers behind had been stopped by the police and security guards at the station. I saw two security guards in front of me trying to stop me. He gritted his teeth, jumped from the platform to the railway, and then rushed to the opposite platform.

There are many people watching from afar in the station, and the sound of the whistle blown by the police at the station is sharp and harsh! I crossed the platform and got into the ground.

Then he ran towards the passenger's exit. Just after a turn, I suddenly saw the front leg stretched out. I was unprepared and tripped over it. I staggered out and shook my body. At that time, I didn't know where it hurt or numb there. I couldn't care about it at all. It was just the When I came over, I saw a man holding an iron bar and hitting me on the head.

I raised my hand and raised the bag in my hand to block it. The iron bar hit my finger. I was heartbroken and immediately lost the feeling of my whole palm. I closed my eyes and kicked it, kicked the other party's stomach, and then turned over and jumped up, running away in confusion.

The light at the exit of the train in front flashed in my eyes, and two staff in uniform hesitated to stop me.

I ran and took out the knife from my waist, my face was stained with blood, and I shouted ferociously: Get out of the way! Get out of the way! The two staff hesitated for a moment and carefully retreated half a step - they were no more than a thousand yuan a month, and they couldn't fight with me.

I was right. I didn't have time to walk the winding railing passage and turned over directly from above. The last lower body was a little soft and fell to the ground. My knees were painful. I gritted my teeth and stood up desperately. There was a rapid sound of footsteps behind me. I felt the trousers. It's wet. I guess, my knee must be bleeding, and it's flowing a lot. At this moment, I can't care so much. I rushed into the crowd holding signs outside and waiting to pick up people.

After a few screams, the crowd subconsciously opened a way for me, and I rushed out of the railway station all the way from the exit.

I continued to run hundreds of meters at this speed of sprint. I was a little tired, my feet were weak, my knees fell more and more painful, and it was too late to breathe in my lungs. One by one, the time, the burning tingling made me unable to support.

At night, there were few passers-by in the city, and I fled like a homeless dog. I childishly turned into a dark alley on the road. I leaned against the wall and finally couldn't support it. My legs were soft and I sat down on the ground.

This is a small backlit alley, and it is a dead end. It is estimated that it can't shine in the sun all year round. The ground is a little wet, and the corners of the wall are a little suspiciously slippery. I don't know if it's moss or something else. The alley is filled with a rotten It must be convenient for some people who don't have time to find a toilet here.

Although I know that the ground must be dirty, I really can't stand up now, and my lungs seem to be burning.

When people are nervous, some of the most bizarre thoughts will involuntarily pop up in their minds.

I thought sadly: Damn, my body is really not as good as before. I just ran this road and gasped like this. It seems that I have to quit smoking, otherwise my lungs can't stand it... After rubbing my knees, I have become numb. Looking at the hand hit by the iron tube with a little dim light, my thumb Two carrots are the same.

After a curse in a low voice, I couldn't help thinking: How could they find me so quickly?! How is it possible?? After breathing for a few minutes at this dead end, I was sure that no one was chasing me, and no one found me. I felt a little calmer.

I waited patiently in the alley for nearly an hour, and then carefully took off my coat, turned it over and put it on the outside and put it on my body.

I changed my coat when I went out. It was the style that I could wear both the front and back that were popular the year before last. After turning it over, the color was completely different and a little safer.

After looking out of the alley for a while, I came out. I didn't dare to walk to the cafe to find Ni Duoduo, but ran to a bus platform about 20 meters away and jumped on a bus... and then got off at the next stop.

After bypassing the railway station, it took me another ten minutes to cross two alleys and walk towards the cafe where Ni Duoduo was waiting for me.

It's about seven or eight hundred meters away from the railway station. I intended to pick a dark alley to cross, but when I turned a corner, a black shadow suddenly rushed out of the corner of the wall and bumped into me, leaning me against the wall, and then I felt that my waist was supported by a hard thing. A hoarse voice, with a little boldness and tension, with a foreign accent, stammered: Money! Hand over the money~ There is also a black shadow standing at the entrance of the alley, facing me, looking out nervously, turning around and shouting in a low voice: Hurry up! It was a robbery... Instead, I was relieved, and then whispered: I don't have any money on me.

You...you can't hand it in! Don't pay! He said that he stretched out his hand in a panic and wanted to slap me. I pinched his wrist, and then tried hard. He shouted in pain, and something in his hand fell to the ground. I immediately raised my knee and hit his stomach. The guy at the entrance of the alley looked bad and seemed to want to run, but he was reluctant to give up his Li was stunned for a second, and then rushed at me.

It didn't matter. I easily put him down, and then picked up the hard thing on the ground and took a look. It was a "revision" that looked at me towards them. The guy in charge of watching the wind suddenly opened his mouth and said: Don't fight, please don't hit us... I't have the mood to pay attention He threw the sharp screw on the ground and wanted to lift his leg to leave, but the man seemed to have misunderstood. He thought I was going to kick him. He was so scared that he immediately lay on the ground and hugged his head and said, "We are also forced. We can't go back without money... We can't go back... Mom's car can' I stayed, looked at the two people on the ground and hesitated for a moment: the car? What car? Instinctively, I seem to see a glimmer of hope! It took me two minutes to find out the details of these two people immediately.

It was two drivers who transported a batch of long-distance freight to Nanjing. After handing over the goods, the two guys were a little greedy and drove to the railway station and the long-distance station to see if they could take one or two people back by the way and make some gasoline money... However, in places like the railway station, they are famous for thi ! The two guys were not familiar with each other. As a result, in less than half a day, the leather bag was cut by someone. All the money they had just received were taken away, and even the mobile phone was touched.

The two men put together, they didn't even have a coin. They have been hungry for a day without eating, and now they can't even go home... Because there is not much gasoline in the car, and they can run up to 20 or 30 kilometers. They must refuel! But I don't even have half a dime on my body... *** How many hundreds are there on the way to the highway? The two of them were sleepy for a day nearby. They stole money. In addition, they couldn't add home. They were anxious and angry. For a moment, they were angry from their hearts, and they were afraid... They simply started evil thoughts, found a sharp cone in the car's toolbox, looked for the entrance of this secluded alley, and temporarily started It was their first client... I was moved. I pulled up the two guys on the ground and asked, "Where are you going back?" Zhejiang, sea salt.

The unresponsive guy replied.

I nodded, reached out and patted him on the shoulder: Well, I'll give you 500 yuan, and you send me to Shanghai. Anyway, you are just on your way.

Five hundred yuan is enough for you all the way home.