evil spirit

Chapter 107 Virgin

Chapter 107 [Vir] The structure of this person's brain is really strange.

And the thoughts in the mind are not beyond people's control.

Since I came up with that inexplicable idea, although I instinctively forbade myself to think about it, I can't suppress this idea in my heart anymore... Brother Huan, what will he do to me? Leave me, he will bear the cost of losing all his life after the matter is exposed! So...what can he do? Kill me? I suddenly smiled, which was worse than crying.

The complexity in my heart at this moment can no longer be described in words... Will Brother Huan hurt me? Will you help me? These two questions are turning around in my mind, but they make my brain hurt.

I can't think about this problem... and I shouldn't think about it... Because he is Brother Huan! Take care of me, good to me, brother Huan! It's my eldest brother Chen Yang! The newspaper in my hand had been pinched into a ball. In irritability, I took out cigarettes and smoked them one by one.

Ni Duoduo sat aside, seeing that my expression was getting more and more irritable, and she flinched and dared not speak.

Finally, I looked at the sky outside and sighed.

Anyway, let's talk about it then! What do you want to eat tonight? I stood up and was ready to go out.

"Whatever it is."

Ni Duoduo whispered, "I will eat whatever you eat."

I nodded and went out to a braised vegetable shop at the intersection on the left to buy some braised vegetables.

I took a look at this small shop during the day and brought a bottle of beer on the way. When I returned to the room, I found that there was no one in the room, and there was a sound of water in the bathroom.

It seems that the little girl is taking a shower... I frowned.

Quickly cleaned up the only table in the room, then spread out the wine and vegetables, poured a glass of beer for himself first, and poured it down.

The bitter beer stimulated my taste buds, and a refreshing feeling went straight to the sky. I sighed and suddenly grinned.

To be honest, I don't know what I'm laughing at, but I think it's ridiculous to look like this.

I don't know how long it took, but it was completely dark outside.

I checked the time. Ni Duoduo has been in the bathroom for at least an hour.

After thinking about it, I shouted loudly, "You move faster. Hot water is available for a limited time!" In the bathroom, Ni Duoduo answered vaguely.

I turned on the TV and turned it over.

But this shabby hotel does not have cable TV, so it can only receive a set of CCTV and local local stations... This hour is broadcasting the news broadcast.

I looked at it twice, and there was nothing else to watch, so I simply stopped at the news program.

The first 20 minutes of news is nothing more than a report on the recent whereabouts of the national leaders. Anyway, any meeting will be held successfully.

The leaders are "highly concerned" about any problem, and any project is "completed early"... Anyway, it's all this set, in the international news later.

As usual, there was an earthquake and fire in which country in the West, or the American soldiers attacked by Shiite Muslims in Iraq and so on... I looked boring and was a little distracted. Suddenly, I heard the door of the bathroom rang gently, and then the light in the room shone on.

A figure slowly came out... Ni Duoduo's long hair was wet and scattered on her shoulders. There was water on her beautiful face, and her cheeks were crayed. Her eyes were shy and a little layered. She held the wall with one hand, and the other little hand clenched her chest tightly. A bath towel... She wrapped a bath towel all over her body.

Wrapping himself in the chest, a pair of round shoulders are as moist as jade, and the shoulders are like cut. The girl's long belly is like a beautiful curve like a swan. Under the bath towel, it is faintly the buoyant bud, and the outline is faintly touching... The hem of the bath towel just reaches the thigh The beautiful curves of her legs were perfectly exposed in front of my eyes, straight and round... Especially the plump and elastic calf belly, and the round and small ankles... She stood barefoot in front of me, hanging her head slightly, with a little girlishness in her eyes, but she summoned up the courage to look at me so directly... To be honest At this moment, I was really stunned for a while... Ni Duoduo walked slowly towards me. Her pace was very light, as if she were stepping on cotton, and her movements were also very slow, but she never stopped! She came to my floor and looked up at my eyes... Then I woke up a little and said, "What are you doing?" Ni Duoduo shook his head, bit his lips gently, and his teeth were white and red.

She suddenly opened her hands, pulled off the bath towel on her body, immediately exposed the girl's perfect and charming body to my eyes, and then threw herself into my arms... I was completely stunned! Although she pulled off the bath towel and threw it into my arms for such a short moment, under the light, the girl **'s beautiful body appeared in front of my eyes! I instinctively felt a dryness in my throat, and my heartbeat suddenly accelerated! Ni Duoduo fell into my arms, immediately hugged me like an octopus, and then closed her eyes and kissed my mouth. On my instinctive side of my head, the girl's lips kissed my chin... Her wet hair swept over my cheeks.

The hair is cold and wet.

The lips are hot! The body in my arms was still trembling, like an example of love, as light as a feather. There was excitement in the trembling, and there was a little fear, but it drilled into my arms desperately.

At the same time, the fragrance of the girl's body was also drilling into my nose desperately. The girl's red lips rubbed on my face... The light was dim, and I couldn't hear the sound in the TV at all. The air in the room seemed to condense. My body was straight for ten seconds. Finally, when Ni Duoduo When my lips finally touched my lips, I suddenly woke up.

Then he suddenly reached out and grabbed Ni Duoduo's arms and pushed her away! What are you doing! It's crazy!" I whispered, then picked up the bath towel on the ground with one hand, quickly covered her shoulder, and then pushed her away.

Ni Duoduo stubbornly wanted to drill into my arms again and was coldly pushed away by me.

This time, my strength was a little strong. Ni Duoduo was pushed by me and fell **. The bath towels were scattered aside, and the girl's intact body was exposed to the light.

I took a breath and walked over quickly.

Pull the sheet hard to cover her, then stood up and looked at her coldly: "What the hell are you doing!" Ni Duoduo cried. He stiffened for a while. Suddenly, he cried and clenched the sheet hard.

Look away at me: "You...why don't you want me?" I laughed angrily: "Then why do I want you again?" Ni Duoduo lowered her head and didn't dare to look at me. She hesitated for a moment and shook her head: "I don't know... I've been thinking about it for a day and I feel better only by doing this... I don't know.

My brain is very confused, but I'm only sure of one thing... I want to give myself to you!" I took a deep breath and stood by the bed.

Staring at her: "Why?" No, I just want to give it to you.

The girl looked at me stubbornly.

I sneered: "What is it? Retribution? Or do you feel guilty? Compensation?" " Neither..." Ni Duoduo cried. She cried so sadly. Looking at such a touching girl, she cried like a child.

While wiping his tears and snot, he cried and said, "I just want to give it to you... I just think you are so kind to me... Only by doing this can I feel better... I can feel better!" Speaking of this, Ni Duoduo suddenly looked up, bit her lips and stared at me. A sentence popped out of her mouth coldly: "Chen Yang, I love you!" I laughed and felt a little helpless.

with a wry smile: "Do you understand what love is? You are too young, don't say that easily!" Then I changed a slightly soft tone, sat down slowly, and sat down at the foot of the bed: "You really don't have to do this... I know how you are feeling now. You feel guilty, because you think you hurt me and dragged me down.

You want to compensate me... On the other hand, you feel very scared. When you are in such a big trouble, you are very afraid and rely on me in your heart... I can understand all this.

Okay... Don't think about it. It's ridiculous for you to do this now. Stop it."

Ni Duoduo wiped her tears and stared straight at me. She said, "Do you dislike me... I'm still a virgin. This is my first time... It's true not to lie to you... Don't you believe it?!" I believe it! Can't I believe it?" I smiled and said warmly, "Are you a virgin? There is no need for me to prove anything.

I'm just telling you that you don't have to do this!" I hesitated for a moment, stretched out my hand and gently hugged her shoulder, and said in a low voice, "I know you are afraid now, a little confused, and don't know what to do in the future... I can understand all this.

But your current behavior is unnecessary.

"But...but I love you..." The girl cried again, as if she was very wronged.

I shook my head and smiled, "Okay, you are not love, but dependence."

Then I sighed: "Actually, I'm not good either. Such a big thing happened yesterday. I've been in a bad mood, and I haven't given you any good look... You must feel very sad.

But I still say this. You don't have to do it!" I stood up and went into the bathroom. I picked up all the clothes left by Ni Duoduo and threw them at her bedside. I said gently, "I'm going out to smoke a cigarette now. When I come back, I hope you're dressed, and then we'll treat it as if these haven't happened tonight, okay?" After saying this, I stopped talking and turned around and walked out of the door.

Throughout the night, Ni Duoduo was very silent. Her eyes kept looking at me quietly. Wherever I went, there was a bunch of faint eyes.

I sat and lay down, as if her eyes were watching beside me. Even when I turned off the light when I went to bed at night, I seemed to feel that Ni Duoduo was looking at me in another ** behind me.

The next morning, when I got up, Ni Duoduo also opened her eyes. Her eyes were red, swollen and swollen, as if the peach didn't know whether she had slept all night or what was going on.

I didn't say anything. I went straight down from ** and stretched out.

I've been sleeping with clothes these two days, and my body is a little tied up and uncomfortable. In fact, it's a very unpleasant thing to sleep without taking off my clothes.

Then I patiently waited until the time agreed yesterday before dialing the phone again.

Ni Duoduo has been speechless, just looking at me quietly.

The phone rang three times and was connected.

It's still the deep man's voice: "Chen Yang?" It's me."

"Listen, you have arranged it... You do as I say..."