evil spirit

Chapter 108 There are many liars in the south

Chapter 108 [There are many liars going south] The train bumped on the track. I looked out of the window, and the farmland, trees and hills on both sides were all running back quickly.

There was some boredom in the car, especially the two men sitting opposite me. One of them simply took off his shoes and crossed his legs across the booth.

The air is filled with the smell of feet.

This guy holds the newspaper in one hand and still clasps his toes with the other. From time to time, he reaches out to the teapot and takes a sip of water - with the hand that buttoned his feet.

Ni Duoduo tilted to me, with a disgusting expression on her face. She stared at the man opposite him several times, and finally closed her eyes disgustingly.

I kept looking out of the car window... The sun was about to set, the shadow of the last residual sun outside was on my face, and I pulled the curtains casually.

At this time, a dining car next to me pushed by. I stopped and bought a bottle of mineral water... The price was twice as expensive as usual.

She woke up Ni Duoduo and let her eat some bread with water.

Ni Duoduo's appearance is a little ridiculous now... Her long hair was cut off by a small barber shop on a path by me before getting on the train. Now she has short hair and looks a little boyish.

The girl was still a little reluctant when she cut her hair. After cutting, she pouted for a long time.

But I must admit that after finishing my hair, I changed into a suit of clothes. At a glance, the appearance really changed completely.

is a good way to cover it up.

I've been wearing that rustic cap.

Wearing a dirty coat, I haven't shaved the ground on my chin for two days. It's a little green and hard to the touch.

I know that I must look quite rustic now, with a haggard face and a beard. I sat in the hard seat of a slow car, and my buttocks were hardened, and I nibbled bread with cold water.

I'm the train at noon today.

The destination is Guangzhou, Guangdong.

In the phone call in the morning, the other party briefly told me that I could find a way to reach Guangzhou, Guangdong in two days, and he could help us get out.

To put it simply, I don't even understand what he means by "escaping".

Find a way to help us escape? Anyway, I don't expect Brother Huan's ability to deal with this matter.

The other party spoke quickly, the phone hung up quickly, and I didn't even have time to ask a question.

A busy sound came from the phone.

I can only smile bitterly... He is so sure that I can definitely run to Guangzhou safe and sound? But on the other hand, there is nothing we can do.

The train is still bumpy. The place I took was a slow train in a green carriage. In the hard-seat carriage, there were a lot of people who bought standing tickets in the aisle, and some people couldn't stand up. They moved their luggage and sat on the roof door.

The lights in the car went out at night.

The train won't arrive in Guangzhou until tomorrow morning. I feel that my body is upside down, and I am a little confused about the unknown future.

I've been thinking too much in the past two days, and I'm too lazy to continue to think about the problems that give me headaches.

Gently pushed Ni Duoduo beside her. The girl took a nap for a while and opened her eyes with sleepy eyes.

I whispered, "I'll go to the front to smoke a cigarette. You look at the seat and luggage."

Then I got up and passed through the crowded aisle. I didn't dare to go far. I stood at the junction between the two carriages and took out my cigarette.

There are still a few people standing here who also come to smoke.

There are all kinds of people from all over the world... I can see it from their smoking brands.

"Brother, come out of the army?" I just took out a cigarette and someone next to me accosted me. I looked at him. A young man, in his thirties, was very... very obscene.

And I always feel that his eyes are a little wrong.

He pointed to the cigarette box in my hand.

This is the last pack of "God of War" on me. It's the cigarette that Wu Gang gave me. That's the last pack left on me.

The guy leaned up with a low-browed smile, holding an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

"Brother, borrow the fire."

I glanced at him and threw a lighter at him.

After ordering, these guys took a sip first. Looking at the infinitely intoxicated appearance of his smoking, I almost thought that he was not smoking cigarettes, but heroin in a trance.

Somehow, I feel that his eyes are extremely obscene - let's put it this way, like the look of a hawker who stops people to sell CDs on the road.

"What are you looking at?" I frowned and said, "I don't want any dishes!" Who sells CDs!" The man ate and smiled, with a sneaky expression. He looked left and right and lowered his voice, "Brother, are you going south to find a job?" I have no words.

Seeing that I didn't answer, he simply walked to me and leaned against the wallboard and talked to me, "Where are you going?" Guangdong."

My short answer implied my interest in talking to him in tone and expression.

But this guy didn't seem to care about my indifference at all. He immediately smiled affectionately and said, "I'm going to Guangzhou, too!" Brother, what are you going to do in Guangzhou? Working or doing business?" I only said one sentence in Guangdong, but he immediately hit the snake and stick, believing that I had gone to Guangzhou.

I didn't say anything, I just raised my eyelids and looked at him coldly.

He was stabbed by my eyes and flinched a little, but then he piled up a smiling face and looked at me again: "Brother, don't be so vigilant, I'm not a bad person..." Then he took out a picture and gave it to me: "This is my phone number. In Guangzhou, are you interested in doing a I'm not an intermediary! How about it? I do have a good job here. If you believe me, just go with me. I won't charge a penny!" I looked at him carefully - I must admit that he belongs to the type that looks more and more obscene.

The cheapness on his face makes people want to beat him. If he is a little fatter and has two mustaches, he will be a living Wu Mengda.

I took it over and took a look. The business card was quite exquisite.

But that kind of bronzing font is a little vulgar.

The names of two huge English companies are written on it.

Below is the title of sales consultant.

I was stunned.

"WECAN" He smiled quickly and said, "The English name means 'we can do it', or WC Company for short."

The obscene man is serious.

"Oh...WC company...what kind of business do you do? It's not selling toilet supplies, is it? I'm really happy.

Is there something wrong with this boss with such a company name? Of course not!" The obscene man said, "Our company has a good reputation, has a huge sales network, the company registers the Viking Islands, enjoys the preferential policies of all foreign enterprises in the country, and has the best and most reasonable reward mechanism and promotion mechanism!" Suddenly, I was a little stunned to say such a set of white-collar sentences from the mouth of such a person who looked like a migrant worker.

"Brother, I think you are very clever.

Now there is a way to make money for you. Our company is recruiting sales staff now. Are you interested? Make more money, invest less and return more!" I laughed. This guy seems to be a liar.

I shook my head: "I'm not interested."

Turned around to leave, but he stopped me: "Don't worry, I'm not a bad guy! It's really not!" Then he looked around and took out a small bag of colorful packaging.

It seems that it is only the size of a Band-Aid, and it is placed in front of me: "Our company sells this thing."

I looked up and down carefully for a few times before I finally made sure that this is the thing I am most familiar with... Condom!" This..." "This is the company's main product!" The obscene man's evidence is brisk: "Each set is sold for ten yuan! For every sale, you can get an income of one yuan..." "Wait!! Ten yuan for a set? Come on, it's only 16 yuan a box in the pharmacy! A box of five! Do you want ten yuan for one here?" Of course..." The obscene man smiled very kindly: "Everyone who is new to the company will have this kind question. I can tell you frankly that a condom is really not worth so much money.

But what we sell is not just such a set, but a membership system! If you buy a hundred sets, you can become a bronze member of WC! If you buy 300, you can become a silver member! If you buy a hundred, you can become a crystal member! If you buy a thousand, you can become a diamond member! At each level, you can enjoy the waiting for that level! For example, I am now a crystal member, and I can enjoy the treatment of a crystal member! For example, I can get various domestic adult magazines provided by the company through special channels every month! There are also the current ranking adult av consultation e-weekly, as well as genuine adult av CDs and so on.

Of course, this is just a crystal level! Real diamond level, the teacher's top noble enjoyment! Diamond-level members not only have these monthly free consultation magazines and electronic entertainment, but also ten days of Japanese adult av tours every year! I can show you the real shooting scene of av, and even experience it for yourself..." I stopped him with some greasiness: "Why do I buy so many condoms? What's wrong with you?" Well, I didn't ask you to buy it yourself, I mean.

After you buy it from here, you can sell it to others! You sell it to others, and then others sell it to others. These sales are calculated under your place name.

This is called development offline! You develop offline, and then develop offline... You calculate, you sell it to three people, this is the pyramid theory! It is the most scientific economic theory in the world! ...So layer by layer, you can count it yourself! How much money can you make!!" Develop offline... Pyramid theory... I see... I met a pyramid scheme liar!