evil spirit

Chapter 109 Golden Cicada Shelling

Chapter 109 [Jin Chan's shelling] I took a puff of smoke and waved my hand to disperse the smoke. It was purely a funny person to say to him: "You mean, if you want to make a fortune, you have to go offline? If I join the company, I will develop more offline and apply for more products, and the more achievements I will draw?" That's right, that's right!" This guy's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand as if to pat me on the shoulder to show his intimacy, but looking at my indifferent face, his hand shrank back: "Cool! Brother, you are really smart, just a little bit! I bought this set from my online for nine yuan each! When I get to you, I will naturally buy one for ten yuan, but don't worry, you can sell it to your offline, one for eleven yuan! Brother, I think you are very clever. You will definitely make a lot of money in this industry! Look at me. I haven't done this for two years, and I'm not doing very well now!" After saying that, I took out a box of wrinkled Chinese cigarettes from my pocket and handed me a branch. I took a look and saw from the cigarette box that it was a fake of 60 yuan a piece.

Seeing that this guy has begun to talk to me about the real case, it's nothing more than who made a fortune after doing this job. He bought a villa, opened a BMW and Mercedes-Benz, and chartered several female college students from art colleges as mistresses and so on.

"I'm not interested. You can find someone else."

I extinguished the locomotive in my hand and turned it back, but he followed me and whispered all the way, "Brother, don't go! Talk to you again! Don't worry, we are not an illegal pyramid scheme! It's direct sales! It's a legal direct sale!" I ignored him and walked all the way into the carriage to the seat. This guy followed me, trying tirelessly to speak to impress me, and then walked back to the seat.

I found that my position had been occupied.

A man of five big and three thick people sat in my seat. Next to him, Ni Duoduo's face turned white with anger. When he saw me coming back, he immediately shouted, "This man took our seat and sat down. It's so unreasonable!" I nodded, but I didn't think it was too strange.

There are a lot of such things on the train.

Some people went out and bought a station sign to carry it on the car in order to save the money of a ticket. I guess this young man can't carry it anymore, and there is an empty seat.

No matter how much it is, sit down first. Ni Duoduo next to him let him get up, and he simply closed his eyes as if he didn't hear it.

In a word... When you go out, there are too many unreasonable people.

If everyone in the world had been reasonable, the world would have been fucking peaceful.

I looked at this man, lowered my voice and said steadily, "Please get up, this is my position."

This guy looks rude. He looks rude.

He rolled his eyes and looked at me, with a stiff tone: "Why don't I sit down for a while? You fucking walked away by yourself, and I'll sit down when the seat is empty, so that you don't fucking occupy the latrine and don't shit.

I laughed instead.

It's not that I haven't been out. This kind of person also knows... often.

Especially on the train, relying on your strength, it is common to bully people.

In this case, basically, there is nothing we can do if weak people are weak.

Find the flight attendant, and the flight attendant will come over and say a few words.

He gave up your position on the spot, and he dared to beat you with his fist when he turned around! Looking for a police officer? The whole world knows that the police on the train are basically decorated in most cases.

And most of these hooligans are old faces and acquaintances.

The policeman also often runs on a line, bowing his head without looking up. This kind of thing, with one eye closed, no one will take that effort.

I didn't say anything more. Anyway, it was useless to spit when I met unreasonable people. I directly reached out and grabbed his neck.

The boy immediately punched me in the face. I grabbed his wrist. He was stunned for a moment. I guess he didn't expect my hand to be so fast. I struggled twice but didn't break it. I put a little harder on my wrist and immediately turned his arm over.

He is not as strong as me.

Finally, he twisted his body little by little. I stopped my arm and couldn't help humming out in pain. I pushed him on his back, and this guy ** hit the table. Oh, he shouted and suddenly softened down.

I then carried him to the aisle and threw him on the ground.

glanced around, and sure enough, there were two men who were hostile to me, as if they knew this guy's accomplice.

These people are not car bandits and roadblocks. They are just hooligans who sit on the white car on the train. I didn't show it and threw him directly on the floor.

Some people next to him stretched out their heads to see the bustle and were scared back by my stare. I put this guy on the ground, then sat back in my seat, raised my feet and stepped on the back of his hand. He slowed down a little strength and was about to struggle to cool his face... I played with a sawtooth knife on his "Do you want red or white?" This guy is completely soft.

Looking at the tip of the knife swaying in front of his eyes, he didn't dare to move again.

I let go of him, and he immediately got up and walked to the end of the carriage, and the other two people around him also squeezed into the other carriage.

The space on the train was small, and I showed the knife. Only the two seats next to me saw the front and back and no one saw it. Looking at the hesitant look of the people next to me, I smiled, put away the knife, and said lightly, "I'm a cook. This is for cutting vegetables."

I don't care whether the people around me believe it or not. Anyway, I don't care.

When you go out, there are few people who are nosy.

This is the way in this world.

The obscene man who promoted the pyramid scheme wanted to talk to me. When he saw my knife, he was also scared. He hesitated for a moment and didn't talk to me again.

In fact, I don't want to be so public, but I can't help it... If you encounter this kind of thing, you have to bully me.

And I also have a Ni Duoduo to take care of. I can't eat and keep silent, can I? This kind of gangster, if you let him take one step, he will dare to take two steps! If I give in, he will dare to come and tease the little girl next! Then I closed my eyes and ignored the eyes around me. Ni Duoduo was a little scared by the noise just now. She held one of my arms in her hands, and her small body tried to stick to me, and her head tilted on my shoulder.

The obscene man of the pyramid scheme was not alone. I found that there were actually seven or eight of their accomplices in the whole carriage, both men and women, from the early twenties to the forties. They were chatting and talking with passengers one by one. One by one, they opened their mouths to make a fortune, closed their mouth Then, tell the history of my hard work, indicating how depressed I used to be. Now I have become a rich man since I did a pyramid scheme. I have bought thousands of houses and cars a month. My waist is not sore and my legs don't hurt, and I can't breathe for six floors in one breath... What makes me feel ridiculous is that some people really At least I saw some seemingly honest people in the seats, who were stunned.

During the day, no one bothered me again. In the morning, the train arrived at Guangzhou Station. I looked at the weather outside, and it was still cloudy, but the temperature in the south was much higher.

I took out my bag and found a single coat to change it for Ni Duoduo, and then got out of the car with the crowd.

It seems that the obscene man has gained a lot from this train. I saw that their pyramid scheme team has added three or four new faces, all of whom are migrant workers who go south with their bags on their backs, looking forward to following the obscene men and getting off the bus.

The scammers of the pyramid scheme were very gentle and friendly... It was a kind of kindness of the big gray wolf to Little Red Riding Hood, helping to carry bags and luggage, helping the elderly and the young, and the group of people slowly squeezed to the exit of the carriage at the end of the flow of people.

Walking off the platform, I took a look at Ni Duoduo. The girl's eyes were still a little confused, but she snuggled up to me, and her eyes were a little more safe and salty. My heart softened. I reached out and took her little hand and walked out along the flow of people.

I walk carefully in the flow of people, keeping a proper distance from the people around me, without making myself too conspicuous.

It was very slow to walk so fast. When I approached the exit of the inspection mark, I suddenly found an abnormal situation! On the right side of the inspection exit, there are some southern rotten boys in floral shirts and long hair wandering around. From time to time, they pulled the pedestrians on the roadside with a fierce look on their faces. They looked carefully and then pushed them away, signaling those people to get out of here.

I noticed that most of the people they checked were young men and women! I picked it up tightly in my heart!! I even saw two or three people squatting under a few pillars on one side of the exit, clearly holding a few things that looked like photos in their hands, and then their eyes swept around the crowd from time to time... What's going on? I'm full of doubts... Why are there so many people checking me here when I just arrived in Guangzhou? Time waits for no one! Although there were a lot of people in the train just now, I stood there and waited for a while, and there began to be fewer people in the passage. I will be found as soon as possible! At this time, I suddenly saw the obscene men behind me. On the way, a group of pyramid scheme swindlers surrounded the lambs who had just been cheated into the net in the middle, and some people kept instilling their theory of making a fortune and seize the time to brainwash these people... As soon as my heart moved, I immediately pulled Duoduo Man: "Hey, man!" Huh?" He was a little confused when he saw me.

Then I smiled and said, "I thought for a while and thought what you said made sense. I just came here to be unfamiliar with my life, and I also wanted to find a way to make a fortune... So..." I deliberately stopped here for a while and looked at him with a smile.

The obscene man was a little hesitant. He just saw me shining a knife in the car with his own eyes. Generally, this kind of swindler dares not do it when he doesn't know the depth of the other party.

But then I continued, "Look, I'm with a little sister. I just came here. I don't have a job and no place to settle down. I'm also very interested in the job you mentioned. Do you think I can try it first?" The obscene man took a look at Ni Duoduo and was relieved.