evil spirit

Chapter 130 Seizing the Ship

Chapter 130 [Capture the Ship] (Part 2) Plop! The body was thrown into the sea, and the guy on the boat leaned aside and gasped.

This man is very powerful. He was originally at a disadvantage. He saw that two companions got on the ship and were ready to give up on him, but now he killed two companions on his own and dominated the ship.

I think he must be very lucky at this moment... but I have waited for the time I want to wait! At this time, I immediately dived into the water and swam quietly towards him... A few minutes later, just as the man was still leaning on the rubber raft and gasping, I suddenly came out of the water from behind him. Before he could react, I had accurately inserted a knife into his neck from behind, and then didn't wait. He fought back, dived into the water again, and tried to swim beyond a safe distance before coming out.

This man is dead.

He struggled to get up from the boat and covered his neck with his hands... In fact, my dagger just now was crooked and did not stick it in his neck. It was slightly leaning against his shoulder, but it was fatal enough.

This man struggled for a while and stared at me in the water. His eyes were full of anger, surprise and despair! Suddenly, he shouted, opened his hands and rushed at me... Unfortunately, in the middle of the rush, his life was far away from his body, his body was stiff in the air, and then fell into the sea.

I swam over slowly, tried to turn over the raft, and got out of the sea. Then I finally took a long breath and gasped.

I'm so tired!! From watching the three crew members kill each other, then I changed from a follower to a hunter and took the lifeboat.

I feel that I have exhausted all my physical strength. Lying on the raft, I can hardly move my little finger.

But after panting for a while, I still tried to get up, looked at the three bags on the boat, and struggled to move over.

I'm going to check the supplies on the ship now! I have never believed in any gods in my life, but now I pray to God... God bless me, there can be some food in this bag... Even if there is no food, at least there must be some fresh water!! ..." I stared at the things in the bag in front of me, and then opened the other two bags crazily... "Hahahahahahahahaha" I burst into laughter.

Laughing forward and backward.

I laughed so much that I almost burst into tears! I laughed and coughed.

While gasping, the muscles on his face were trembling.

I know that I must be crazy and scary now... But I really want to laugh! That's ridiculous! It's so ridiculous!!! Three bags in front of me, three canvas bags, after opening.

One pack, one pack, it's all in US dollars! Thick piles of U.S. dollars!!! Three packs of US dollars, I'm afraid there are millions!! But damn it... not even a drop of water! Not a drop!!!! For the first time in my life, I have such a huge amount of wealth... Unfortunately, I am facing the situation of dying of thirst or starvation! A millionaire who died of thirst or starvation! Is there anything more ridiculous than this?? I laughed for a while.

I felt that my body was getting softer and softer, and the weak soft fell on the boat.

Looking up at the sky, he gasped.

No! No! It's impossible! There will be food and water! When the three crew members escaped, it was impossible not to bring food and water! This is the most basic common sense! I immediately seemed to find a trace of vitality for myself. I tried to turn over the boat, but I searched all over the life-saving, but there was nothing... I tried to recall it, and then I vaguely remembered it.

The three crew members seem to have some skin-like things hanging on their bodies... Is that a water bag?? They take food and fresh water with them with them!! *****!!" I roared indignantly and immediately wanted to search for the bodies of the three crew members on the sea... Unfortunately, it was too late.

The rubber raft has been floating for a long time, and now the waves are getting bigger. I don't know where the three bodies have gone for a long time. I'm full of vast seas on all sides... I don't have the courage to give up the boat and jump into the sea alone to find their bodies... Even if I find food and water It's all dead!" It's up to you."

I sighed.

I leaned on the boat feebly, and suddenly my heart moved. I carefully turned it over from my pocket and found what I was hiding in the innermost part.

That's my ring! I sighed and took out the measuring device... The measuring device was put on a small pocket specially sewn on my underwear with the hunting ring. I took it out... After a moment, I smiled helplessly: "Damn it, are you kidding me?" The yellow index on the measuring instrument is high... The longevity is very good... Unfortunately, I'm dying of thirst and starvation! Where can I find food and drink on this sea? I really wanted to throw the things in my hand into the sea in anger, but as soon as I stretched out my hand, I really didn't dare. After thinking about it, I took it back.

Just when I had decided to give up, I heard a shout from the wind on the sea... "Help, help..." I was refreshed and turned over and sat up. I saw a person wearing a lifebuoy on the sea in the distance, rising and falling in the waves. She seemed to be swallowed up by the waves at any time. But he worked hard, struggled desperately, and rowed desperately.

is Xiaofeng.

Without hesitation, I immediately picked up the oar on the life-saving cutting and rowed towards Xiaofeng... She reached out and pulled her on the boat. Xiaofeng's face was pale and even a little gray. After gasping and coughing hard, she looked at me in surprise and said intermittently, "Yes... it's you, Xiaowu? How can you go...

Here? This boat is..." I leaned against the boat and was too lazy to move: "Don't ask, I snatched the boat."

Xiaofeng was also exhausted and lay there and seemed to be unable to move, but she still struggled to smile at me reluctantly: "Xiao Wu, thank you... You saved my life."

I said lightly, "Don't thank me so early. I didn't save you.

Both of us are dead.

Xiaofeng gasped for a while and struggled, "What's wrong?" I sat up, pointed to the three bags, and looked at Xiaofeng: "Have you seen it?" So much money?" The expression on Xiaofeng's face changed slightly.

Then he turned his face and looked at me: "This..." "It's a lot of money."

I smiled bitterly: "A lot, a lot of money... If this money is used to buy food.

The rice I bought can crush me to death a hundred times! The water I bought can drown me a hundred times! But the problem is... Miss, this is the sea.

There is no supermarket nearby!" I took a breath, looked at Xiaofeng, and told her in a low tone, "There is no food or water on the ship, so we are both dead! So don't thank me for saving you.

I'm just helping you have one more choice for death.

I laughed more and more ugly: "If I don't save you, you can only drown.

Now... You can at least have some choice. You can choose to drown, or stay on the ship to die of thirst or starve to death.

We both looked at each other for a while and suddenly laughed. This is a very helpless smile.

People seem to put aside all the previous grudges in a desperate situation... grudges? The feud between me and Xiaofeng, it's good that she hates me.

I don't look down on her... At this time, is it important? In the vast sea, there are only the two of us left on such a small boat. Maybe a big wave will send us to the King of Heron in the next hour... Besides, do you still have the strength to hate each other? After laughing for a while, I saw Xiaofeng's face getting whiter and whiter.

Her laughter gradually weakened, and then she began to cough again.

I moved a few times.

Moved to her side, then squeezed her wrist and felt her pulse.

In fact, I don't know traditional Chinese medicine, let alone pulse.

But at least I have learned martial arts and know some basic principles. Her pulse is a little disordered, and her breathing is also very fast and short.

"Have you been sick all the time?" I sighed.

Xiaofeng forced a smile: "I've been sick for a few days. I don't seem to adapt to the climate at sea. I'm starting to feel a little short of breath. In recent days, it's getting worse and worse."

I was silent for a while.

Originally, there was some food in my bag, and I even put one or two anti-inflammatory tablets in the bag, but... When I jumped into the sea with the black man in my arms before, I planned to die together. My own bag had already fallen into the sea! Her condition is very bad, and she is a little serious. In this case, what she needs most is a doctor! If there is no doctor, at least there should be a cup of hot water, and then a dry place, a warm bed, so that she can lie down for a while.

But none of these.

I could only look at her and sigh.

Xiaofeng saw my expression, and she reluctantly smiled: "Okay, Xiaowu, I know my situation. Anyway, it's like this now. It doesn't matter how I die."

When she said this, I also thought about it and simply lay down: "Well, I haven't asked you. Why did you run to that boat?" What else can I do? Run away!" Xiaofeng's tone was a little resentful. At this time, there was a trace of tenacious and sinister expression on her face... This expression reminded me of her original appearance.

"Aren't you curious, how could I come to the south to do pyramid schemes?" Xiaofeng's tone was mocking: "After that nightclub, I couldn't get along in the Nanjing field. You left the nightclub, but after Awei took over, he talked to the outside. As a result, no one dared to let me go in business, so I had to go south to make money..." Later The matter of the place is simple. After going south, Xiaofeng met a sister who was also making money in the playground.

Now he has started a pyramid scheme, and Xiaofeng has been dragged into the water.

But this woman is really powerful! With her wrists that she had played in the happy field for many years, she actually got up with the boss of the pyramid scheme den! Then relying on the relationship all the way, I got involved with several leaders of the pyramid scheme group... "Don't look at me like that."

Xiaofeng said coldly, "I know what you're thinking... You're right. I slept with those men all the way!" Otherwise, where can I climb to that position? Humph!" She said disdainfully, but with a few complaints: "I haven't seen any man before!" As soon as those guys saw me, there was light in their eyes, and I knew what their lower bodies were thinking! Isn't it just opening my legs? It's not that I haven't opened them! I was lucky. One of them fell in love with me. I used all my skills and fascinated him. Later, the guy even gave me the account. I officially walked into their core ***... When you saw me, I was basically the leader of the party.

If it hadn't been for the den done by the police that time, I..." She suddenly sighed and said with a wry smile, "I didn't know until the other day that the police were making trouble at our den, and the people in our gang sold us! Damn...but they are not kind to me and I am not righteous! I simply rolled up their money and left! I went all the way south from Guangzhou to Vietnam, and then stayed in Vietnam for more than ten days before I got on the boat and prepared to smuggle to Canada.

Isn't Canada one of the best countries in the world to survive? I'm just going to bring money to enjoy the rest of my life.

It turned out that this woman ran away for this reason.

"I am now not only wanted by the police, but also by the people in the gang.

I rolled up a lot of money from them. If they find me, I will also die, so I can't stay in Southeast Asia anymore. The farther I go, the better.

There is a trace of pride in Xiaofeng's tone.

I'm not interested in these things about her, and I don't want to continue to listen to them.

Anyway, it's all some unreasonable things, and I feel very uncomfortable to hear it.

Gradually, Xiaofeng said that she was tired, and she really couldn't support it. She slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

I also fell asleep in a daze... I had a dream... What's ridiculous is that I didn't dream of Yan Di or Fang Nan or anyone this time... I never dreamed of Brother Huan anymore... I only dreamed of running desperately in the streets and alleys of Nanjing. I had a lot of money in my pocket, but I ran all over any All the stores told me that there is no water for sale.

No coke, no soda, no fruit... nothing! I saw a KFC from afar, but it was a pity that after I went in, I found that there were no hamburgers, no wings, and no coke! Nothing! Finally, I woke up in despair and only felt bitter and dry in my mouth.

Looking at the dollars in the bag casually, I suddenly thought that if someone tells me that a bottle of coke is one million, I'm afraid I'm willing to buy it!