evil spirit

Chapter 130 Seizing the Ship

Chapter 130 [Snap the Boat] (Part I) I was in the sea, holding my breath, so I opened my eyes and watched the black man gradually disappear from my sight and sink until I couldn't see it.

Then I stepped on the water hard and tried to swim to the surface of the water.

"Cough, cough..." As soon as my head came out of the water, I began to cough violently. Originally, the water quality was very ordinary. After holding it under the water for so long, I relied purely on my extraordinary physique and a hatred in my heart to support the fight with the black man. Now I only feel a little tearing pain in

As soon as my head came out of the water, my hearing became normal. At this moment, although the stowaway did not stop, its speed was much slower. As soon as I came out of the water, the crew on the armor wrench saw me. Immediately I heard a shout, and then I saw several crew members holding guns and aiming at me.

I quickly took a deep breath and dived back into the water.

swish... The bullets shot in the sea and passed me one by one. I kicked my legs desperately and waved my arms to the downstream.

People can always burst out potential that they usually don't have in a desperate situation! I actually swam far away after struggling all the way.

Then I swam down from the ship to the other side, looking at the big ship from a distance.

The ship is still full of noise, with sporadic gunfire, and the sound of people falling into the water from time to time. It seems that those stowaways are almost finished.

Bead hands ^_^ I floated on the water, stepped on the water under my feet, and looked around.

I'm also very anxious! I'm in the sea, and I don't even have a life buoy or life jacket on my body. Now I can only swim with my own strength.

But I can't swim all the time after all! Once I run out of strength, I will die! The crew of the big ship in front of me is still cleaning up the stowaways, and I can't get on the boat.

The boat that has been chasing the ground in the distance behind is getting closer and closer. I even clearly saw the national flag flying on the ship... It is a maple leaf flag with a number on the hull. It seems to be a military ship. At this moment, there is still a loud warning whistle.

I don't know if the ship is a coast guard or an army or something... I hesitated for a moment and made up my mind.

yu qi yu qi was drowned or killed by those crew members.

I might as well surrender to the police.

is at least a way to live.

It was a small gunboat-like ship, and it was chasing the stowaway.

From time to time, he fired fire to deter the other party.

However, the gunfire carefully fell far away on both sides of the ship, as if it was not in a hurry to hurt people, which was purely a deterrent.

Bead hand fight ^_^ I have no sailing experience. I just feel that it seems that the gunboat is not far from me. Unfortunately, I didn't feel it until I swam for a while.

Looking at this distance at sea, it seems to be not far away, but it is very long! Although the waves are not big, it is very hard to swim in the sea, because you have to use a lot of physical strength to fight against the waves, and the waves will also take you away from your direction.

My experience these days has determined that my physical strength is much worse than before.

After swimming for a while, I suddenly felt a twitching in the palm of my feet, and my heart immediately cooled! I know, I'm afraid I'm going to cramp!! The original body can be in a bad state. With such a cold sea water, people's physical energy will be exhausted, and my water quality is really average, and it is even more difficult to swim... A wave hit me.

Immediately flooded the top of my head. When I got out of the waves, I coughed a few times, but I had no choice but to see that I had been taken away from my direction by the waves. Both the smuggling and the gunboat were far away from my direction.

Bead hand hit ^_^ I shouted feebly, and the scorpion raised his arms, so that the people on the gunboat could see me.

But it's a pity that my behavior didn't attract anyone's attention.

I feel that my legs are getting heavier and heavier when soaked in the sea, and the movement of pedaling the water is gradually slowing down.

It seems that I don't have much strength... I sighed in my heart and couldn't help smiling bitterly.

Am I really going to die here? After such a long time, after so many hardships and sufferings, can't I finally get through this barrier? Just when I was almost in despair, I suddenly heard a sound from the far left side of the wind... It seemed to be a few shouts and curses, but when it came from the wind, it smelled slightly unpleasant and was a little intermittent.

I immediately turned my head and looked over, but I saw a scene that gave me a trace of hope in my heart! About dozens of meters away from me, among the waves, three figures seemed to struggle there... Because of the ups and downs of the waves, I couldn't look carefully, but it was enough for me to judge their identity! The amazing thing is that these are not the stowaways who jumped into the sea to escape, but the crew of the ship! Each of the three people was wearing life jackets and soaking in the sea. They seemed to be trying to swim in one direction, but they seemed to be arguing loudly about something.

What's more strange to me... The three of them seemed to work together to hold a piece of black stuff... a big piece of thing floating on the sea.

I felt their eyes sweeping towards me, and immediately dived under the sea, and then swam out of the sea in the other direction.

At this time, the gunboat was far away from us and seemed to have been chasing the stowaway.

The three crew members seemed to cheer when they saw the scene, and then on the sea, they suddenly sorted out the black thing... My eyes lit up! I immediately identified what that thing was!! Bead hand fight ^_^ That's an inflatable life-saving cut!!! That's the kind of device for escaping from the sea! Obviously, this is a small life-saving cut. This kind of inflatable life-saving cut can only be used once. There is a valve on it. When you use it, just throw it into the sea, and then someone twists the valve, it will immediately inflate and expand itself, and finally becomes a rubber-like boat!! Under my gaze, the three crew members saw that the gunboat had gone away and were sure that it would not be found, so they carefully opened the valve... ugh... With the sound of the airflow, the raft, which was originally just a folded rubber leather, immediately expanded and in a moment it turned into the shape of a small boat.

The three crew members cheered, and immediately one of them tried to turn over. I saw that each of them was carrying a bag, bulging in the bag, and I didn't know what it was.

Then the second person also turned over and put the bag on the cutting... And at this time, there was a problem! It was obviously a very small life-saving man-saving man who could bear the weight of three people, but the problem is that when I observed from afar, it seemed that the bag they carried was too heavy! I don't know what's in the bag... After the third person threw the bag up, he also wanted to turn over, but as soon as he put up half of his body, the life-saving cut was seriously tilted by him! With an exclamation, he quickly let go, tried to adjust it, and tried to swim to the other side to turn over again... But he still failed. As soon as he climbed up a little, the hull began to tilt again.

At this time, the two crew members of the ship began to talk to him loudly, and the guy who was still in the sea spoke loudly in an angry and dissatisfied tone.

Then he pointed to the bags on the ship and said a few words loudly.

I don't understand what they said. It probably means that the crew in the sea thought the bag was too heavy and should throw away some of the things and let him go up.

But his request was immediately rejected by two companions! They began to quarrel. In the end, the two people on the boat winned at each other. One of them immediately pulled out a dagger from his waist, and then moved towards the guy in the sea with a murderous face.

The guy in the sea also found that his companion was malicious. He stepped back a little. When the other party rushed over, he immediately twisted him, and then dragged the dagger into the sea instead.

The two fought in the sea, and the third guy on the ship also pulled out his knife and looked at the two guys in the sea warily. From time to time, he leaned against the side of the boat and was ready to sneak up.

I patiently hid myself behind waves of waves. At the same time, I tried to step on the water, quietly followed these guys around, kept a distance of dozens of meters, and tried not to be dumped by them.

At this time, I suddenly heard an exclamation from them, and then a man on the sea struggled a few times and did not move... The sea was dyed red... One of them coldly pushed away the motionless guy, then pulled out the knife from him, bit his mouth casually, and continued to be cold in the sea. Look at the guy on the boat.

I can see that the man who just jumped out of the boat was killed by the people in the sea.

Now the man in the sea looks at his companions on the ship... Both of them are looking at each other, as if they are considering whether to continue to work hard.

At this time, the man on the ship suddenly said a few words. After the two talked, they immediately reached an agreement.

The people on the boat loosened the knife in their hands and reached out to pull the people in the sea on the boat.

I understand... It turned out that there were too many three people, so I had to give up a companion. The people on the boat originally planned to give up the people in the sea.

But now one person has died, and the two of them are just right, so both of them compromised with each other and decided to stop fighting.

The two people who were originally hostile just now are now holding their hands together! The reality is so cruel! Before I could sigh, I suddenly saw that the man in the sea had just got on the boat, and when the other guy turned around, he put his neck from behind, and then quickly wiped the knife on his neck...