evil spirit

Chapter 134 Killing Battle

Chapter 134 [Kill] Hestin Street, Vancouver.

I'm wearing the suit Captain Wick gave me. This is a cotton coat, dark.

The size is slightly larger, but I put my hands in my pockets, which is not very conspicuous, and the backpack behind me is very casual.

In terms of appearance, I am no different from most people on the street.

I saw two policemen all the way, but I walked over so swaggeringly that their eyes just swept around me and didn't stop at me for a second.

I know I'm not far from success.

The truck only took me to the intersection of a fishing company in Vancouver. I asked the driver for the direction of Hestin Street, and then I walked for nearly an hour and a half and finally arrived.

I didn't take a taxi because I can't speak English, and I'm afraid of revealing.

In North America, whether it is the United States or Canada, the legal awareness of the people is much stronger than in our country. Once people have any questions, they will call the police as soon as possible! And after walking for nearly two hours, I looked at the signposts of Hestin Street and finally smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

It's ridiculous to say that even the word "Haysting" I don't recognize it purely by half-guessing.

B1, 107 Hestin Street, Vancouver.

This is the address the fat man gave me before I left! In fact, on the way here just now, it was also the number left to me by the fat man.

I called in the roadside phone booth, but unfortunately the phone rang for a long time and no one answered.

I can only find it all the way by myself.

It seems that I'm lucky.

Check the address, that's right.

In front of me is a car wash, a two-story house that is not high. The building style of the whole street is similar, and the road surface is not wide.

There are few vehicles and pedestrians on the street.

I doubt that how can the business be good if the car wash is in such a location? The door of the car wash is open.

I stood at the door and shouted, but no one answered me.

There is not even a clerk in it.

There are two cars in the garage, and an electric car washing water equipment is running, making a roar.

I tightened my tight backpack a little, then walked in and shouted, "Is there anyone?" No one answered me except for the sound of car washing equipment.

I saw a few sprinkler plugs in the corner, all of which were some car washing equipment and tools.

But there is no clerk working, which makes me somewhat puzzled.

Walking inside, there is a staircase leading to the upstairs.

I stood downstairs and shouted.

Then he hesitated for a moment and stepped upstairs.

As soon as I got to the corner of the stairs, suddenly there was a strong music coming from it.

It seemed that someone suddenly turned on the stereo, and the strong music came, which shocked me.

Upstairs is a long corridor with several rooms with open doors.

But there is no one.

As soon as I went up the stairs, I reached out half of my head and heard a "bang" in my ear! With so many experiences in the past few days, I immediately recognized that it was the sound of gunfire! I quickly shrank my head and fell down, and then I heard the sound of wood cracking in my ear. The railing on the edge of the stairs was smashed by a shot, and the wood chips were flying.

Some splashed on the face and neck.

I fell to the ground and couldn't help scolding, "Fuck!" Next, it's like the gunfight movie I've seen.

There was a lot of ping-pong guns in my ear. I lay on the ground and saw several people coming out of the same time in the good hand room next to the happy two. With the cover of the corridor rooms on both sides, several people in different clothes raised their pistols towards the corridor at the same time... That is, the left side

When I lay on the ground, I heard the bullets roaring in my ear, the gunshots were like rain, ping-pong for a while, as dense as fried beans! The sound of broken glass and the sound of broken wood came one after another.

Finally, after a fierce shooting, the calm was briefly restored, and the whole second floor still echoed with the strong music! I was stunned and completely confused! I came according to the address provided by the fat man, but I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen when I came up! I seemed to have suddenly broken into a battlefield.

There are people shooting at each other on the left side, and the ridiculous thing is that my position is just in the middle of the people on both sides! From where I lay down, I can see the people hiding behind the door of the room on the right. There are three or four people in total, and there seems to be only one person on my left... I can see it from the bombardment of bullets.

It was quiet on both sides for a while, and I heard those people shouting and scolding. They didn't speak English! It's not Chinese either! However, I immediately judged from the figure and skin color of these people, and what happened to me at sea that they spoke Vietnamese! On the other side, a Cang Lao's voice immediately scolded, "** Mother of all of you! The Vietnamese can't die. If you want my life, come and get it!" The voice is very strong, full in the middle, and speaks Chinese.

I immediately judged that this guy was probably the fat man who asked me to find him! In fact, I don't need to judge more.

I met two groups of people fighting. I was caught in the middle. There were Vietnamese on one side and Chinese on the other. Fools knew who I should help! After scolding for a while, suddenly I heard a Vietnamese shouting a few times, and then tried to lean out and come out. It immediately attracted the Chinese shooting, and the two sides ping-pong fired for a while.

But the gunfire of the Chinese people is getting thinner and thinner.

I'm afraid he's almost out of bullets! Such an idea flashed in my mind.

Sure enough, the Vietnamese also seemed to be aware of this, and one of the bold probes rushed over.

In the opposite room, the Chinese scolded: "Vietnamese devils!" I kept lying on the ground. When I came upstairs, the Vietnamese must have seen me, but after a burst of shooting, I didn't get up. They probably thought I was dead. The Vietnamese tried to approach the inner room and passed by me.

I suddenly bounced up from the ground and twisted him. The two of them rolled together. I had no weapon in my hand, so I could only grab a piece of broken wood I had just picked on the ground and inserted the pointed end into the root of the Vietnamese's thigh! He screamed, and the arms that had been fighting with me immediately softened. I saw that the two Vietnamese in the back had exclaimed and raised their guns at me. They quickly hugged it and rolled in, and the two of them rushed into a room together.

I heard my head banging behind me... I rolled out, and several craters were immediately shot out of the ground.

In fact, I'm very lucky. This building seems to be a wooden building, and the bullet will not bounce back when shot into the wood. Otherwise, just bouncing can kill me! The Vietnamese hugged the root of his thigh and screamed.

Blood was bleeding all over the ground. I was not sure where the pointed wood was inserted into him. Maybe it was his life, or maybe it was just his thigh. I let go of him, but I picked up his gun and dodged behind the corner of the wall.

The Vietnamese are rolling on the ground.

From my call, I happened to face him, and another Vietnamese wanted to come and save his companion on the ground.

I immediately fired two shots to force him back.

My two shots were very crooked... I can't help it. I haven't fired much. There is no gun when I was in China! But this is enough to intimidate them from coming up.

The Vietnamese on the ground were bleeding more and more. I hesitated for a moment, but I still didn't shoot him.

At this time, the other Chinese shouted, "Which brother is here? Damn it, kill these Vietnamese devils! Do you have a tumor?" I took a breath. I didn't understand what he said, something like a "tumor".

I don't understand even more.

As soon as I was about to speak, I heard a few gunshots outside.

The current situation is that I am still sandwiched between the two sides, on both sides of the corridor, they each occupy a room, and I am in the middle room.

I really want to go out and have a round with that Chinese, but unfortunately I can't go out. As soon as I go out, I will be beaten into honeycomb coal.

I took a breath.

I shouted, "What kind of tumor? I'm not..." Bang bang bang, and a few shots overwhelmed my voice.

The Chinese in

scolded, "Damn, can't you understand me? I'm not an idiot, are I?" It's getting more and more chaotic. I can't understand this guy's words. I took advantage of the gunshot outside and looked at the furnishings in the room.

The room is very empty. It can be seen that it is an office with only one table and a cabinet, and nothing else.

But I took a look at the window in front of me, and my heart moved. I ran quickly and pushed it away.

I took a breath, dodged to the door and fired a few random shots at the outside, deterring the other party, then quickly jumped to the edge of the window, stretched out his legs and stepped out.

Beside is the street, but fortunately there is a window edge under the window.

I grabbed the protruding part of the wall, and then quickly moved on the other side.

I judged that moving a few meters from the back of my window is the room where the Chinese is! The height here is not too high from the ground, only about three meters.

As I climbed quickly, I was puzzled, why did the Chinese escape? If he is willing to jump out of the window, it is only three meters away from the ground, and it is easy to jump down and escape.

Finally, I got to the edge of the window, smashed the glass with a punch, and shouted, "My own people, don't shoot!" I crashed into the window and rolled on the ground. Before I got up, I felt a cold on my neck! I felt the cold blade close to my neck, and one hand pinched the handle of the knife, which was very stable. Then I said coldly in a cold voice, "What kind of my own person? Who are you?" It's the voice of the Chinese! I took a breath, and then took the initiative to hand over the gun in my hand.

He immediately let go of the knife, took my gun, and then banged a few times at the outside.

I turned over, got up, and finally saw this person clearly.

He is about fifty years old, very thin, with a side face to me, long hair, a protruding face, and a standard Chinese face shape... I finally know why he didn't jump out of the window to escape! He did it! Under the buttocks, there is a wheelchair! The man fired two shots outside, then turned around and pointed the gun at me: "Who are you? I haven't seen you!" I looked at the muzzle of the gun, took a deep breath, looked into his eyes, and then said slowly, "A sea of swords and fire!"