evil spirit

Chapter 133 Cute Asshole

Chapter 133 [Lovely Bastard] I stayed in the cabin for two days. In the past two days, the only cabin I stayed in was Wake and the strong man before. I heard Captain Wick tell me that he had ordered that the rest of the crew on the ship were not allowed to enter my room.

Later, I learned that the man was a liner under Wick, and he was also the first mate of the ship.

There were six crew members on Wick's fishing boat, and when he rescued me that day, the first mate jumped into the sea to fish for me.

After saving me, only Wick checked my bag himself. Originally, he just wanted to see if he could find some documents or something about me, but as soon as he opened the bag, he was stunned! Fortunately, there were only him and the first mate in the room at that time.

That is to say, of the six crew members, only Captain Wick himself and the first officer know that there is such a huge sum of money.

The deal I proposed moved Wick.

Seafarers are adventurous! I don't have any injuries, but I'm extremely tired and lack nutrition.

After a day and a night's rest and some hot food and hot water, I have recovered.

Although I still feel a little weak, basically my actions are not affected.

Captain Wick is a typical smiling tiger, which I have seen from the conversation with him in the past two days. This guy is very cautious and rigorous. He strictly prohibits the crew from contacting me, the crew from entering my room, and also requires me not to go out of the door to the armor.

Obviously, Wick has great authority on this ship, and no one dares not to listen to his words.

At the beginning, I also felt strange... After all, the crew saw me get on the ship and rescued a suspicious person like me from the sea. I think in this case, ordinary people will guess my identity. Won't those crew call the police? Later, I carefully told Wick about my worries.

Captain Wick smiled after hearing this. He hesitated for a moment and whispered, "Mr. Chen... (I have told him my name in the past two days of communication)."

"Mr. Chen... I can tell you that you are very safe on my boat."

Wick smiled mysteriously: "In fact, your stowaway identity is not a problem for me or my ship."

I didn't understand at first, but then I vaguely guessed something! Especially later, I told Wick what happened to me on the black man's boat, and told him that I was chased by a police gunboat because of the ship.

Just jumped into the sea to escape... Wick immediately looked angry - I could see that the anger on his face was not disguised, but really angry! Did you say that the hull of the ship is black... There is no hanging flag on it. The captain is a black man! His men all have guns... Oh God, I know. The ship you're talking about is Malding's son of a bitch!" Mardin?" I took a look at Wick.

"That's the nigger!" Wick cursed angrily, and then he immediately explained, "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry that I used the word nigger. I'm not racist, but that Martin, he is indeed a devil, damn devil!" Martin, it's the name of the black man. I just know the name of the guy I killed.

"He is not just because of his own nonsense... more importantly.

He is a guy who broke the rules!" Captain Wick explained, "Actually, I think you should be able to understand that there are many underground companies doing smuggling business in the coastline of any country.

This industry is very profitable, and there are always people who do money-making business.

I nodded to show my understanding.

Then Wick continued to say angrily, "That Mardin was also in the smuggling business, but he didn't follow the rules! Even if you are engaged in smuggling business, you should pay attention to the rules, otherwise, once you lose your credibility.

Then no one has done it! But Mardin, a fool, has done several illegal things and has ruined his reputation. As a result, the current foreign smuggling organizations are distrustful of their peers in our sea area, making other smuggling companies here face a situation where there is no business! Mardin is a black sheep! Oh.

God, I finally remember this idiom! By the way, it's the black sheep!" Wick suddenly became a little happy: "There is another sentence in Chinese... Well, a mouse shit is broken... Well..." "A mouse shit broke a pot of porridge."

I answered him with a smile, "Um, that's what I said!" Wick immediately nodded and said with a smile, "Martin is a rat shit! He has done several times to break the rules, and now the local smuggling organization has regarded him as a public enemy! He humiliated all the smuggling organizations in our sea area and suffered a lot of losses... Oh, there is one more thing... This Mardin, because he couldn't do anything smuggling business recently, and later it was said that he took his crew to rob at sea! He has become a pirate!" Sea helmet?" Yes, pirates!" Captain Wick said seriously, "When there is business, he is a stowaways. When there is no business, he is a pirate!" Do you understand what I said? I see... and I understand more! Because I looked at Wick's indignation, I suddenly figured it out... Why did I go to Wick to hate that black man so much? Why did he say that his crew would not report me? The answer is very simple! Because Wick's own ship has also done smuggling business!! It's not surprising that fishing boats are in the smuggling business! Isn't that Vietnamese old snake's boat a fishing boat!" That guy robbed a fishing boat and shot the crew of several fishing companies.

His series of behaviors have aroused public indignation. I guess it's good to test what you said about the gunboat chasing him. It is likely that the Coast Guard decided to destroy him.

Because the Coast Guard will not fire at stowaway ships... But the pirates are the same! Haha! I think this is a good thing! Wick smiled and picked up a cup of coffee: "A toast to the peace of this sea in the future!" After asking the questions I wanted to know, I was finally relieved.

Then I asked carefully, "Captain Wick, when will your ship dock?" Soon, we will be ashore early tomorrow morning.

Wick smiled and said, "To be honest, my boat was supposed to live in the west to fish, but when I met you, I think you must be in a hurry to go ashore, so I turned around yesterday."

"Thank you."

I sighed.

"Oh, it's nothing."

Wick smiled cunningly: "Although I can't catch fish, the money you gave is enough to make up for my loss!" I even thought that with this money, I can sell the current ship and exchange it for a big ship!" I'm completely relieved.

It seems that although this Wick ship may not be a good person... He also seems to be in the smuggling business, and he is a smiling tiger, and there is no lack of cunning.

But at least.

He is very well-behaved! Business also pays attention to credibility! I am still willing to deal with such a person.

"We are going around the left side of Vancouver Island, and we can go ashore at this time tomorrow.

I will park the boat at the dock of Little Victoria Harbour.

Wick said slowly, "I have to make it clear that, Mr. Chen, I don't want you to have contact with my crew before you disembark.

This is my rule.

On my boat.

You are my guest, but the guest must also abide by my rules! Do you understand?" Yes.

That's fair."

I nodded.

"Do you have any other questions?" Wick looked at me.

I hesitated for a moment and finally made up my mind: "Maybe my request is too much, but I don't know if you can help me arrange a route to live in Vancouver. It's better to help me find a car, or something else."

Wick smiled.

There was a trace of complacency in his smile.

Then he patted me hard on the shoulder and said with an exaggerated smile, "Oh, my dear Chen! You are so funny! I thought you would keep saying it.

All right.

In fact, even if you don't say it, I will ask.

This is one of my services... What's more, you have paid me so much money, and I will provide you with the best service!" My heart moved.

What he said is equivalent to a disguised hint to me that he is actually in the smuggling business.

Then Wick laughed and said, "Are you going to Vancouver? Hey, this is not difficult! Don't worry, I will arrange a very safe route for you.

Wick didn't lie.

In his words.

He is a very reputable businessman.

So the second morning, our ship really docked!! After so many days of life-and-death struggle at sea, I have rolled all the way on the death line many times. I don't know how many times, I thought my life was over! And now, I finally see the land again! I saw the ground!" Unfortunately, I can't send you directly to Vancouver, because my ship is not licensed directly from the port of Vancouver. I can only send you ashore at the dock of Little Victoria Port.

Wick finally allowed me to walk out of the room.

The armor is pulled up.

The crew is busy, putting away the sails, untying the rope, and so on.

At this moment, the sea breeze is fierce and gentle, and the waves and scales on the sea surface are. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I won't forget the terrible side of the sea in my life.

There were many fishing boats moored on the dock that were similar to Wake's boat. Wick himself took the helm and carefully drove the boat to the shore... I obeyed his arrangement and did not go ashore directly, while hiding in the cabin.

The crew outside was busy. A truck drove to the dock. First, there were a few uniformed officials or inspectors and so on. They got on the ship to check, but Wick easily sent them away.

Then Wick asked me to wear a dirty uniform, and then arranged for me and the first mate to carry the fish on the boat together.

This is a big fish that is one and a half meters long. My first mate and I hooked the fish ashore.

I was wearing the crew's work clothes. I walked past the two inspectors in a big way, but they were chatting with Wake and didn't even look at me. I saw Wick smile at me and smiled at me and smiled at me silently, "Have a good trip!" The following things are very simple.

My first mate and I threw the fish into the big basket of the staff on the shore. Someone stuffed the fish with ice and loaded it into the truck.

I walked to the side of the truck with the first mate. The first mate chatted with the driver, and the two of them smoked a cigarette.

While the two of them helped me block my sight, I immediately jumped into the car and jumped into the cargo ship behind me.

Five minutes later, the cargo cabin door closed and the car started... The cargo compartment was full of fish, a fishy smell, and ice cubes. It was very cold! I was a little shivering with cold, and I kept rubbing my hands.

Just as I couldn't help sighing, I heard the cabin wall in front of me ringing, and then I clicked it. A small window on the other side of the cab opened, and the driver inside shouted at me, "Welcome to Vancouver, brother!" He speaks Chinese! The driver is also Chinese. He smiled and said, "You have to bear with it for a while, by the way... Don't pee in my car. Those fish still have to be sold for money."

He threw a blanket and stuffed it in through the window, and then there was a bag and told me, "This bag was given to you by that guy Wick."

Then the window closed and I immediately wrapped the blanket around my body, warmed it up a little, and then opened the bag.

There is a set of clothes in it. Although it is old, it is very clean.

is the kind that is never very conspicuous when walking on the street.

At the same time, there are also stacked banknotes at the bottom of the bag.

I know, this is Canadian dollars. I counted it and it was about 1,000 Canadian dollars.

I laughed anyway. I'm very grateful to Captain Wick.

He is not a good person, even greedy, but at least he is a good business guy.

Although from a certain point of view, he charged me so much money, which was worth millions.

Now I'm only given a set of clothes and 1,000 Canadian dollars.

But at least, he follows the rules of business! I'll give him those two bags of money, which I volunteered.

And this bag of clothes and this thousand Canadian dollars, even if he doesn't give it to me, I can't say it.

He did this... Well, how to put it... He may be a greedy stick, but at least he is a cute bastard.