evil spirit

Chapter 143 The performance begins

Chapter 143 [The performance begins] (Part 1) The princess turned around, and I finally saw her.

She has a very beautiful goose egg face. Her skin is not as rough as that of ordinary white women, but she looks very delicate, the bridge of her nose is high, and the outline of her lips is also rich and attractive.

What makes people feel amazing is her eyes! Her eyes are clear and touching, and her eyes are very clear and bright, but they are a little slender from the corridor, which is a pair of blue eyes, like a clear lake.

In fact, Europeans and Americans have a lot of green eyes. In fact, it is really rare that their eyes can grow so blue.

Those pairs are shining, faintly smelling... very charming but charming, looking very pure.

As for her figure, there is nothing to say... It can only be described in two words: devil! The almost perfect torso can be described as up and downs of the mountain, but it looks very well-proportioned! She is at least 170 centimeters tall, and those legs... Sorry, the beautiful woman is wearing trousers today. The legs are invisible, but it can be seen that they are very straight.

She belongs to the kind. As soon as you see her, you will quickly feel an amazing feeling! Some women have to dress up, but a beautiful woman like her will make you ignore what kind of clothes she is wearing! Because I believe that even if I only wear a broken sack, it is still very beautiful.

I found that I was not only looking at her.

Ciro and two other young men beside me were looking at her, and even the policemen who came to live were peeking at her.

Everyone's eyes showed a little intoxicated look... I can guarantee that the beauty of the "princess" can't be compared with that of a female star even in Hollywood.

I found that the princess's eyes floated towards us, probably because we were yellow.

Several young men, such as Silo, who were around him, immediately tried to straighten their chests and look like they held their heads high.

At this time.

Our lawyer walked over with a professional smile on his face. He seemed to know the princess and was quite familiar: "Oh, Sophie, why did you come to Vancouver?" This sentence is in English, but it is quite simple.

I barely understood it.

The "princess" saw our lawyer and slowly came over with a charming smile on his face... I noticed.

When she was on the road, her slender waist swayed naturally and gently, and the eyes of Silo and others beside me were straight.

Then the princess hugged our lawyer kindly, and then she had a brief conversation with the lawyer.

The lawyer was obviously familiar with the princess. After a few words, he immediately pointed to me and Ciro and others to introduce her. The princess's blue eyes immediately showed a little curious look, and then she quickly asked the lawyer, as if to ask if we were Chinese.

The lawyer nodded.

"Hear you!" The princess speaks to us in half-baked Chinese, and her Chinese is very stiff.

I even suspect that this may be the only Chinese sentence she can speak.

To be honest, she is really charming, not that I have never seen a beautiful woman.

It's just that when she smiles, she seems to have a kind of baby-like innocence... It's really hard to imagine her slap and vertical middle finger just now.

And she is the first foreign top beauty I have ever met face to face.

My body is full of exotic customs! Then, the princess said to us in Chinese, "My name is Sophie. Nice to meet you."

She spoke very slowly and bit heavily. Although she was obviously very unskilled in Chinese, she finally broke my guess that I might only know one sentence in Chinese.

Siro and several others stammered to her, and several guys were so nervous that they spoke intermittently.

However, Her Royal Highness Princess Sophie was obviously not very interested in them, so she talked to the lawyer for a few words.

Then the lawyer nodded immediately.

"Um, a few people, please wait a moment.

Miss Sophie is in some trouble, but her lawyer may be a little late because of the traffic jam on the road, so I have to help her go through the formalities first.

The lawyer explained it to us, and then walked back into the police station.

Siro seems to be eager to stay with this beautiful woman for a while. Naturally, there is no problem.

It's me, I feel a little uncomfortable, but I can't say anything about this kind of thing.

Princess Sophie stood beside us. Her blue eyes kept sweeping around among us. Ciro seemed to want to talk to her, but she had some Burmese iodine.

Although I was amazed by her beauty, I had no idea when I looked at her.

After all, he was severely fucked by the ghost policeman and felt a little uncomfortable, so he couldn't help frowning.

Sophie looks very enthusiastic. She talks to us in Chinese. Although some words are not satisfactory, she can barely communicate.

Silo and others were a little trembling. Several guys were so nervous that they couldn't even speak Chinese. It was really a little shameful... I looked at them helplessly, but I simply walked aside and found a chair in the hall to sit down and rest.

After I walked away, Sophie looked at me in surprise. She probably felt that she was a little surprised by my good hand.

The other young man we was stammering to compliment Sophie's beautiful woman in Chinese, but Sophie just smiled faintly, came to me and looked down at me: "Sir, do you think... It's impolite to leave without telling the lady?" Oh, I'm sorry.

I just nodded gently and said it politely.

"I accept your apology, but you should... stand up first, and then ask the lady to sit down first."

She looked at me with a smile, but I vaguely felt that there seemed to be a hint of provocation in her eyes.

I thought about it. I didn't want to argue with her, so I stood up and said to her, "Please sit down, miss."

Then I went to another chair and sat down.

Sophie put away the smile on her face and squinted at me for a while.

Siro and others were a little stunned. They came over and whispered, "Chen Yang, are you all right?"

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired.

The grandchildren in it beat me very lightly.

I look tired. To be honest, I want to go back to ** and sleep for a while now. It's better to find another doctor to check.

Princess Sophie seems to be very dissatisfied with my indifference.

But she just stared at me and didn't say much.

The atmosphere was a little awkward. Ciro and others saw that I and this beautiful woman seemed to be not speculative, and they were not in the mood to continue to chat.

A few minutes later, the lawyer came back and handed over a few documents to Princess Sophie. The two talked for a while, and Sophie said goodbye to us.

She looked at Ciro and others and smiled, "Goodbye, you are fine. I like you very much!" Before Ciro's faces showed joy, Princess Sophie looked at me again: "You're not good, I don't like you."

Then she turned around and left with her swaying waist.

"Why did you offend her?" The lawyer frowned.

"No, I didn't offend her."

I'm also a little helpless. I just don't want to talk to her. I'm a little tired and sit far away. Is it wrong?" You'd better not mess with her. I told you her identity! Throughout Canada, there are almost no people who dare to provoke her! She knows that her father, Mr. Solin, regards her as a sweetheart, and the princess's temper is not as gentle as her appearance!" The lawyer's warning obviously did not listen to Ciro and others.

Because on the way back, in the car, they were still talking about the princess's lack of a daughter, and they couldn't help asking the lawyer about her.

Although the lawyer is a middle-aged man, all men are also very interested in talking about cold and beautiful women. After thinking about it, he told us that Princess Sophie has been living in Toronto, but she will come to Vancouver for a while every year.

The lawyer himself knew her because he had helped her father with some things.

Hearing that the lawyer actually helped the godfather of the hell angel, Ciro and others immediately respected him.

But then the lawyer laughed and said, "I'm also a member of the Eighth Master, but now we have some business dealings with Hell Angel, so I'm responsible for doing some legal advisory work.

Miss Sophie's temper is a little strange. When she is happy, she can be as kind as an angel, but when she is angry... You'd better stay away from her.

For the rest, they talked about something for a while, so I didn't listen to it anymore.

Because I was so sleepy, I couldn't help falling asleep in the car! Back to the Eighth Master's parking lot, I immediately found the Eighth Master's men, who were also Tiger Tiger. I told Tiger about the eagle hook nose Jeff's policeman. Because the Eighth Master had not come to the parking lot recently, I had to let Tiger tell the Eighth Master these words.

After listening to it, Tiger just nodded faintly.

I hesitated for a moment and asked, "Are we ready to cooperate with him?" Cooperation?" Tiger smiled. He looked at me and said slowly, "Xiao Wu, you are still too young.

Let me ask you, since the emergence of the police and the underworld in the world, the cooperation between the police and the underworld is not uncommon in any country and region, but you have seen the police cooperate with the underworld, it is beneficial to both sides, and most of them are the underworld becoming a stepping stone for the police! We are determined to cooperate, but we refuse to be used.